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Name and Stephanie Nalepa SST 309-02 SST309 Section Title of Michigan Gov.

Rick Snyder pushed for opinions on gay rights issues Article and APA Citation Anders, Melissa. (2013, Oct. 24). Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder pushed for opinions on gay rights issues. MLive. Retrieved from civil_rights_disc.html#incart_river Anders wrote about how Governor Snyder has yet to take a stance about civil rights based on sexual orientation. When asked on Thursday, Governor Snyder reportedly said that he is focused on jobs right now. He also told reporters that, Its something at some point Im happy to have a discussion on; Im waiting to see when legislators may also have that as an item of interest. The Core Democratic Values that are being debated in this article by Anders are equality and diversity. Equality is a Core Democratic Value that is not being met in Michigan right now, because those who are suspected of being homosexual can be fired from a job and can be turned down a place to live. This is clearly not equal protection under the law or equal opportunity to attend work or obtain housing. Diversity is a Core Democratic Value that states that ALL individuals have rights and that we should respect the differences in others. There is a substantive amount of people who are not receiving the same basic rights as everyone else, and Governor Snyder refuses to not only do anything about it, but to basically acknowledge this problem. Governor Snyder has stated that he is focusing on jobs right now, and refusing to make a clear statement taking a stance on this issue. The longer that Governor Snyder refuses to take a stance the longer these rights and Core Democratic Values will be unmet in the State of Michigan. Branch of Government indicated in this issue AND how do you know? The branch of government that is indicated with this issue is the Executive branch. This is because the Executive branch (in State government) consists of the Governor only. The article mainly focuses on Governor Snyder and his opinion (or, rather no opinion) about civil rights for those in the LGBT community.

Complete summary of Article (5Ws and H)

Core Democratic Value(s) Rationale for each of the CDVs

The article also briefly mentions the Legislative branch, because Governor Snyder mentions that he is waiting to make a stance on the issue until the Legislative branch wishes to do so. The Legislative branch is mainly concerned with making laws, and is made up of Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate). It would be the Legislative branchs job to create a law that protects LGBT rights in the workplace and rights about housing. Level of Government with jurisdiction AND how do you know? The level of government that is indicated in this issue is the State government. The state is the level of government being identified in this issue because the article focuses on Governor Snyder and his inability to take a stance about the issue at hand, and the Legislative branchs decision to not pass a law protecting these civil rights. The article also mentions that several townships have passed some antidiscrimination ordinances for those of the LGBT community. Specifically mentioning Delta Township, because they are now the 29th township to do so (as of this week). This implies Township as another level of government indicated in the article. 2-3 Focus questions how would you lead a substantive discussion on this article as it relates to the Core Democratic Values? 1. What is Governor Snyder focused on right now, instead of civil rights for the LGBT community in the workplace/housing rights? 2. Does Governor Snyder provide a clear reason as to why he is not focusing on these civil rights? If yes, what is the reason? If no, why do you think he did not provide a reason for doing so? 3. The article states that discrimination of the LGBT community is negatively affecting Michigan in what way? Why do you think this is? I would lead a discussion with these questions because some of the questions require yes/no answers (to make sure that students are comprehending the article/information), while some of the questions also include open-ended questions (so that students can analyze the article, and make deep connections). Core Democratic Values in the News

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