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MRU Department of Education and Schooling: Field Experience Report Form Fall 2011

Student Name: Joan Elago

Cooperating Teacher:
1. Communication Skills: Joan has an excellent rapport with students and staff. She speaks to students in a calm and respectful manner. She makes observations about classroom experiences and asks questions to clarify her understanding. 2. Preparation for School Volunteering: Joan always arrives early for her volunteer days and often stays for the entire school day. She is dependable and willing to support the teacher and students wherever she is asked to do so. Joan dresses professionally and appropriately for work with grade 2 students in a busy classroom setting. 3. Deportment: Joan demonstrates maturity, poise and composure under pressure. She has a great sense of intuition in the classroom, and moves to students/activities where she is needed the most, without direction from the teacher. She has a positive attitude and shows enthusiasm for all the tasks of teaching and learning. 4. Professional Conduct: Joan is respectful of the rights and dignity of the students and staff in our school. She honours the confidential nature of personal information regarding students and school personnel. Joan acts in a manner that demonstrates respect for the teaching profession. 5. General Comments: Joan has been a caring and dedicated volunteer in our classroom. She has a gentle and quiet way about her, to which the students respond positively. She supports the class learning routines and reminds students of their tasks and responsibilities.

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