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John Doe, Agent, Third Party Interest Intervenor c/o Post Office Box xxx Crete, Illinois [6 !

"#$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% &'D'(A) D'&'*D'(+, O&&IC' -- 'ast .onroe ,treet ,/ite 01 Chicago, Illinois [6 6 2 $ Tele3hone 42"0560"512 I* ('6 CA,'/ACCO7*T 481 C( xxx *9D9 I)9 Letter of Request To :ho; it ;ay concern, John Doe, has <een directed <y the =onora<le Charles P9 >ocoras, to a33ear at the &ederal Defenders Office, <eca/se the defendant sho/ld have an attorney on this instant ;atter :hich is to <e called on A3ril 0#, 0 ! at 862 a;, <efore the =onora<le Charles P9 >ocoras9 I do not <elieve I have the ca3acity or standing to 3resent evidence in this ;atter and that an officer of the co/rt is re?/ired to 3ro3erly effect/ate s/ch ;atters9 I a; only a Third Party Interest Intervenor, an agent for the 3rinci3al and a; not an attorney9 I see@ the li;ited /se of the &ederal Defenders Office for the ex3ress 3/r3ose of having the Data Integrity investigate the 3rivate record and doc/;ents ;aterial hereto and to 3resent its findings to the co/rt9 I a; :illing to a/thoriAe /se of ;y exe;3tion stat/s to settle and close all ;atters ;aterial hereto9 Any and all fees or costs inc/rred <y the &ederal Defenders Office ;ay <e added to the co/rt costs on this instant ;atter, :here<y I a/thoriAe /se of ;y exe;3tion stat/s to discharge any and all clai;s <eing ;ade ;aterial to this instant ;atter, in exchange for settle;ent and clos/re9 (es3ectf/lly, John Doe, As good as ABA), Third Party Interest Intervenor

cc6 79,9 Attorneys Office, 79,9 District Co/rt *9D9I)9

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