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Constitutional law defines the organs of the state while admin law clothes admin with the power

of action Scope of admin law overlaps with the scope of pub ad law which defines the powers of admin, its limits, defining the manner in which power has to be exercised and manner in which limits have to be exercised and grievances addressed.

>Read Vajiram notes once again.>

Criticisms of Diceys rule of law

Rigid. Hence brought a dichotomy between rule of law and admin law. Rule of law may not be contradictory to admin law. Substantive and procedural law are complementary Without admin law rule of law is directionless; without rule of law admin law is meaningless. Focus is provided by rule of law. To put it in practice we need admin law.

Marxist criticisms of rule of law

Everybody is equal in eye of law is a bourgeoise interpretation of rule of law. Life and property enjoyed only by only the bourgeoisie. Violations conducted only by the proletariat. So this law is just a method of oppressing the poor. Nobody should take law into their hands. Ordinary court is costly. Hence this can be afforded only by the rich. So this is a protection against revolution.

Scope of Admin Law

MP Sharma Law of admin responsibility o Rights, duties of the state Law of admin power o All the coercive powers given

Prof Heart Law of internal admin Law of external admin

Tribunals in India

National Green Tribunal

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