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Themes / Topics 1. Back to School Routines Rules My Classmate Friendship Manners - Caring & Sharing 2.

ng 2. Home and Family My Family Family ree My House !. "ll "#out Me My Body $ Human "natomy % Skeletal Systems and Circulatory System & he Fi'e Senses Mo'ement My Feelings (. Staying )ell* Staying Sa+e Healthy Me ,utrition and -.ercises Sa+ety /. 0ur Community 1laces "round o2n 3etting "round Community helper - 4o#s and their +unctions 5. )orking and 1laying ogether Cele#rations ,e2 6ear Chinese ,e2 6ear 7alentine8s 9ay Mother8s 9ay Father8s 9ay :a#our 9ay Children8s 9ay Hari Raya 9eepa'ali $ 9i2ali & Christmas ;ndependence 9ay Cultural "2areness <. Make ;t* Build ;t Shapes

Colour ools and Building Simple machine =. ransportation ransportation #y "ir ransportation #y :and ransportation #y )ater >. :et8s -.plore Magnets Compass Matter -nergy 1?. Families o+ "nimals $ 7erte#rates & Mammals Fish Birds "mphi#ians Reptiles ;nsects 11. Study o+ "nimals Basic characteristics % Forest animals* +arm animals* animals that li'e in 2ater* #irds* insects Basic needs o+ animals Food Chain and -cosystem Ha#itat % rain+orest* +orest* oceans* desert* grassland and tundra "daptation to en'ironment -.ternal anatomy o+ animals $ mammals. Birds* amphi#ians* +ish and reptile & 12. -'erything Changes Ho2 1lants 3ro2 Basic need o+ plants "ll @inds o+ 1lants $ 7egeta#les and Fruits & 1!. )eather and Climate Clouds Rain and +loods :ightning )ind emperatures -arthAuakes 7olcanoes Hurricanes ornadoes

)inter storms "tmosphere 0ceans :and ice

1(. Solar System 1lanets % Mercury* 7enus* -arth* Mars* 4upiter* Saturn* Branus* ,eptune* 1luto "steroids* Comets and Meteoroids 1/. -arth 1lanet -arth :and and )ater Continent )orld8s Se'en MaCor 0ceans ,ames o+ Countries and their respecti'e +lags -arth 9ay Reduce* Reuse and Recycling 15. "rt and Music "ppreciation ypes o+ art History o+ arts Musical ;nstruments

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