Parda Nasheen Kebab

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Parda-Nasheen Kebab

Ingredients 100 gms lamb mince 20 gms split bengal gram (chana dal) 1 gm ginger slices 3 gms garlic (peeled) 1 gm green chilly 1 green cardamom 1 gm cinnamon 1 gm dry red chilly 5 gms cooking salt 1 gm garam masala 10 gms fresh coriander lea es 3 gms mint lea es 1!2 "ime (for #$ice) 200 ml cooking oil for fryingl 1 gm pepper corn 2 eggs 2 peppers!capsic$m red and yello% Method 1& 'ash the meat %ell to get rid of any blood( drain all the %ater and keep it in a thick bottom pan& )dd chana dal( ginger( garlic( red chilli( green cardamom( cinnamon( salt and pepper corn& )dd #$st eno$gh %ater to co er the mi*t$re& +ring to boil and simmer %ith open top( till the minced is cooked thro$gh and any moist$re is dried $p& )llo% cooling and grind to make a smooth ery thick paste %itho$t any added moist$re& 2& ,i* lamb mince %ith garam masala( coriander lea es( mint lea es( lime #$ice and make 20 gm patties of lamb& )llo% to rest in fridge for 30 min& 3& -hallo% fry on ta%a %ith little oil till deep golden from both sides( keep aside& .& +eat the egg in a bo%l till it/s frothy& 0$t capsic$m!peppers small br$noise ( ery small dices)& 5& 1ake a big ro$nd spoon (big eno$gh to hold a lamb patty)( take little oil and heat directly on flame( add fe% br$noise of peppers( s%irl a bit for it to s%eat& )dd t%o spoon of beaten frothy egg( %hen egg is getting cooked( slo%ly place cooked lamb patty on top of egg( and ret$rn on slo% fire for egg to cook completely& 2& 3emo e from fire and keep on s%irling to a oid sticking& No% t$rn these egg-coated-lamb patties on ser ing platter and ser e immediately& 4& 1his preparation of soft and fla o$rf$l lamb patties sho$ld then co ered %ith a eil!parda of cooked egg( this is called Parda Nasheen (co ered %ith eil) Kebab&

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