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1. Course description: What is the course about? 2.

. Course objectives: What knowledge, skills, and attitudes should students acquire? 3. Course outcomes: What should students be able to do at the end of the course? 4. Rationale for the course: Why should students learn this? How is it different from the course that currently exists now? What is the value of the course? 5. Duration of the course: How long will the course be taught 6. Content: What content- topics, sub-topics, concepts, skills etc A should be covered? Provide at least 5 topics and a brief description of each topic. 7. Organization of content: How should the content be sequenced? Which psychological principles did you choose? 8. Characteristics of target audience: Who is this for? (Consider their interests, abilities, background knowledge) 9. Teaching methods: What approaches to teaching will you choose? (inquiry-based approach, problem-based approach etcA)? How would the course be delivered? (lecture mode, discussion, small group sessions etcA) 10. Activities: What should they do? Provide a brief description of the activities 11. Materials: What resources do they need? 12. Teacher training and attitudes: What do teachers need to know, be able to do, and be committed to? 13. Evaluation: How will success be determined? How will you measure student progress in achieving the objectives of the course? 14. Administrative structure, school facilities, and financial constraints: How will it be implemented in school? Who will provide the finance for the implementation of the course? Who will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the course? When will be course be reviewed for further improvement? 15. Other parts of the curriculum: How will the course relate to other subjects?


Binatang kesayangan saya ialah _______________.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Saya membela binatang peliharaan saya sejak___________ yang lalu. _____________ merupakan nama bintang kesayangan saya. Si Putih kelihataan sangat ______________. Kucing saya mempunyai bulu yang ______________. Si Putih mempunyai ___________ yang tajam. Kucing saya berwarna _____________. ______________ mempunyai misai. Kucing saya suka makan ______________ dan minum _____________.

10.Si Putih akan ______________ apabila melihat saya.

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