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= Install Service

StartServer mangerRolesAdd Roles -- Install

= Service Activation dcpromo

AD (Active Directory)
AD is a database Give you a centralized way to manage all machine in network, users and resources allow administrator to assign policies.

= Install Service (AD) *StartServer manger Roles *startadministrative tools--DNS

DNS (Domain Name Server)

resolve computer names to IP addresses.

= Install Service
StartServer mangerRolesAdd Roles DHCP IP DNS Install *start-- Administrative toolsDHCP

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

is a protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network.

To install the e-mail services Open Add or Remove Programs. Click Add / Remove Windows Components. Scroll down and select the e-mail box services. Click Next, and then complete the wizard. E-mail service (web) E-mail is e-mail messaging system (send and receive e-mails)

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