Module 1 Writing Assignment Revised

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Yvette Crisp ELED 300 / Dr.

Isabell September 26, 2013 MODULE 1WRITING ASSIGNMENT My first year as a new teacher, I plan to be effective by incorporating competencies, information gathered from observations, learned textbook material and everything I have learned from my professors into the teaching process. To begin this process, reading competencies 1, 2, 5, 6 and chapters one thru three in my textbook Learning & Teaching Research-Based Methods by Don Kauchak/Paul Eggen, 6th Edition, have began to lay the foundation for strong teaching. One of the important topics discussed in chapter one was learning to teach. Learning to teach is part of a bigger system, which consists of decision making, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of teaching and learning, and teaching strategies. Teacher decision making is extremely important to the success or failure of students. As part of this notion, teachers have to understand that all students are different and learn in different ways. Therefore, teachers have to be knowledgeable of the content they are teaching, and how to translate it to students for maximum understanding. Knowing a variety of strategies will aid in planning lessons to best suit each student. Some teaching strategies I would use are, visual aids, computers, and mini assessments. Chapter two in our textbook and competency two both tackle student diversity. It is a known fact that student diversity in the United States is on the rise, so there is a need for teacher commitment in that area. Commitment to understand student diversity and how to teach in ways that will produce positive results and promote learning. Student diversity is not just one type of diversity, but many. The first one that really grabbed my attention was cultural diversity. I think

it is important to educate students about cultural diversity by teaching lessons that promote acceptance. Lessons like show and tell, or reading a book about different cultures, or have students write a story about things that are important in their culture and sharing. Students with different learning abilities is also a type of student diversity. One method I would use in my class to address different learning abilities would be, finding different ways to present the same material. Teachers must remember, whatever the diversity may be, it is important to remember these students need to be in a comfortable environment, where they do not feel alone and ostracized. Teachers should have high expectations for every student, to maximize and challenge their potential. No matter what the student diversity may be, it is important that teachers are able to recognize, and quickly implement lessons and programs that are necessary for their success. Chapter three and competency five and six focus on classroom management. Classroom management is one of the biggest problems teachers face/faced in the past, present, and most likely the future. Classroom management contains all the teachers plans about how they will run their class, and the actions they will take to achieve it. Some areas that are addressed in classroom management are the room arrangement, daily routines, and rules and consequences. To optimize learning, the physical arrangement should be free from clutter, and materials should be easy to access. Establishing daily routines is also part of classroom management because it helps to maintain a familiar flow of expectancy. If students know what they are expected to do, lessons will run smoother. Routines cut back on the classroom having a disorganized feel. One example of a daily routine I would use, is having homework folders. Students drop the homework in the folder at the beginning of class. Lastly, rules and consequences also play a part in classroom management. Rules and consequences for the entire school year should be clearly

stated within the first week of school. One idea I like is to format a rules and consequences document, that students and parents read and sign. I think this is a great way to get parents involved and informed. Should any rules be broken, they should be accurately dealt with and quickly addressed. It is important to quickly return to the flow in the classroom. Some consequences for unwanted behavior could be to change a color, move a clip, loose points or privileges. Just as broken rules are dealt with, I think positive behavior should have its rewards. A great way to reward positive behavior is to allow students to earn rewards. These rewards can be in the form of coupons (extra recess), tickets, or a trip to the treasure box. In conclusion, it is important that teachers are knowledgeable about what they are teaching, and how they will present material in the most effective way for each student. Teachers have to know when to use readily prepared materials, versus when to eliminate them and substitute appropriate learning material. Every teacher has to make it a priority to become familiar with each of their students on a personal and professional level. It is important to obtain information that will help them understand students of different diversities, the challenges they face, and how to help them excel. Classroom management is the map that contains the pathway of how smooth everything should run within the classroom. The knowledge of teachers will be constantly tested from the beginning to the end of the school year. Being the best teacher calls for preparedness and readiness, judgments that are expected and unexpected, and having a passion to teach and a willingness to continue to learn.

Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (n.d.). Learning & Teaching Research-Based Methods (6thth ed.).

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