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Information Technology LI 815 Fall 2012 Lesson Plan for Seniors Topic: Facebook Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan

Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

Lesson Plan for Seniors: Facebook

Topic: Set up a facebook account profile Learning outcomes: The students will be able to create a Facebook account, add profile picture, accept and request friendships, view friends profiles, and like a comment or photos. Prerequisites: User has internet access, can navigate a browser, has an email account, access to a digital image, and basic computer skills: mouse, keyboard, etc Delivery: demonstration, guided practice, individual practice, and handouts Materials: handouts and computers with internet access Time requirement: estimated one hour Anticipatory Set (Hook) : The teacher will show the class a complete functional Facebook account. He/She will show the class a friends page and like a picture. Pre-Assessment: By a show of hands the teacher will determine if the students have internet access, have an email account, have basic knowledge of mouse and keyboard, and have access to some kind of digital picture. The teacher will ask the students to open the internet browser. The teacher will assess the students by walking around and checking that each student has opened the browser. Lesson: The teacher will then begin the lesson by projecting their own monitor on the wall of the classroom. He/She will type in to the browser and ask the students to do the same. The teacher will then lead the class through setting up their Facebook account by showing an example of the projector. The teacher will demonstrate how to fill in the blanks for first name, last name, email, password, gender, and date of birth. Mid-lesson assessment: The teacher will walk around and observe that the information has been entered into the setup screen. The teacher will record this on each students rubric. The class will be directed to skip the find friends page, allowing them to move on to enter their information about their high school, college, and employer. The students may choose to leave these categories blank. Mid-lesson assessment: The teacher will walk around and observe that the information has been entered if the student has chosen to do so.

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

Next, the class will be directed to skip the add people you may know screen, and continue on to load a profile picture. The teacher will demonstrate how to add a photo on the projector. The students will then add their photos. Mid-lesson assessment: The teacher will walk around and observe that a photo has been added. The teacher will record this on each students rubric. The teacher will then demonstrate on the computer how to find a friends page by typing their name into the drop-down menu at the top of the Facebook account. The teacher will then demonstrate how to send a friend request. He/She will send a friend request to each student. This will allow the students to be able to accept a friend request. (It will also make it possible to have pictures and comments for the students to like if their friend requests are not accepted immediately.) Last the teacher will show the students how to like a comment or photo. At this time the students will begin to find and add friends, as well as, like comments or photos. The teacher will move around the room to assist students having difficulty. When the students feel they are ready they will let the teacher know they are ready for the final assessment. Final Assessment: The student will demonstrate to the teacher how to find a friend, send a friend request, and like a photo or comment. The teacher will mark this on the rubric. If the student is able to complete the tasks the lesson is finished. If the student is unable to complete the task the student will be shown how to complete the tasks individually, given time to practice, and then the final assessment will be repeated.

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

Rubric/Check List for Lesson Plan

We will assess our seniors in the completion of our lesson plan by a show and tell scenario and checklist. We will demonstrate in an example and walk them through the process. Since the learning outcomes of our lesson plan have visual evidence, we will use a simple checklist to see if the achieve the desired outcomes.

Name Esther Johnson

Outcome Create Facebook Account Add Profile Picture Send Friend Request View Friends Profile Like Comment or Photo Create Facebook Account Add Profile Picture

Completed X X X

Not Completed


John James

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

Creating A Facebook Account 1. Go to

2. Fill in the blanks for first name, last name, your email address, your password, your gender, and your birthday. Click Sign Up.

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

3. Skip the Find Friends page.

4. Enter your high school, college/university, and employer.

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

5. Skip Add People You Know screen.

6. Click to upload a photo.

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

7. Find the folder where your picture is saved.

8. Click Save and Continue

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

9. Add a friend from your new Facebook homepage.

10. Type a friends name in the search field and select that friend from the drop-down box.

Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

11. Click Add Friend.

12. To Like a photo, click on the photo.


Information Technology Lesson Plan - Group 5: Lindsay Kufahl, Dylan Kuhlman, Elizabeth Tschetter

13. Click Like in one of two places.

14. Congratulations! You are done!


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