How To Prepare For and Conduct A Water

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How to prepare for and conduct a Water-Only-Fast #1.

Not essential, but a plant-based diet eaten according to appetite for several weeks before the fast will aid in the cleansing of the body, while providing the nutritional stores you will need throughout its length. Meat-eaters do not fare as well as vegans/vegetarians. #2. o so!e essential reading on the basics as to what to e"pect during the fast, such as the sy!pto!s of eli!ination that include# headaches, di$$iness, possible nausea, shakiness and so!e degree of weakness e"perienced by !any. %ny !edical condition would need to be reported here first, in case it is a contraindication to fasting. &lick on the heading !arked '(iles' at the top center of this page for infor!ation about this. #). % blood pressure !onitor for daily readings is an essential piece of e*uip!ent as is a ther!o!eter. #+. ,est as !uch as possible and avoid stress/an"ieties for the !a"- benefits. #.. rink pure water, and preferably distilled water according to thirst and thirst only/ e"cess water only inhibits eli!ination and overloads the kidneys. #0. 1et so!e fresh air and so!e daily sunlight e"posure 2being careful not to burn3 is reco!!ended. #4. 5ake the fast one day at a ti!e with no huge goals, otherwise this can be a very daunting prospect and easily lead to failure. #6. 7nless genuine hunger has returned 2unlikely in the !a8ority of fasters3 break the fast with freshly e"tracted 8uices# orange and apple have been fir! favorites, but any fruit in season is fine such as water!elon. #9. :ip the 8uice in s!all *uantities to begin with as your digestion needs to be renurtured over a period of ti!e 2at least 4 to 1; days3, progressing to organic carrot 8uice on day 2, and introduce high-water-content whole fruits on day ), progressing to s!all salads on day + to . and increase the a!ount of food as your body dictates. < N<5 <=>,>%5. #1;. &oncentrated foods can be eaten after about one week, but this will depend on the fasts length# the shorter the fast, the less care is needed in breaking it, and concentrated foods can be introduced !uch earlier than a longer fast. #11. ?ave fun# the power that !ade you is restoring and revitali$ing you.

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