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Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc.

Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

(Le Choix de la Dfaite, .395-401)
(26 ) , ,
1937 .[] :

.[] ,
[] . , ,
1. EMA [], SAE [. . . ],
, YC, , , 12 1937, 7 3150,
SHAT [ ].
2. 1936, P/a [ ] n 27208, 25 1937 (, 17, , )
- . [ ]

, , CRSR [
], 17 1937, 7 2522
, 7 3123 SHAT.
3. - , 1937, 7 3134,

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

- ,

.[] ,
, ,
, ,
, , .
, , ; ,
), ,
; ,
, ,
, ,
[] , , .
, : (1)
, , ,
14 ,
, 5 12

, 1981
4. Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, Politique trangre de la France, la dcadence 1932-1939 (Paris, Le Seuil, 1983 1 , 1979)
. 324 Anthony Adamthwaite, France and the coming of the Second World War 1936-1939 (London, Frank Cass, 1977) .49
Jonathan Haslam, e Soviet Union and the struggle for collective security in Europe, 1933-1939 (London, Macmillan Press Ltd,
1984) .140-41 Nicole Jordan, e Popular Front and Central Europe : the dilemmas of French impotence, 1918-1940 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985) .276-79 Michael Jabara Carley, 1939, the alliance that never was and the coming
of World War 2 (Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 1999) .24, 26 .
i. 9 . 1934.

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

14/6 30/6/1937, , ..
, ,
, ,[] , ,
; []
15 17 ) , ,

, , , ( ,
, ,[]
1937-38, :

, .[]

[SHAT] ( 2
) ( , , , , , , , , , ,
, , ..). ,
5. Haslam, The Soviet Union, .138-39 . 8, The Year of the Terror, 1937 (. 129-157).
6. SHAT URSS 1934-1937. O 365/S, , 30 1937, 7
3123, SHAT, (. 7 3150, SHAT), ,
, (. ).
7. 881 , , 9 ( ), 306 ,
, 15 1937 ( ), URSS 1918-1940, 988, MAE [..].
8. (5-7 2005): , ,
(6 2005). ,
, .
9. URSS 1937 ( ),
326/S, , 3 1937, 2 ,
23-30 , 21 2/3 (, , ,
, ..), 444 S, , 7 1938, 7 N 3123. ,

, , , .. . Annie Lacroix-Riz, Le Vatican, lEurope et le Reich de
la Premire Guerre mondiale la Guerre froide (1914-1955) (Paris, Armand Colin, 1996), . 11.

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

, ,
, 28 Evening Standard,
: []
, .

. ,

: , ,
, .
.[] 1938, 2
( 1937),
, :
, .[]
, ,
15 ,
: )
21 , ) 28
, ) 10 . . []
: [] ,
[] . []

10. P/a n 27162, 16 , 21 1937, 7 3150, SHAT.
11. 506 . , 1 1937, 7 N 3150, SHAT.
12. SAE, 26 1938 ( )
EMDB [, ], ,
, 7 N 3150, SHAT.

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013


: , [] ,
, , -

. []. ,
1936 . 22 , ,
, [], []
- .[]
, ,
, -,
Bfors, :
- []
. . -
, .
, . . -
, ,
1936 ( []
13. P/a n 27372, 17 1937, 7 3150, SHAT.
14. 111 , , 30 1937, 7 N 3134, SHAT.
15. , 27 1937 ( ), URSS
1918-1940, 988, , . Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy, an expos of the NaziAmerican Money Plot, 1933-1949 (New York, Delacorte Press, 1983) [] R.A.C. Parker, Chamberlain
and the Appeasement: British Policy and the coming of the Second World War (London, Macmillan Press Ltd, 1993)
. 267.

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

), 2 19
, Daily Mail
19 1937, 19
, , , , []
[] , [] .
, ,
. ,
1937 ,

. , ,
, ,
, ,
. [ ] .[]
, , - ,

1947, (
1937 - 16. - , (), 1937, 7 N 3143, SHAT.
17. , , 19 , FRUS 1937 [Foreign Relations of the US], I, 41-46.
18. 306, , 15 1937, URSS 1918-1940, 988, .

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

(1950), (1954)
(1956) (
): , SS,

, ,
.[] ,
, 2 ,
25 1937,

- ,
.[] , , , ,

.[] , , 1937
, , [ii]

- .[]
- ,[] . , 24 1937,
, :
, , , .[] 15
, ,

19. Jordan, Popular, . 260 Haslam, Soviet Union, .138, .61, . 269 Elisabeth du Rau, douard Daladier
1994-1970 (Paris, Fayard, 1993). ,
. Igor Lukes, Czechoslovakia between Stalin and Hitler, The Diplomacy of Edvard Benes
in the 1930s (Oxford, Oxford Univeristy Press, 1996), . 91-112 ( . 96-98, . 107).
20. , 1937, 7 3143, SHAT.
21. 365/S , , 30 1937, 7 3123, SHAT.
22. P/a n 27372, 17 1937 (, 10 ), 7 3150, SHAT.
23. 1937, , ,
, , 1937, 7 3143, SHAT ( ).
24. EMDB, SAE, 29 1937 (, 10 ), 7 N 3150, SHAT.
ii. : , []

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

, ,
. , , [ ] ,[] ,
, ,

- . , ,

1933. .
[] []
[] ,
: ,
, , , .
- , ,
, ,
. [ ]
, .
. ,
. [] , ,
, , . ,
, ,
. ,

, , , ,
, , , .
, - 1937, 25. P/a n 27372, 17 1937 (, 10 ), 7 3150, SHAT.
26. 306 , , 15 1937, URSS 1918-1940, 988, .

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

[] .[] , ,
, , () - .
, 150 ,
. , ,
: , []
, [] .[]
, , , (1) ,
, (2) ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
( ) , 1917,
Deutsche Wehr [ ], ,
2 .
9 , , ,
: , []
[] , []
[, ]

27. P/a n 27372, 17 1937 ( MAE, , 21 ), 7 3150, SHAT.
28. 20, . 660-665 , , 21 , FRUS 1937, 1, . 96.

Trans. D.A/Koss/LLM (EU Law) (UKC), MA (Soc. Sciences) (OU) 30 2013

. , , ,
, . []

. !. ,
, ,
[] []
, , ,
Deutsche Wehr, , ,
[ ] :
. ,
, Worochilov

. ,
: ,
. , ,
[] Schaposchnikov
Budienny, ,
[] , []
[] , [] ,
, ,

29. CF/URSS, 11 , (
7 N 3150 , 346/S, 17 , 360/S,
, 14 1937, , 7 3123, SHAT.

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