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Yvette Crisp November 7, 2013 ELED 300/Dr. Isbell Module 4 Writing Types of instructions in differentiation classrooms: 1.

Proactive - differentiation is incorporated into initial planning 2. Student Centered - differentiation is based upon student needs and interests 3. Assessment Based - differentiation is based upon information about students and what they need 4. A Blend - differentiation is a mixture of whole-class, group, and individual instruction, designed to meet all student's needs. How my mentor teacher incorporates types of instructions in differentiation: 1. Proactive - direct instructions are done for two days, for three days the students are split into groups depending on their reading ability, and on the last day the students work on a menu. The menu has several different choices of activities for below level, on level, and above level students to choose from 2. Student Centered - according to the students needs and interests, they have the choice of different reading passages, free reading, retelling a story, and students do illustrations (select something with prior knowledge) 3. Assessment Based - assessments are mostly informal, students are mostly monitored, and assessment questions are read to SPED students 4. A Blend - class did an activity on parts of speech, the instructions were whole group direct instructions, the smart board was used to illustrate examples of the concepts, student involvement was raising hands to answer questions, the front side of the worksheet was done all together, the back side of the worksheet was individual seatwork, while the students worked individually the teacher was able to pull her lower level students and work with them in a group How I would incorporate types of instructions in differentiation: 1. Proactive - direct instruction the first two days and asking questions to promote student involvement and monitor their comprehension, the next two days brief direct instruction and break off into small groups assisting lower level students with a simpler activity that is the same concept, the fifth day would be individual seat work 2. Student Centered - selection of books would range in diversity like picture books, simple reader books, chapter books, books reflecting the different cultures in the classroom, and technology devices available for audio books 3. Assessment Based - First I would use informal assessment through monitoring, oral questions and answers, also would allow students to solve problems on the board in teams, and lastly, I would give an assessment after the entire lesson/concept has been taught (SPED would not have as many questions) 4. A Blend - I would use a blend of whole group, small groups, pairs, and working with individual students

In summary, the physical makeup in every class consists of students of different colors, genders, and academic levels. In the education world, all those terms make up what is known as student diversity within the classroom. It is because of student diversity that classroom instructions should differentiate. It is an absolute must for teachers to be proactive in planning their lessons. Planning ahead for how and what to use to accommodate every type of learner. The teacher should select and allow the students to have a selection of different methods to learn lesson material. The classroom should also consist of blended instructions to touch every type of learner within the classroom (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). Consistent monitoring should always be done to keep a tab on every students progress. We know undoubtedly that students will require as many resources and strategies as possible to learn and successfully master the concepts being taught.

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