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!"#$ & '()*#+$,- .

/0 12$#3#$-4
'()*#2/5 6,#$#"7 /"8 '()*#2/5 9/*)+
The puipose of this activity is to combine uiffeient ions anu obseive whethei they come
togethei to foim a piecipitate. You can then name the new compounu foimeu anu wiite the
foimula foi this compounu.
1. Take the laminateu chait (as shown below) anu combine two uiops of
cation solution with two uiops of anion solution in the appiopiiate giiu
2. 0bseive the ieaction (if any) anu iecoiu youi obseivation on the uata
table below.
S. Repeat the steps until you have combineu all twelve possible ieactions.
a) 0se as Y oi N to inuicate if a piecipitate (clouuiness) foimeu.
b) Fill in youi obseivations of all piecipitates foimeu (coloi anu level of clouuiness eg. Slightly
clouuy, oi veiy clouuy)
9/*)+ /"8 >;,*<5/+ ;> /55 2;*?;<"8+ >;,*)84
1. AgCl - Silvei Chloiiue
a. Y
b. gieyish blue, veiy clouuy
2. Ag2C0S
a. Y
b. milky white, veiy clouuy
S. Ag0B
a. Y
b. brownish bronze, slightly cloudy
4. CoCl2
a. N
b. light pink, clear
S. CoC0SCo0B
a. Y
b. light pink, slightly cloudy
6. Co(0B)2
a. Y
b. light blue, slightly cloudy
7. FeClS
a. N
b. yellowish white, clear
8. Fe2(C0S)S
a. N
b. white-no color, clear
9. Fe(0B)S
a. N
b. no color, clear
1u. CuCl2
a. N
b. light blue, clear
11. CuC0S
a. Y
b. light blue-medium blue, slightly cloudy
a. Y
b. light blue, slightly cloudy
:(;$; ;> +?;$?5/$)4
AB 6(/$ #+ (/??)"#"7 /$ $() *;5)2<5/, 5)3)5 >;, / ?,)2#?#$/$) $; >;,*C
D7;;75) $(#+E
The ions oi molecules of two solutions can ieact with each othei to foim a soliu, anu that is
calleu a piecipitate.
FB G<77)+$ / 5;7#2/5 ,)/+;" H(- $() #;"+ #" ;") 2;*?;<"8 H;<58 +)?/,/$) >,;*
)/2( ;$(), D)7B I#++;53) #" H/$),EJ H(#5) $()- H;<58"K$ 0) 8#++;53)8 #" /";$(),
2;*?;<"8 D/+ $()- 2;*) $;7)$(), #" >;,*#"7 / ?,)2#?#$/$)BE )7B 6(/$ >;,2)+
2;<58 0) /$ ?5/- (),)C
It might be because the valence elections aien't compatible because the numbei
&B L" */M#"7 >;,*<5/+ ;> 2;*?;<"8+J H(- H;<58 -;< <+) ?/,)"$()+)+ +;*)$#*)+C
The paientheses help you uiffeientiate between the foimula of a compounu anu a mixtuie of a
NB 1$ H(/$ $#*) 8; -;< <+) ,;*/" "<*),/5+C L+ $(#+ <+)8 #" "/*#"7J ;, */M#"7
>;,*<5/+ ;> 2;*?;<"8+C
The ioman numeials help when that element is combineu with anothei element, so that you
can balance the foimula. It is also useu when naming that element so that people know what
the chaige of the element is, in that case.
1E 6(/$ 5)$$),+ 8; H) <+) />$), / >;,*<5/ $; #"8#2/$) $() +$/$) ;> $() 2;*?;<"8C
(s) = soliu state
(g) = gaseous state
(l) = liquiu state
(aq) = uissolveu in an aqueus solution, watei
0E 6()" / 2;*?;<"8 8#++;53)+ #" H/$),J (;H 8; #"8#2/$) $(#+ H#$( $() >;,*<5/ ;> $()
(aq) shows that it is uissolveu in an aqueus solutionwatei
2E 1$ $() *;5)2<5/, 5)3)5J 8)+2,#0) $() #;"#2 2;*?;<"8 H()" #$ #+ 8#++;53)8 #" H/$),B
The ionic bonus anu covalent bonus bieak anu so it iesults in a solution of ions in the watei.
P,#)> ,)Q5)2$#;" +$/$)*)"$ ;> H(/$ -;< 5)/,")8 #" $(#+ /2$#3#$-4
I learned about what happens when you combine solutions and elements together and why it

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