BR100 General Ledger Complete

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BR.100 Application Setup -

General Ledger 11i

Author: Madhava Rao.M

Date: 07-JUN-2007
Control Number: 1.0



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General Ledger Setup Flow

Create Set of Books

Step 1 - Define Value Sets
Step 2 - Define Flex field Structure
Step 3 - Define & Load Segment Values
Step 4 - Define Period Types
Step 5- Define Accounting Calendar
Step 6 - Define Currencies
Step 7 - Define Set of Books

Define Organization
Step 8 - Define Business Organization
Step 9 - Run multi-org conversion

Define Controls
Step 10 - Define Journal Sources
Step 11 - Define Categories
Step 12 - Define a Budget
Step 13 - Define a Budget Organization
Step 14 - Run optimizer Document
Define System Controls
Step 15 - Set Profile Options

Additional Steps

Design & Create Parent Accounts

Design, Write, & Test FSG’s
Design & Create Budgets and Budget Organizations
Setup Users

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 1 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 1 of 9

Value Set Name:

Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes NO
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
3 NO No No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flex field, Report, Used by (Flex field Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flex builder, Other) Function, Other)
Entity Entity SEGMENT 1

Sample Values Value Descriptions

001 Manila Philippines

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 2 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 2 of 9

Value Set Name:

Natural Accounts
Natural Accounts
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes No
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
8 NO No No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Natural Accounts Natural Accounts SEGMENT 2

Sample Values Value Descriptions

2000000 Liability

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 3 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 3 of 9

Value Set Name:

Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes No
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
8 NO No No NO
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Program Program SEGMENT 3

Sample Values Value Descriptions


Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 4 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 4 of 9

Value Set Name:

Revenue Origin
Revenue Origin
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes No
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
3 NO NO No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Revenue Origin Revenue Origin SEGMENT 4

Sample Values Value Descriptions

001 United States

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 5 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 5 of 9

Value Set Name:

Client Code
Client Code
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes No
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
5 NO NO No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Client Code Client Code SEGMENT 5

Sample Values Value Descriptions


Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 6 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 6 of 9

Value Set Name:

Line Of Business
Line Of Business
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes No
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
3 NO NO No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Line Of Business Line Of Business SEGMENT 6

Sample Values Value Descriptions

100 Financial Services

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 7 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Page 7 of 9

Value Set Name:

Entity (Inter Unit)
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes NO
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
3 NO No No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flex field, Report, Used by (Flex field Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flex builder, Other) Function, Other)
Entity Entity SEGMENT7

Sample Values Value Descriptions

001 247-US

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 8 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Two accounting flex field segments have been reserved for future use. Page 8 of 9

Value Set Name:

Spare 1
Spare 1
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes NO
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
3 NO No No NO
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Spare 1 Spare 1 SEGMENT 8

Sample Values Value Descriptions

000 Default Value

Step 1 - Define Value Sets - Segment 6 (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Validation-Sets)

Notes: Two accounting flexfield segments have been reserved for future use. Page 9 of 9

Value Set Name:

Spare 2
Spare 2
Format Type: Alphabetic Char. Allowed: Precision: Security Available: Minimum Value:
Char Yes N/A Yes NO
Maximum Size: Uppercase Only: Right-justify-Zero-fill Nrs: Enable QuickPick LongList: Maximum Value:
3 Yes No No No
Validation Type: Value Sets that Depend on this Value Set (if any):
Independent None

Value Set Used by Name of Flexfield, Report, Used by (Flexfield Structure, Context, Used by (Segment or Parameter)
Flexbuilder, Other) Function, Other)
Spare 2 Spare 2 SEGMENT 9

Sample Values Value Descriptions

000 Default Value

Step 2 - Define Flexfield Structures (Setup-Financials-Flexfields-Key-Segments)

Date: Page 1 of 2

Application: Oracle General Ledger Flex field Title:247 Customer Accounting Flex

Title Description View Name Freeze Flex Enabled Seg. Sep. Cross Freeze Allow No.
field Def Val. Seq Roll Dynamic of
Ups Inserts Seg
24 7 CUSTOMER 24 7 CUSTOMER 24 7 CUSTOMER Yes Yes . (Period) No Yes 9

