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Student Page 6.

1: Transfer RNA

Student Page 6.2: Uncharged tRNAs

Student Page 6.3: Amino Acids

Student Page 6.4: Ribosomes and Trans ation !acts about Ribosomes 1. 2. 3. $. The ribosome is made of Protein and RNA and consists of a large and a small subunit. The mRNA binds to the ribosome in the groove between the two subunits. The ribosome begins protein synthesis by binding to a start signal on the mRNA the A!" codon#. The ribosome has binding sites for two tRNA molecules.

Procedure 1. 2. Place the ribosome on your wor% surface. Position the mRNA molecule in the groove between the large and small subunits of the ribosome so that the first two codons of the mRNA are in the center of the groove. Position the first two charged tRNAs so that the codons of the mRNA base pair with the anticodons of the tRNAs. &egin to build the protein by using a piece of tape to connect the bo'es representing the first two amino acids together. The tape represents what is called a peptide bond. !se scissors to separate the first amino acid from its tRNA and discard the tRNA. *ove the mRNA one codon to the left. This means that the charged tRNA that was in the second binding site on the right# is now in the first binding site on the left#. As in ,tep $- continue to build the protein by using a piece of tape to connect the bo'es representing the second and third amino acids together. Repeat the process described in ,teps $/ + until you reach a stop codon that signals the end of the protein.

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Student Page 6.": mRNA and Ribosomes

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