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Navigating the road as a successful EDUCATOR!

Be positive and encouraging because students thrive off of your attitude towards learning. Explain the importance of learning what is being taught and how the information is beneficial to the learner. Find out what your adult learners want to learn and why.

Vary instruction based on your target audience.

Allow students to share their knowledge and experiences. Everyone has something to learn and contribute.

Check to see if your students understand, and do not be afraid to use a different approach to teach the information again if necessary.

Use what the learners already know from past experiences as the foundation for new learning. Respect learners as individuals.

Find out what motivates your learners and incorporate it into your teaching.

Stay organized and have clear objectives.

Finally, never stop learning! The learning process is what makes you a better teacher.

An adult educator must take into account that the learners have many reasons for

continuing their education. Many of the students returning to the classroom are continuing their education due to work or job-related responsibilities (Kasworm, Rose, & Ross-Gordon, 2010, p. 27). Therefore, it is important for the instructor to understand their background knowledge on the subject matter and what they need or want to learn throughout the course of study. This is the foundation for new learning. In order to present the information well, the instructor must have clear learning objectives. Setting objectives gives students insight about what to expect from the course. However, these objectives may change throughout the course as the instructor finds out the learners needs. Adapting material and instruction to meet the needs of the learner is what separates a great teacher from a good one. Great teachers know that stimulation increases ones motivation to learn. As instructors we need to show students that this learning is beneficial to them, and we must set the stage for their success (Thoms, 2011, p. 4). If we give adult learners the tools they need to succeed and allow them to control the learning process they will be more successful. In conclusion, being a successful adult educator is difficult but rewarding. Adult educators are constantly searching for new ways to stimulate the minds of their students. This requires them to seek out the interests of their students and find ways incorporate them into the curriculum. Adult learners must be convinced that what they are learning will benefit them. This means the instructor may need to adapt the instructional methods used in the classroom so that they have a more practical application in the lives of the students.

References Kasworm, C.E., Rose, A.D., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2010) Handbook of adult and continuing education. Thoms, K. J. (2001). Theyre not just big kids: Motivating adult learners. 4. Retrieved from

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