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ONTELA PICDECK Submitted to Maam Maria Qadri By: Muhammad Ali Malik and Sarah Hameed BBA 2K9

Ontela PicDeck was a technology service that allowed easy transfer of pictures from mobile devices to computers, and other networking devices. Ontelas objective was to increase the use of wireless carrier service and increase average revenue per user. In order to do this the organization conducted a segmentation research to select the right Personas, which will determine how to allocate their resources and time for consumers who use their cell phones and cameras the most. Based on this criteria Sarah, the parent should be considered as the primary target. The target segment we identified as the most profitable end user for Ontela PicDeck is Persona 1: Sarah, the Parent. We feel that Sarah is part of the target segment which has the most need for a service like Ontella PicDeck. Although they are living in a technology oriented world they are completely inept at using and integrating their lives with it. This is the reason why they want solutions that involve minimal effort and understanding on their part. Therefore Ontela PicDecks service of the seamleass transfer of pictures without even pressing a button is most suited to this segment. Positioning Statement: For the up-to-date Mom who is looking for timeless convenience the PicDeck Mobile provides fast and clear pictures of your loved ones. Unlike archaic digital cameras the PicDeck can seamlessly send that memory or great idea before you can say cheese. Tagline: Save and Savor your pictures, ALL by yourself!

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