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1 bunch kale 130 gr. urled cranberry
1 plece sweeL poLaLo 230 gr. 8usLlc bread crouLon (sourdough)
1 plece Lurnlp 100gr. armesan regglano (graLed)
1/2 plece red onlon (small) salL and fresh cracked pepper
300 ml ollve oll 130 ml balsamlc vlnegar
1 Lsp. ul[on musLard 4 cloves roasLed garllc

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lck Lhe kale lnLo Lhumb slze pleces. uL 2/3 of lL lnLo an lce baLh Lo refresh and Lhen draln lL
wlLh a salad splnner or colander and lay ouL onLo a dry paper Lowel. CuL Lhe rooL vegeLables ln
half and wlLh each half cuL lnLo approxlmaLely half-lnch dlce. ln a hoL pan wlLh enough ollve oll
Lo [usL coaL Lhe pan, add your dlced rooL vegeLables and some salL. Cnce Lhey geL sllghLly
caramellzed, add your remalnlng kale and leL each slde of Lhe kale geL brown so lL geLs a llLLle
crlspy. Lay ouL all Lhe hoL lngredlenLs onLo a Lray wlLh paper Lowel Lo draln Lhe faL. now on
your box graLer, graLe Lhe remalnder of your rooL vegeLables. Sllce your red onlon very Lhln so
you have shavlngs. lace all Lhe salad lngredlenLs lnLo a large mlxlng bowl and pour your
dresslng overLop and flnlsh wlLh fresh cracked pepper. Mlx well and leL slL for 3 mlnuLes so Lhe
acld of Lhe dresslng breaks down Lhe raw vegeLables. lace salad mlx lnLo a servlng bowl. 8on
lace vlnegar, ul[on and garllc lnLo small mlxlng bowl and whlsk vlgorously unLll Lhe garllc has
lncorporaLed lnLo Lhe vlnegar and Lhe ul[on. 1hen slowly add your oll, sLlrrlng wlLh whlsk
conLlnuously unLll all ls emulslfled.

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