Philippine Secondary Schools Learning Competencies

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. Identify attitudes and feelings signalled by prosodic features through to listening the content and feeling levels of utterances -intonation and tress patterns -pausing and blending -approval/disapproval -thinking/congratulating 2. Listen to simple narratives to develop appreciative-listening skills 3. Identify cause-effect relationship in anecdotes and tales 4. Single out punch lines in jokes 5. Point out discourse pattern in tales -situation -problem -attempted solution -result 6. Point out distinctive features of tales, anecdotes, fables and others 7. Listen to school announcements and classroom instructions or directions given orally 8. Note down details in instructions or directions given orally 9. Carry out instructions given orally 10. Distinguish what to do and what not to do in emergency situation -fire -earthquake -flood 11. Listen to instructions given in connection with classroom procedure examples: instructing, directing others 12. Ask and answer questions using the basic sentence structures and sound patterns of English -asking/expressing opinions -greeting people -appreciation and gratitude 13. Ask/answer different types of classroom-based questions in First Year science and mathematics lessons -core and follow-up questions -yes/no, who-question, others 14. Use different reading styles I suit the text and ones purpose for reading -scan for specific information (news reporting) -skim rapidly for major ideas using headings and illustrations as quide -read close in order to: Find answers to specific questions Follow written instructions Interpret symbols in mathematical problems Single out words that signal the operation to use in mathematical problems Note sequence of events 15. Re-read to check interpretation of congnitively demanding passages 16. Recall ideas from previous readings related to a given text -use ideas and information gained from reading, intuition and personal experiences as basis for conjectures and hypothesis grammatical units Nouns, adjectives, full verbs 17. Interact with the writer by responding to statement made in text -raise questions on statements made as the text unfolds -make predictions -formulate and modify hypothesis based on information given in the text No. of Days 3

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-react to assertion made in the text -determine the functions of statements made Develop the ability to read ones command of the language -read to widen vocabulary and increase ones command of the language -use context to unlock unfamiliar/difficult words, passages, concepts and others -nouns formed by combining words -nouns formed by using suffix -nouns formed by using certain adjectives/verbs Determine the authors tone and purpose for writing a literary selection -distinguish as a positive value the ability to look into oneself and accept ones strengths and weaknesses Point out the authors technique for characterization -stress generosity, service to others, self reliance as examples of values worthwhile developing Express appreciation of ones identity and cultural heritage Correctly fill up forms needed for effective functioning in school such as: -library card and health records -enrolment/registration forms -guidance information sheets Write short personal notes to express feelings and attitudes -gratitude to parents -gratitude to teachers -gratitude to God Write personal notes to seek information -asking about routine matters -identifying people, places things Employ reading skill to aid comprehension and enhance appreciation of literary pieces -cite significant details -show the relationship between the main idea and significant details -taking pronouns: personal & demonstrative pronoun Write narratives like accounts, entries in diaries expressing ones feeling -organize ideas through an outline

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Second Grading Objectives 1. Get information from rapid and distorted speech 2. Restate a commentary on a basketball game 3. Supply words not heard in a listening text 4. Agree/disagree with statements and observations made -radio broadcast/talk show -sharing experiences on topics dealing with science and mathematics -arrive at a consensus of citing proof of statements -give and take down messages over the telephone 5. Listen for specific details and warnings in weather bulletins 6. Listen to get information on current events and issues aired over the radio 7. Listen to determine conflicting information aired over the radio 8. Give the meaning of signs and symbols used like road signs, and prohibited signs 9. Transcode orally and in writing the information presented in diagrams, charts, tables and graphs 10. Locate places and follow directions using a map as a guide 11. React to assertions made in the text 12. Determine the functions of statements made 13. Abstract information from the text 14. Recall ideas on information explicitly stated 15. Sequence/organize ideas or information 16. Identify directly stated main idea 17. Cite evidence to support a general statement 18. Organize information read into an outline 19. Read to widen vocabulary and increase ones command of the language 20. Identify word inference in reading text for better understanding 21. Show understanding and appreciation of various literary types with emphasis on Philippine literature -legends, fables, myths, folk tales, others 22. Identify the elements of a literary form which distinguishes in from other forms -short story, poem, essay, drama, play 23. Explain characteristics in fiction particularly fables, legends and epics 24. Identify and explain the use of local color 25. Single out humility, recourcefulness and self-reliance as examples of values worthwhile developing 26. Stress the universality of generosity and service to others as presented in Philippine literature 27. Present information in note form and outline 28. Take down notes utilizing information maps 29. Give information about forthcoming school activities through announcements -write short, clear announcements, notices -reporting, describing, comparing, narrating -expressing possibility, impossibility, probability, predictability 30. Getting things done -persuading people to do something -offering, requesting assistance, advice