Step 2 - Define Flex field Structures (Setup-Financials-Flex fields-Key-Segments)

Date: Page 2 of 2

Key Flex field Title: 24 7 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING_FLEX

Structure Name/Description: 24 7 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING FLEXFIELD Number of Segments (columns) 9

Number Name Window Prompt Column Value Set Displayed Enabled Flexfield Qualifier
1 Entity Entity Segment 1 Entity Yes Yes Balancing Segment
2 Natural Accounts Natural Segment 2 Natural Accounts Yes Yes Natural Account
Accounts Segment
3 Program Program Segment 3 Program Yes Yes

4 Revenue Origin Revenue Origin Segment 4 Revenue Origin Yes Yes

5 Client Code Client Code Segment 5 Client Code Yes Yes

6 Line of Business Line of Business Segment 6 Line of Business Yes Yes Cost Center Segment
7 Inter Unit Inter Unit Segment 7 Inter Unit Yes Yes Inter Company Segment
8 Spare 1 Spare 1 Segment 8 Spare 1 Yes Yes
9 Spare 2 Spare 2 Segment 9 Spare 1 Yes Yes

Step 3 - Define Period Types (Setup-Calendar-Types)
Process: Business Area: Date:
General Ledger
Description: Use this form to define your accounting period types.

General Ledger provides standard period types Month, Quarter and Year. These period types are used when defining the accounting calendar for your organization.
247 Customer will use the Fiscal Calendar.

Accounting Period Types Zone

Name Number/Year Year Type in Name Description

Month (seeded) 12 Calendar Month

Quarter (seeded) 4 Fiscal Quarter
Year (seeded) 1 Fiscal Year
247-13 13 Fiscal 24 7 Customer Calendar

Step 4 - Define Calendar (Setup-Calendar-Accounting)
Required Step
Process: Business Area: Date:
General Ledger
Description: Use this form to define your calendar. You associate a calendar and a period type with each set of books.

Once the first accounting period is opened, prior periods cannot be opened. The General Ledger Super user may open additional future periods when desired or required.
Calendar Zone
Use this zone to specify a name and a description for your calendar.
Name 247 Cust Calendar

Description 247 Customer Calendar

Accounting Periods Zone

Use this zone to specify the accounting periods you will include in you calendar and to provide detailed information for each of these periods. For example
Name Period Type Year Quarter Period From To System Name Adjusting Period

APR-2007 247-13 2008 1 1 01-APR-2007 30-APR-07 APR-2007-08 No

MAY 2007 247-13 2008 1 2 01-MAY-2007 31-MAY-2007 MAY 2007-08 No
JUN 2007 247-13 2008 1 3 01-JUN-2007 30-JUN-2007 JUN 2007-08 No
JUL 2007 247-13 2008 2 4 01-JUL-2007 31-JUL-2007 JUL-2007-08 No
AUG 2007 247-13 2008 2 5 01-AUG-2007 31-AUG-2007 AUG-2007-08 No
SEP-2007 247-13 2008 2 6 01-SEP-2007 30-SEP-2007 SEP-2007-08 No
OCT 2007 247-13 2008 3 7 01-OCT-2007 31-OCT-2007 OCT-2007-08 No
NOV-2007 247-13 2008 3 8 01-NOV-2007 30-NOV-2007 NOV-2007-08 No
DEC-2007 247-13 2008 3 9 01-DEC-2007 31-DEC-2007 DEC-2007-08 No
JAN-2007 247-13 2008 4 10 01-JAN-2008 31-JAN-2008 JAN-2008-08 No
FEB-2007 247-13 2008 4 11 01-FEB-2008 29-FEB-2008 FEB-2008-08 No
MAR-2007 247-13 2008 4 12 01-MAR-2008 31-MAR-2008 MAR-2008-08 No

ADJ-2007 247-13 2008 4 13 31-MAR-2008 31-MAR-2008 ADJ-2008-08 Yes

Step 5 - Define Currency (Setup-Currencies-Define)
Process: Business Area: Date:
General Ledger
Description: Use this form to enable currencies and to define non-ISO (International Standards Organization) currencies.

