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Module 2 It is of great importance to lay out and understand the learning objectives you as a teacher have for that day. These objectives help structure and plan the lesson activities and lesson plans. The book states This stage of the planning process answers the question. What will I have students do that will help them reach the learning objective? This question reminds us of why clear learning objectives are so important. (1 Kauchak and Eggen,2012, p.22) It is extremely helpful to go through the curriculum prior to planning the lesson plans, if you encounter something you dont remember or arent familiar with. You can review it or relearn so it will be clear and fresh in your mind. Planning allows you to personalize the curriculum in a sense, to make it your own. (Kauchak and Eggen,2012, p.109) Being familiar and having a full understanding of the material and objectives help with the classroom structure and classroom control. If you as the teacher understand, and have fully made the lesson plan your own then your lesson will more than likely go smoothly and as planned. There wont be issues like pausing or having to re-read the lesson while you are trying to teach it, this causes the lesson to lose momentum. Another thing is having all the necessary materials for the lesson, if you planned it out you will know exactly what materials are needed. So when the students get there that day, the materials will be ready for them. No time will be wasted trying to prep and find the necessary materials for the lesson. Teacher attitudes also make a big impact on how effective the lesson plan will go, even though you might be teaching a certain unit in science that you dont really like you have to portray enthusiasm and model it as well. Teacher modeling, the imitation of our actions by others can have a powerful effect on student motivation and learning.( Kauchak and Eggen,2012, p.150) Students have to know and feel that every aspect of their education is a

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fundamental part of their knowledge. It is of great importance for students have a supportive and encouraging climate in their classroom. They need to know and feel important and unique as the individuals they are. Another important and great characteristic is teachers expectations, which are inferences teachers make about students future academic potential and achievement, and they strongly influence teachers actions, and ultimately student learning. (Kauchak and Eggen,2012, p.151) In the classroom environment there are many different types of expectations that we have as teachers. We have classroom expectations in regards to behavior and structure, there are also individual expectations we have for each of our students. All of our expectations should imply the great achievements we want for our students to accomplish. As a teacher the goals and priorities we should have, are for our students to learn and achieve great things as the great individuals they are. They should learn, gain skills and knowledge to become professionals in the later future. It is also of great significance to engage students in there learning process, students must be actively involved to learn most effectively. (Kauchak and Eggen,2012, p.197) There are many techniques that can be used to get students involved, motivated and engaged in participation and involvement in the lessons and lectures. Such techniques include effective questioning, which increases student curiosity and interest-two important dimensions of motivation. Effective questions engage students, challenge their thinking, and pose problems for consideration.(1 Kauchak and Eggen,2012, p.85) Effective questioning includes open-ended questions, repletion for emphasis, and questioning frequency. These points and techniques wore the ones that stood out the most to me; these are the ones that seem the most important to me within chapters four through six.

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Kauchak, D. P., & Eggen, P. D. (2012). Learning and teaching: research-based methods (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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