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Third Grading- Objectives 1. Listen to class discussion on home and family 2. Identify the place and the person speaking 3. Identify explicitly stated cause-effect relationships in assertions made by noting signals of causality (so, and so, for, because, since) 4. Identify the stand of speakers based on explicit statements made (identiy the phreases, words and clauses) 5. Anticipate what is to follow considering the function of the statement made (uses of Parts of Speech) 6. Obtain information about a person in a face-to-face interview 7. Identify the functions of utterances taking into account the context of the situation 8. Seeking questions whether to agree or not to agree 9. Inquiring about and expressing likes, dislikes and preferences (continuation of the Parts of Speech) 10. Use illustrations to activate background and knowledge and to get a pictorial representation of what is discussed in a text 11. Gather data using library resources, newspapers, etc. 12. Use locational skills to derive data from general sources of information (identifying Nouns) 13. Use the card catalogue to locate reference materials in a library 14. Transcode information in linear texts into information maps (flowcharts, tree diagrams, grid) 15. Extract key ideas to summarize material read 16. Predict and anticipate outcomes 17. Point out cause-effect relationships 18. Distinguish fact from opinion, fantasy from reality 19. Draw conclusions from a set of details 20. React critically to what is read by judging relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of the authors reasoning, etc. (the uses of pronoun) 21. Point out relationships between statements 22. Deduce the meaning of words through the use of context clues and structural analysis 23. Inquiring about and expressing need, aspirations, capability, incapability, ambitions, intentions, obligations 24. Single out humility, resourcefulness and self-reliance as examples of values worthwhile developing 25. Stress the university of generosity and service to others as presented in Philippine literature 26. Show appreciation for worthwhile local traditions and practices and the values they represent 27. Write well-constructed paragraphs utilizing -the problem-solution (PS) and the topic-restriction-illustration (TRI) macro discourse patterns and -appropriate models of rhetorical patterns to express ones ideas, needs, feelings and attitudes 28. Expand ideas in writing, employing cohesive devises and different rhetorical models 29. Write logically organized and connected discourse making use of transitional devices 30. Write jokes in narrative or script form 31. Speculating 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 3

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Fourth Grading-Objectives

1. Listen to appreciate anecdotes, tales and fables used in sharing sessions to drive home a point 2. Listen to get the punchline in jokes, tales and fables (used in sharing) (The Uses of determiners) 3. Asking/expressing opinions 4. Use communications strategies (e.g. paraphrase and translation) to make up for inadequacies in the language (the uses of verbs) 5. Get information from the different references from general references, encyclopedia dictionary, etc. 6. Get information from the different parts of the book 7. Get current information from newspapers 8. Use language to seek confirmation 9. Express for approval and disapproval (including complaints) 10. Know how to express word/desire/liking/inclinations 11. Use varied reading materials to develop extensive reading skills 12. Interpret instructions, directions, notices, rules and regulations correctly 13. Make generalizations and significant abstractions from different reading materials and use them in practical actuations (The uses of model auxiliary verbs) 14. Express emotional reactions to what was read 15. Express satisfaction/dissatisfaction 16. Express doubt/disbelief 17. Recognize collocations and semantic relationships by arranging words in clines and clusters 18. Discriminate between what is worthwhile from what is not in literature 19. Discover literature as a means of having a better understanding of man and his environment 20. Express appreciation of ones identity and cultural heritage (identifying phrases, clauses, sentences and text) 21. Order or sequence ideas in terms of time order, spatial arrangement, ascending or descending order of importance, etc. 22. Employ concrete, supportive examples to explain topic sentences and develop paragraphs (identifying sentences and texts) 23. Write a correct process explanation in chronological order using descriptive details 24. Write paragraphs using comparison and contrast exhausting one item before moving on to the other (half-and-half approach) 25. Write dialogues for a cartoon

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