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Rahara Gosht


1. 120 gm Lamb chop & mince 2. 50 gm Onion 3. 25 gm Tomato 4. 4 gm Turmeric powder 5. 7 gm Coriander powder 6. 5 gm Chi i powder 7. 2 gm Cumin powder !. 3 gm "re#h coriander $. 7 gm %a t 10. 10gm &ho e 'aram (a#a a Method: 1. )eat oi in a pan and *r+ onion# ti brown. 2. ,dd the chi ie# to the pan. 3. ,dd #a t- cumin powder- turmeric powder- coriander powder and who e garam ma#a a. 4. ,dd the amb chop# and mince to the pan and et the meat *r+ we with the ma#a a. 5. Turn o** * ame and #er.e hot.

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