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What is DEBATE?
A debate is a discussion between sides with different views. Persons speak for or against something before making a decision. Debates are a means of encouraging: critical thinking personal expression tolerance of others' opinions.

Its Origins
Two thousand years ago, citizens of Athens held regularly scheduled public assemblies. Peoples' votes determined the policies and actions of the state whether Athens went to war and how it fought the laws that impacted their daily life

Why Debate?
The process of debate allows participants to analyze the similarities and differences between differing viewpoints, so that the audience can understand where opinions diverge and why.

Analytical and Communicative Processes

Debate is also an excellent way to model the analytical and communicative processes that students are learning whenever they examine course material through oral or written work.

Basic Terms: Debate Resolution Affirmative team Negative team Rebuttal Judges

Opinions and Reasons

A resolution is an opinion about which there can

be valid disagreement. The students either agree or disagree with the resolution regardless of what they personally believe. An opinion can be introduced by an opinion indicator:

"I think/believe that smoking should be banned in public places..."

A reason explains why that opinion is held and can

be introduced by a reason indicator:

"...because/since second-hand smoke is harmful for non-smokers."

Strong Reasons versus Weak Reasons

Mark down whether you think the reasons for the following resolution are strong (S) or weak (W)

Smoking should be banned in public places because:

it is bad statistics show that it can cause cancer it gives people bad breath and makes their teeth yellow passive smoking is harmful for non-smokers I have always disliked the smell

Think of at Least One Strong Reason for Each Resolution

1. Women should quit their job after they get married. REASON:____________________________ 2. Love is more important than money. REASON:____________________________ 3. It is better to be married than single. REASON:____________________________ 4. Writing by hand is better than writing by computer. REASON:____________________________

Generating Resolutions
People are likely to disagree over controversial subjects like, the death penalty should be banned; or, in marriage, money is more important than love.

Think of some ideas from topics discussed or read about. Jot your resolutions down with some reasons.


You have two minutes to argue one side of each resolution. When you hear "SWITCH," you will have two minutes to argue the opposite side of the resolution. Then move on to the next one.
All Greek writing should be in Roman letters. It is better to be single than married. Women should stop working when they get married and

have babies. Women should not change their family name when they get married.


Debate Format

6 minute Position Presentation - Pro 6 minute Position Presentation - Con 5 minute Work Period 4 minute Rebuttal - Pro 4 minute Rebuttal - Con 3 minute Work Period 2 minute Response - Pro 2 minute Response - Con 1 minute Work Period 2 minute Position Summary - Pro or Con 2 minute Position Summary - Pro or Con 5 minute Tallying of Ballots/Announcement of Winner

Debate Topics Whose Responsibility is Stress?

Employees who cannot take the stress inherent in a job should be relieved of their current duties (i.e., transferred, demoted, or fired, as appropriate). Stress management should ultimately be the employees' responsibility. lose their current positions while the company provides or arranges for special treatment to alleviate their stress related problems. The corporation has an obligation to provide significant assistance to employees in the area of stress management.

CON: Employees with stress problems should be guaranteed not to

Employee Privacy

Employees of any organization should be accorded significant privacy rights relating to both their time and behavior on the job, and the use of their personal information. Employee privacy on the job should be respected as much as it is in their homes.

CON: By virtue of accepting employment in an organization,

employees must relinquish many of the privacy rights that they might enjoy in personal settings, such as their own home. The ability of an organization to function effectively and meet its goals requires this limitation to personal privacy rights.

Romance in the Workplace
PRO: Workplace romances are private matters between

the individuals involved. Organizations should not try to regulate them in any significant way.


Workplace romances can impact negatively on morale and productivity, and may result in charges of sexual harassment. Organizations have the right to regulate them as they see fit.


Go to: Listen to the debate about Students from Saint Columba School in Port Macquarie, Australia debate the benefits of adding fluoride into the community's local water supply. Aired July 29, 2010.

We are now going to watch a PBS Frontline documentary called: FACING DEATH As you watch:
Note down any facts and/or figures to strengthen

arguments Try to be objective

Go to:

RESOLUTION: There should be a time to STOP curative treatments and FOCUS ON comfort treatments. It is worth giving up a few years of life to have a GOOD DEATH.
Affirmative Team: People who are dying of an incurable

disease (or their loved ones) should be encouraged to articulate their wishes regarding end-of-life choices Negative Team: Modern medicine is helping to forestall death in unimaginable ways. We should embrace these technological advances to prolong life wherever possible

1. Prepare your arguments for THE DEBATE (slide 17), with further research where necessary 2. You may use PowerPoint slides, recordings, or handouts 3. Go to: Join in one of the debates and post a comment. Email me the link so that I can read your comment


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