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Singaporean Seafood CHILLI LOBSTER

1. CHILLI LOBSTER Lobster tossed in a wok in aromatic ginger, garlic and spicy peppercorns, and ser ed wit! tomato sa"ce# Prep time: $% min"tes Cooking time: $% min"tes Serves: &o"r Ingredients: '( tomatoes, ' onion, c!opped, ) flakes garlic, c!opped fine * + tbsp c!opped garlic, + inc! ginger, c!opped fine * + tbsp c!opped ginger, (% ml pean"t oil, ( red c!illies, '% dried c!illies, ' tbsp s!rimp paste, roasted, ' stalk lemongrass, ' tbsp c!opped galangal, , candle n"ts, toasted -or "se macadamia n"ts., '%% ml oil, + lobsters, cleaned, /"artered and claws remo ed, + tbsp b"tter, ' tsp c!opped green c!illi, ' tbsp c!opped serrano c!ili -or "se 0as!miri c!illi., $ tbsp lig!t soya sa"ce, ' tbsp dark soya sa"ce, $ tbsp oyster sa"ce, + tbsp black peppercorns, cr"s!ed# Method: '# Roast tomatoes in an o en at ')% degrees Celsi"s for '% min"tes and p"s! t!ro"g! a sie e to get a p"r1e# +# Blend onion, ) flakes garlic and + inc! ginger to a paste# Heat pean"t oil in a pan and fry paste "ntil fragrant# 2dd p"r1ed tomatoes and simmer for ,% min"tes, or "ntil red"ced so far t!at it is frying in t!e oil# Set aside# $# To make a rempa! paste, bend red c!illies, dried c!illies, s!rimp paste, lemongrass, galangal and candle n"ts# Set aside# ,# In a large wok, !eat '%% ml oil and stir3fry lobster in two batc!es, fi e min"tes eac!, "ntil t!ey t"rn brig!t red# Remo e from wok and set aside# (# Lower t!e !eat to medi"m and add b"tter# 2s soon as it begins to si44le, add t!e remaining garlic and ginger and t!e rest of t!e ingredients, and stir3fry# Ret"rn lobster to t!e wok and stir3fry "ntil lobster is well3coated# 5# Remo e from wok and ser e wit! t!e tomato sa"ce and rempa! paste# Tip: &or a more a"t!entic rempa! paste, blend in s!allots, t"rmeric powder and ginger

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