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Born Cheltenham, UK 1959. Grew up in Melton Mowbray from the age of two. Attended tate !hool and tudied Art at "eed Met. Uni#er ity in UK.19$9% &'. (ulian Bee#er i a Briti h arti t who began pa#ement art a a bu )er, drawing in different !ountrie in!luding the U*A, Au tralia and +urope to fund hi tra#el . Began anamorphi! pa#ement illu ion in early 9,- . Commer!ial !ommi ion from mid .,,,- . /a al o wor)ed in a range of different 0ob in!luding photographera i tant, tree%planter, !arpet%fitter, Art tea!her, +ngli h tea!her 12+3"4, treet entertainer and 5un!h and (udy Man. Made 1, part 26 erie 7 Con!rete Can#a 8 1with +le!tri!*)y 5rodu!tion 4 in .,,$. 9rote boo) 7 5a#ement Chal) Arti t 8 1publi hed by 3irefly4, featuring hi pa#ement art in .,11 .

/i earlier drawing were portrait of well )nown people whi!h wor)ed be t in getting immediate attention from pa er %by. /e de#eloped hi ' dimen ional or :anamorphi!: pa#ement drawing out of !urio ity and a lo#e of the medium.. 2he e be!ame well )nown in early .,,,and !ommer!ial !ommi ion followed. "I got started when I was in a pedestrian street in Brussels where an old garden had been removed. This left an unusual rectangle of paving slabs which gave me the idea to convert this in to a drawn swimming pool in the middle of the high street! It worked so well I tried other variations such as a well with people falling in. I soon realized that if you could make things appear to go into the pavement you could equally make them appear to stand out of it." ay Bee#er. *ome ha#e dubbed him :the 5a#ement 5i!a o: but he ay that although thi i flattering, hi wor) ha little in !ommon with the *pani h Ma ter e;!ept perhap in the fa!t that 5i!a o too wa intere ted in ' dimen ionality in hi Cubi t period. Bee#er i now in great demand from !orporate bu ine different !ountrie . /e till find a)e . time to do drawing for hi own and ha wor)ed in .&

ati fa!tion and for their own

+a!h drawing mu t be een from one pe!ial #iewpoint and if the #iewer mo#e from it the illu ion i lo t and the drawing be!ome an unre!ogni<able di tortion. " y work appeals literally to the man !and woman" in the street and is not confined in galleries or limited by the gallery system". =t i the internet that ha brought it to the attention of the world.

Pavemen t draw in gs

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An overview of most of Julian Beever's 3D pavement drawings... Anamorphic illusions are drawn in a special distortion in order to create an impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint.

@on '> 1$4 Before developing his 3D, anamorphic style, Julian worked as a street busker, doing more conventional D portraits on busy shopping streets in !ondon and "urope. #n this way he learnt how best to use pastels before attempting the more innovative and ambitious 3D illusions that were to follow. $ere we see a selection of drawings from those days% renderings of old &asters and large pastel portraits of the great and the good.

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'hings don't always go well... Also shown are self(portraits at work.

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