Oracle General Ledger has predefined all International Standards Organization (ISO) currencies used for the precision fields.



Name US Dollar STAT

Description US Dollar STAT

Issuing Territory USA

Symbol $

Standard Precision 2

Extended Precision 5

Accountable Unit

Effective Date From

Effective Date To

Enabled Yes

Step 6 - Define Set Of Books (Setup-Books)
Process: Business Area: Date:
General Ledger
Description: Use this form to define a set of books as well as to define your budgetary control options.


Set Of Books Zone

Name 247 Customer, Inc.

Short Name 247-US

Description 24/7 Customer, Inc.


Functional Currency USD

Calendar 247_Calendar

Period Type 247-13

Future Periods 13

Standard Options
Allow Suspense Posting Yes

Balance Intercom any Journals Yes

Enable Average Balances No

Enable Journal Approval No

Enable Journal Entry Tax No

Average Balance Options

Consolidation Set of Books No

Transaction Calendar No

Transaction Rate Type No

Translate Optional Amount Types




Budgetary Control Options

Enable Budgetary Control Yes

Require Budget Journals Yes

Reporting Currency Option Not applicable (option selected)

Accounts Zone
Accounting Flex field Description

Retained Earnings 001.3405215.0000000.001.00000. Retained Earnings

Suspense 001.80001.0000000.001.00000.

Intercompany Yes

Translation Adjustment Yes

Reserve For Encumbrances 001.2230220.0000000.001.00000.

Net Income N/A

GL: Define Intercompany/Interfund Accounts

General Ledger>Setup>Accounts>Inter-Company
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Description: Use this form to define additional Inter-Company Accounts. This form lets you control Oracle General automatic Inter-Company balancing.

<Inter-Company Accounts>
Use this region to define additional Inter-Company Account for each of your journal sources and categories.
Source Category Type (Debit/Credit) Entity Due From Account Due To Account

Others Others Many to Many Inter company 001 001.9500005.0000000.001.00000. 001.9500005.0000000.001.00000.

Others Others Many to Many Inter company 051 051.9500015.0000000.051.00000. 051.9500015.0000000.051.00000.
Others Others Many to Many Inter company 101 101.9500010.0000000.101.00000. 101.9500010.0000000.101.00000.
Others Others Many to Many Inter company 111 111.9500010.0000000.101.00000. 111.9500010.0000000.101.00000.
Others Others Many to Many Inter company 121 121.9500010.0000000.101.00000. 121.9500010.0000000.101.00000.
Others Others Many to Many Inter company 131 131.9500080.0000000.101.00000. 131.9500080.0000000.101.00000.
Others Others Many to Many Inter company 201 201.9500030.0000000.201.00000. 201.9500030.0000000.201.00000.
Others Others Many to Many Inter company All Other 001.9500005.0000000.001.00000. 001.9500005.0000000.001.00000.

Step 7 - Define Journal Entry Sources (Setup-Journal-Sources)
Required Step-247 Customer Provided
FastForward Financial will be using Default Journal Sources
Process: Business Area: Date:
General Ledger
Description: Use this form to define your journal entry sources and specify for a given source whether you want Oracle Journal Ledger to
import journal reference information from your feeder systems.

Journal sources identify the origin of journal entries. General Ledger supplies a number of predefined journal sources. In addition to these predefined sources, at least one journal source
for each non-Oracle feeder systems should be defined to help track imported journal entries.

