The First Story of Creation

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The First Story of Creation

Everything was Good See Genesis 1 : 31 God saw all that He made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning the sixth day And the seventh day, known as Sabbath as a day to rest and praise God.

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve are caught up in disobedience and guilt. Eaten the forbidden fruit feeling naked try to cover themselves hiding from God

And from this, the sin has done its work and ruined between Adam and Eve vs God, vs themselves, and vs the Creation.
The consequences : Mans work will not give him perfect but it will be difficult and weary him, and woman will be the subject to her husband, and bear children in pain.

Sins Spread
Like ripples in a pond, sin will spread out over the ages and touch everyone 1. Cain and Abel 2. Noah and The Flood 3. Babel

Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel are two brothers. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. God blesses only Abels sacrifice and encourages Cain to rise above his jealously. Cain become angry and killed Abel, his sibling.

So, the first sin has begun to affect the human family.

Noah and The Flood

Noah did God commands. Noah built an ark to protect himself, his family, and the animal from destruction. And the flood comes, and the ark safely rides the waters until they recede. All other creatures are destroyed.

The Rainbow
The end of the Flood was marked with a rainbow as a sign of Gods presence with the world. In the same way, we need the eyes of faith to see God in the world around us.

The story of Babel is not about the origin of languages or the dispersal of peoples. It shows how sin has spread to affect even the behavior of the nations, who seek glory in power, might, wealth, superiority, and dominance WITHOUT a though for God.

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