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IIITD Refresher Modules 2013

Refresher Module for DBMS

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ashish Sureka and Dr. Vikram Goyal Instructors: Rahul Mishra and Prabha Rathinam Co-Instructors: Deepti Azad, Nikita Jain.

Course Outline:
Timeline : 4 weeks @ 12 hrs per week Quiz : 12 Online quizzes (Written + SQL) Assignments : 4 Assignments (Written + SQL) Final exam Quizzes 24% (2%each) Assignments - 40% (10% each) Exam 36%(Written)

Grading Policy:

Course Structure:

Introduction, Relational Databases, Relational algebra Relational design theory, SQL, Recursion in SQL

Introduction to DBMS The relational model,Querying relational databases,ER-modeling ,Select,project ,joins Set Operators,renaming ,notation Relational Design Overview, Functional Dependencies, BoyceCodd Normal Form, Multivalued Dependencies & 4NF, Shortcomings of BCNF/4NF Basic SQL, Select, Where Clause, Join, Aggregation , Null Values & DML With Statement Indexes, Views Triggers, Constraints Transaction Processing Concurrency control protocols Authorizations

Nature of Assignments
Based on ERmodelling Relational algebra queries Normalization problems ( Database schema will be given in the questions) Sql queries for different scenarios Creating views and triggers. Theoretical questions Questions on different concurrency protocols

Indexes, Constraints & Triggers, Transactions Concurrency, Authorizations

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