Journal Entry Sources Zone

Name Description Journal Import Reference Freeze Journals (Yes/No)

Manual Manual No Yes

Multisoft Multisoft Interface Yes Yes
Payables Accounts Payable System Yes Yes
Payroll Payroll System Yes Yes
Projects Projects Yes Yes
Receivables Accounts Receivable System Yes Yes
Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Yes Yes
Treasury Treasury Yes Yes
Budget - Indexation Budget - Indexation

Step 8 - Define Journal Entry Categories (Setup-Journal-Categories)

Process: Business Area: Date:

General Ledger
Description: Use this form to define your journal entry categories. Oracle General Ledger uses these categories to describe the purpose of your
Journal entry, such as accrual, payments, or receipts.
Journal categories help differentiate journal entries by purpose or type, such as accrual, payments or receipts. Oracle General Ledger provides a number of predefined journal categories.
See the following page for a listing of categories provided as Oracle defaults.

General Ledger provides the following predefined journal categories:

Name Description
247 Manuals 247 Manuals
Budget Budget
Allocation Allocation
Addition Addition
Adjustment Adjustment
CIP Addition CIP Addition
CIP Adjustment CIP Adjustment
CIP Reclassification CIP Reclassification
CIP Retirement CIP Retirement
CIP Transfer CIP Transfer
Credit Memo Applications Credit Memo Applications
Cross Currency Cross Currency
Credit Memos Credit Memos
Depreciation Depreciation
Depreciation Adjustment Depreciation Adjustment
Masc. Receipts Masc. Receipts
Payments Payments
Purchase Invoices Purchase Invoices
Reclass Reclass
Retirement Retirement
Revaluation Revaluation
Revalue Profit/Loss Revalue Profit/Loss
Trade Receipts Trade Receipts
Transfer Transfer
Credit Memos Credit Memos
Deferred Depreciation Deferred Depreciation
Credit Memo Applica Credit Memo Applica
Addition Addition
Adjustment Adjustment
CIP Addition CIP Addition
CIP Adjustment CIP Adjustment
CIP Reclassification CIP Reclassification
CIP Retirement CIP Retirement
CIP Transfer CIP Transfer
Credit Memo Applications Credit Memo Applications
Cross Currency Cross Currency
Credit Memos Credit Memos
Depreciation Depreciation

Step 12 - Update System Profile Option (In Systems Administration module: Profile-System)
Required Step

Process: Business Area: Date:

General Ledger
Description: Profile Options how the Oracle General Ledger application control access to and processing data. Profile options can be set at one or
Following levels. Oracle General Ledger applications use the Update Personal Profile Options form to set profile options only at the user
In order for a Set of Books to be accessible, the profile for the book must be created in the System Administration module.

System Profile Options:

Option Site Level Setting Setting User Setting

FSG: Accounting Flexfield Accounting Flexfeild

FSG: Allow Portrait Print Style Yes
FSG: Expand Parent Value Yes
FSG: Message Detail Minimal
FSG: Enforce Segment Value Security Yes
GL AHE: Saving Allowed Yes
GL Set of Books ID
GL Set of Books Name 247-US
Journals: Allow Multiple Exchange Rates No
Journals: Allow Non-Business Day Transactions No
Journals: Allow Preparer Approval No
Journals: Default Category
Journals: Display Inverse Rate Yes
Journals: Enable Prior Period Notification Yes
Journals: Find Approver Method N/A
Journals: Mix Statistical and Monetary Yes
Journals: Override Reversal Method No

Open And Close Periods (Setup-Open/Close)

Process: Business Area: Date:

General Ledger
Description: Use this form to open and close accounting periods in your calendar.

Accounting Period Zone

Use this zone to review the latest open accounting period and to open the next accounting period.
Latest Open APR-2004-05

Open Next MAY-2004-05

Encumbrance Year
Latest Open 2006

Open Next 2007

Accounting Periods Zone

Use this zone to review information such as period status, period number, fiscal year, period name, and date ranges for each accounting period.
Status Number Fiscal Year Name Start End

Open APR-2004-05 2005 01-APR-2004 30-APR-2004

Open MAY-2004-05 2005 01-MAY-2004 31-MAY-2004
Open JUN-2004-05 2005 01-JUN-2004 30-JUN-2004

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues
ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

1 Budgets

Closed Issues
ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date


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