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Sarah Hebert-Lilley MBA Qin Zhou MBA Bo Zhao MSF Joel Martinez MBA Teacher Evaluations The Goal/Objective

of the Teacher Evaluations (risk): Teacher evaluations are a process that allows the university, department, and professors to monitor their performance and make any needed adjustments for improvement. Purpose: The purpose of the audit is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of Vincent Universitys teacher evaluation process and to ensure it is in compliance with the university policy. Improvements on the Process: In order for the summary results to have any relevance the departments must first develop objective criteria by which professors performance is to be measured against. The professors should be made aware of the established criteria and agree to adhere to said criteria. Once the criteria have been established then the form used to evaluate the class and the teacher should be designed to measure their performance and help to evaluate the actual against the agreed standards. It should be made clear to the teachers what their responsibilities, standards and evaluation methods will be. In order to make improvements on the process, administrators, students, and faculty should be interviewed on their satisfaction with the process. Feedback should be provided to the professor by their respective department chairs. Because of the excessive segregation of duties, which significantly affects the timeliness of the process, online evaluation process could be a possible solution for future evaluations. Investigate the causes for the 3% missing evaluation and follow up accordingly. Periodically evaluate the relevance of the questions on the evaluation form Conclusions: There are no significant findings and the controls around the evaluation process are adequate; however, there are several recommendations that would improve the process.

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