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Fill in the blanks. a. Air pressure in an _________ container depends on 2 factors. These are _______ of the container and ________ of the air. Air pressure is caused by air particles _______ ith each other and ith the alls of ______________. !e can chan"e the ____ of the container sho n in the fi"ure abo#e by _____ the piston up and do n. b. !hen the _____ is pushed do n$ the #olu%e of the container beco%es ______. The ____________ bet een the particles and also ith the ____________________ increases. This causes the air pressure inside the container to increase. !hen the piston is pushed up$ the #olu%e of the container ______. The

collision rate _____ and so too does the ___________ in the container. c. !hen the air in the container is heated$ the air particles obtain %ore _________ ener"y. Therefore$ the air particles %o#e ________. The ______of collisions bet een air particles and the alls of the container increases. !hen the air is cooled it has ___ kinetic ener"y. The collision rate decreases and as a result the air pressure _____ the container decreases.

Fill in the blanks. a.Air pressure in an enclosed container depends on 2 factors. These are the #olu%e of the container and the te%perature of the air. Air pressure is caused by air particles collidin" ith each other and ith the alls of the container . !e can chan"e the #olu%e of the container sho n in the fi"ure abo#e by %o#in" the piston up and do n. b.!hen the piston is pushed do n$ the #olu%e of the container beco%es s%aller. The collision rate bet een the particles and also ith the alls of the container increases. This causes the air pressure inside the container to increase.

!hen the piston is pushed up$ the #olu%e of the container increases. The collision rate decreases and so too does the air pressure in the container. !hen the air in the container is heated$ the air particles obtain %ore kinetic ener"y. Therefore$ the air particles %o#e faster . The rate of collisions bet een air particles and the alls of the container increases. !hen the air is cooled it has less kinetic ener"y. The collision rate decreases and as a result the air pressure inside the container decreases.

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