Doughnuts at Home

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Doughnuts at Home

Ingredients: 2 cups of all purpose flour 1/4 cup sugar 1 tspn of baking soda 1 tspn of salt 1 tspn of cinnamon powder 1 tspn of nutmeg powder 2 spoons of butter Half cup of milk 1 egg Oil for deep frying 1 cup powder sugar or icing sugar for glazing Method: i! together the flour" sugar" baking soda" salt" cinnamon and nutmeg#

$dd the melted butter and mi! well until the batter is smooth# %n another bowl" beat an egg in milk# $dd this egg&milk mi!ture to the batter and knead the dough# 'ea(e it to rest for atleast an hour#

)oll out the dough into 1/* inch doughnut&sized pieces and use a doughnut cutter to cut out the round shape# %n a large skillet" heat the oil for deep frying# +lowly put in the doughnuts in the oil with the help of a spatula# )emember once fried they will e!pand so do not crowd too many# 'ea(e them till they turn golden brown and then flip to the other side# )emo(e the e!cess oil with a tissue or paper towel# ,ow dip one side in powder sugar" dusting out the e!cess# +er(e them hot" or refrigerate them for those in fa(our of cold desserts# Tips to Chew On 1# )efrigerating the dough for a minimum of eight hours or preferably o(ernight will gi(e better results# 2# $fter rolling out doughnuts" let them rest for at least an hour in a warm place allowing them to rise undisturbed# *# %f you ha(e a kitchen thermometer" measure the temperature of the oil for frying# %t should be between *-. to */. degree 0ahrenheit for crisp doughnuts#

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