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In our classroom, the students will strive to become the best they can be both academically and behaviorally. Our classroom will provide a positive learning environment, which will also recognize individual differences, as well as cultural differences in order to respect one another. All students will be held accountable for their own learning and parents will be looked to as partners for support.

Rule 1: Be in seat when the bell rings. Rule 2: Bring all class material with you everyday. Rule 3: Respect classmates and teacher. Rule 4: Be safe, polite, and positive. Rule 5: Have an open mind to what people have to say.

Free and frequent



Let students listen to music if they If good work is being done give my are listening, getting things done, students a fun activity to work on. and staying on task. i.e. have races with cars, quick challenges, or a video/music.

If studen end on a

Level 1: Remind class of rules. Level 2: Look at individual. Level 3: Stand close to individual. Level 4: Talk to individual. Level 5: Give detention. Level 6: Call home. Level 7: Office referral.

1: Send student to office/nurse. 2: Get student in trouble in open area, away from danger. 3: Get other students back in seats. 4: Take care of student in need. 5: Call home. 6: Debrief with administration

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