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Career Journal 1. Name: Madison Pribyl 2. Date: November 16, 2013 3. When I was yo n!er I wanted to be a"n# a.

Poli$e %&&i$er '. What interested me most abo t bein! this was: a. I was ins(ired to hel( (eo(le and sto( (eo(le &rom doin! $rime in the world b. I wanted to be li)e my mother, by hel(in! others. *he sed to be a (oli$e o&&i$er too +. ,oday i& I $o ld be anythin! I want, I wo ld be: a. Poli$e %&&i$er b. -eterinarian 6. What interests me the most abo t bein! this is: I always want to )ee( (eo(le sa&e, no matter the $ir$ mstan$es. I also always want to )ee( (eo(le ha((y, and i& that means savin! their (et or an animal, then so be it. I also love animals and I li)e tal)in! to (eo(le. .. ,a)e a loo) at what interested yo when yo were yo n! and what interests yo now abo t a $areer. /ow are the answers ali)e and how are they di&&erent0 Please e1(lain in a (ara!ra(h or two. I have (ra$ti$ally both the same interests as I did when I was a yo n! $hild. ,o this day I still love hel(in! (eo(le, )ee(in! others sa&e, and ma)in! (eo(le smile. ,he only di&&eren$e &rom the (ast to the (resent wo ld have to be that when I was yo n!er, I wanted to be a tea$her, so there&ore I $o ld hel( )ids have a better li&estyle and learn new interestin! &a$ts. Now, I am wantin! to be a veterinarian be$a se my &amily and I had to ( t down o r last do!, and still to this day I do not totally nderstand why we needed to do that, instead o& &i!htin! &or her li&e. 2. My &avorite s b3e$ts in s$hool are: a. Most 4avorite: 5n!lish Why: I love to read and write $reative stories b. *e$ond 4avorite: 6 linary 7rts Why: I love to ba)e and ma)e &oods, es(e$ially when I have never tried them be&ore $. ,hird 4avorite: 8ym Why: I love to (lay s(orts and I love $om(etition

d. 9east 4avorite: 4ren$h Why: I don:t totally nderstand the lan! a!e and no one $an tea$h me it witho t it all bein! $on& sin! ;. ,wo thin!s I li)e to do in my s(are time: a. <ead b. =e with &riends or &amily 10. What I do best is: /el(in! others is what I do best. I $an always ma)e someone smile or I $an always hel( others with (ro3e$ts or &i! rin! a sit ation o t in li&e. 11. When yo are doin! thin!s yo li)e, or in a $lass yo en3oy thin) abo t what yo are li)e. =elow ri!ht down 3 $hara$teristi$s yo have when yo are doin! somethin! yo li)e to do. a. *milin!>9a !hin! b. bein! intent in the sit ation $. (ossibly tal)in! to &riends or tea$hers 12. My &riends thin) I am very !ood at: a. $omin! ( with sol tions to (roblems b. ma)in! them ha((y 13. My tea$hers thin) I:m very !ood at: a. bein! able to !et everythin! done b. $omm ni$atin! i& any ? estions 1'. My (arents thin) I:m !ood at: a. bein! res(onsible b. !rowin! ( 1+. ,wo s)ills that I )now I:m !ood at are: a. bein! res(onsible b. !ettin! everythin! &inished the best way I $an 16. 7 s)ill I wo ld li)e to !et better at is: =ein! able to & lly (ay attention to everythin! that:s ha((enin! aro nd me and not $a sin! many (roblems &or the & t re. 1.. ,he two s)ills I:ll most li)ely se in the $areer I:m thin)in! abo t are: a. <es(onsibility b. 8ettin! (eo(le into a better mood

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