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!"##$%& () *+!%,
119 Wlndsor urlve, Murphy, 1x 73094 - (972) 363-2361 cell - maLL8gomez[
[maLL8gomez -

-.!!"/0 +1 2."34145"#4+6-
! 1hlrLeen years of classroom Leachlng experlence.
! llve years of grade level Leam leadershlp experlence.
! lour years of experlence lmplemenLlng emerglng educaLlonal Lechnologles wlLhln
Lhe elemenLary classroom.
! Self-moLlvaLed, dependable professlonal wlLh flexlblllLy Lo ad[usL Lo rapldly shlfLlng
needs and prlorlLles.
! LffecLlvely and efflclenLly manages pro[ecLs Lhrough sLrong organlzaLlonal skllls,
lnnovaLlve Lhlnklng and Leam-orlenLed leadershlp.
! SLrong communlcaLlon, collaboraLlon and lnLerpersonal skllls.

7/+1%--4+6"3 -8433- 9 "55+!734-$!%6#-
! 1exas Larly Chlldhood 1eachlng CerLlflcaLe (k - 6)
! 1exas LlemenLary 1eachlng CerLlflcaLe (1 - 6)
! 1ralned ln nonvlolenL Crlsls lnLervenLlon (Cl)
! 1ralned ln ClfLed and 1alenLed programs
! 8S klds MaLh MenLor - one of slx early chlldhood educaLors who provlde Llps and
ldeas on maLh Lo parenLs on MaLh Lab
! lnLernaLlonal SocleLy for 1echnology ln LducaLlon (lS1L) - serve on Speclal lnLeresL
Croup for Larly Learnlng and 1echnology (SlCLL1) leadershlp Leam
! klnderChaL ModeraLor - serve as faclllLaLor for global neLwork of early chlldhood
educaLors who connecL weekly vla LwlLLer (klnderChaL123.neL)
! lounder, LdCamp uallas - a parLlclpanL drlven conference for educaLlonal
professlonals. ln 2012, 160 educaLors aLLended Lhe second annual LdCamp uallas
hosLed by Lewlsvllle lSu. (
! lounder, - a Lechnology focused blog for early chlldhood
educaLors wlLh over 30,000 vlews each monLh

1LxAS A&M unlvL8Sl1?
4;<=>?@AB@CD@;E>F -<G?@=AH ()-)

2 of 3

7/+1%--4+6"3 %I7%/4%65%
LAnC lnuLLnuLn1 SCPCCL ulS18lC1
8@;?=>JE><=; #=EBK=> 2001 1C 8LSLn1
ln addlLlon Lo Leachlng responslblllLles:
! lnlLlaLed soclal medla (lacebook, 1wlLLer) programs aL PunL LlemenLary Lo
enhance communlcaLlon wlLh parenLs and sLakeholders
! Manage weekly posLs Lo soclal medla accounLs for PunL LlemenLary
! laclllLaLe weekly Lechnology lnLegraLlon meeLlng for Leachers
! AcLlve parLlclpanL on PunL LlemenLary School-8ased lmprovemenL
CommlLLee (2003-2007)
! ueveloped lano lSu klndergarLen maLh currlculum (2007)

S1All uLvLLCMLn1 lC8 LuuCA1C8S (SuL)
7>=A=;<=> 2012 Lo resenL
rovlde Lechnology focused Lralnlng and presenLaLlons aL educaLlonal conferences and
professlonal developmenL evenLs across Lhe unlLed SLaLes.

Comez, M., 1eaman, A. !"#$%& ()*$% +", !#-""&./ 8eglon 10 1echnology Conference,
8lchardson, 1x, May 2012.

Comez, M., Samuelson, !. 012%2$12 0&)3)14%,5 !46*)14. $1 % 7$3$4)* $8%* 9&%..,""3/
ladalooza, AusLln, 1x, !une 2012.

Comez, M. !-%,$12 7)%,1$12 :-,"62- :)#-1"&"25. llllnols Conference for klndergarLen
1eachers, Alslp, lL, november 2012.

Comez, M. ;$.6%& <""=3%,=$12. llllnols Conference for klndergarLen 1eachers, Alslp, lL,
november 2012.

Comez, M. >,"61* 4-) ?",&* @$4- !#$)1#) %1* !"#$%& !46*$).. llllnols Conference for
klndergarLen 1eachers, Alslp, lL, november 2012.

Comez, M. A14)2,%4$12 $8%*.. 1exas Conference for klndergarLen 1eachers, San Marcos,
1x, !anuary 2013

Comez, M. B&"C%& 9"&&%C",%4$"1 $1 4-) 9&%..,""3. 1exas Conference for klndergarLen
1eachers, San Marcos, 1x, !anuary 2013

Comez, M. D$*. 9%3),%. %1* 9,)%4$E) 7)%,1$12. 1exas Conference for klndergarLen
1eachers, San Marcos, 1x, !anuary 2013

3 of 3

Comez, M. F$2$4%& !4",54)&&$12. Chlo Conference for klndergarLen 1eachers, Columbus,
CP, lebruary 2013

Comez, M. !53C%&"". Chlo Conference for klndergarLen 1eachers, Columbus, CP,
lebruary 2013

Comez, M. 0%,&5 9-$&*-""* %1* B&"C%& 9"&&%C",%4$"1. lS1L 2013, San AnLonlo, 1x, !une

Comez, M. 0*9%3G +", 4-) 0%,&5 9-$&*-""* 0*6#%4",. LxLraordlnary LducaLors, Chlcago,
lL, !uly 2013

Comez, M. B&"C%& 9"&&%C",%4$"1 $1 D$1*),2%,4)1. l 1each k naLlonal Conference, Las
vegas, nv, !uly 2013

Comez, M. ;$,46%& H$)&* :,$G.. l 1each k naLlonal Conference, Las vegas, nv, !uly 2013

7/+1%--4+6"3 +*/"64,"#4+6-
1exas CompuLer LducaLlon AssoclaLlon (1CLA) 2010 1C 8LSLn1
lnLernaLlonal SocleLy for 1echnology ln LducaLlon (lS1L) 2010 1C 8LSLn1

"&"/:- "6: $+6+/-
8eglnnlng 1eacher of Lhe ?ear, CenLennlal LlemenLary, lSu 2001-2002
1exas 1A LlfeLlme Membershlp Award 2013

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