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Dan Sommerville EDI 331 Identifying Motifs

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
Behavioral Objective a. The purpose of the lesson is to examine motifs and understand its usage within a given text. b. Students will be able to identify what a motif is by identifying examines from the text. c. Students will be able to describe meanings of given motifs through question and answer practice. d. Students will be able to create their own examples through within individual practice writing short stories. Anticipatory Set a. Students will be given a short warm-up in hidden meanings b. Students will then do a quick write on what type of hidden meanings in text they know. c. Introduction on Motif/Symbols Objective/Purpose: A Motif is a selection of text that meant to indirectly say something, usually a theme or moral that is a reoccurring symbol within a story. Essentially a symbol that has a hidden meaning important to the story development. Today you will learn how to use this literary device in your own work. Input a. Task Analysis (Differentiated) i. The learner needs a basic knowledge of themes and morals. ii. 1. Reviewing the definition and meaning. iii. 2. Group practice on examples from the class novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. iv. 3. Split into groups. v. 4. Group One close reads an excerpt from Henry David Thoreaus Walden and will work as a group to identify a motif from the reading. The group will turn in one paper summarizing the motif (Power of Nature). vi. 5. Group Two will be Individual practice in which the students write their own short story where they demonstrate usage of motifs. There will be a handout in the center of the table suggesting themes and story ideas for suggestion. The story should show reoccurrence of motif in at least three consecutive paragraphs. vii. 6. Group Three will use iPads to observe selected Book-to-Movie clips that showcase motifs in a performance based genre (i.e. Hunger Games=Social Injustice) and write a short report individually pointing out cinematic elements that illustrate hidden meanings. (The Hunger Games Mocking Jay is a Bird; symbolizes freedom). viii. After about 15 minutes the groups will rotate to a different group. ix. Repeat previous step for group rotation. x. Class discussion/class presentation of projects/answers b. Blooms Taxonomy i. Knowledge- Students will be able to identify the definition and meaning of Motifs. ii. Comprehension- Students will be able to identify examples of motifs.







iii. Application- Students will be able to show proper usage in creative individual works. iv. Evaluation- Students will be able to judge the effectiveness of literary and cinematic elements effectiveness as motifs which the provided work. c. Learning styles/ Accommodations i. If a student has never used an iPad then Teacher may give individualized attention. ii. If a student has a communication disability teacher may help entire group one with the reading and discussion of Walden d. Materials Needed i. Projector ii. Books-To Kill A Mockingbird iii. Excerpt of Walden iv. Motif/themes idea handout v. iPads Modeling a. Model generic examples of motifs b. Showing literary elements that give clues to finding a motif c. Teacher-led close read of the class Novel: To Kill A Mockingbird d. Open formative assessment questioning/discussion Checking for understanding a. What might the mockingbird symbolize? b. What other symbols in the novel do you recognize as a motif, think about the tree and the items, or even the people. c. What about Boo Radley? Could he be a motif even though hes a character? Guided Practice a. Model of what to do for each station/group b. Have them begin their own assignments Independent Practice a. Stations 2, 3 Closure a. In conclusion, A motif is a literary device that is used by good writers to symbolize deep meanings of a texts themes? b. Who has examples they would like to share?


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