Puff Pastry: Recipe Makes 3 1/2 Pound

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Puff Pastry

recipe makes 3 1/2 pound

5 cups bread flour

2 1/2 teaspoons salt

2 cups water, or as needed

2 cups unsalted butter, at room temperature



Mix the flour and salt together in a large bowl or in the bowl of a stand mixer that is fitted with a dough hook. Gradually stir in water until the dough holds together enough to clean the sides of the bowl. ou may not need the full amount of water. !hape into a flat ball, and allow to rest for at least 1" minutes. #lace the butter between two pieces of plastic wrap and pound into a flat disc using a rolling pin or other hea$y ob%ect. &efrigerate until firm, about 2" minutes. 'n a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a large rectangle about 1/2 inch thick. #lace the disc of chilled butter in the center and fold the two ends o$er it so that it is completely encased in dough. &oll out the dough again, taking care not to let the butter break through the dough, to about 1/2 inch thickness. (old into thirds. )his is the first **turn**. &otate the dough +" degrees and roll out into a rectangle again. (old into thirds. ,y this time the butter is starting to warm up. #lace the dough on a baking sheet and mark it with two pokes from your finger -two turns.. /rap in plastic and refrigerate for at least 0" minutes. &epeat this rolling, folding and turning two more times, then refrigerate until firm. &epeat two more times for a total of 1 **turns**. /rap and refrigerate. )he dough is now ready to roll out and use in any recipe calling for puff pastry. &oll the dough out as thin as 1/2 inch to make pastries. ,ake in a preheated o$en of at least 2"" degrees ( -2"" degrees 3. to get the maximum puff from your pastry.

2. 3.


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