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TEMPOH KREDIT For 1 Year / 2 Year For Celcom Prepaid User. Tempoh Kredit Term & Conditions 1.

This Promotion is open to all Prepaid customers with Active Status 2.Customer pay RM ! or RM"! & #et 1 or 2 years $A%&'&T( EXP1 se d !o 2"""2 # RM$% &ill 'e ded(c!ed )or 1*ear +alidi!*. EXP2 se d !o 2"""2 # RM,% &ill 'e ded(c!ed )or 2*ears +alidi!*. T-C FOR EXP1 . A)ter reload RM !* you will #et +months ,-%(* to #et another +months you have to reload another RM !. So total . 1yr validity a)ter you reload RM ! /deduction0 1 RM ! 2alance. T-C FOR EXP2 . A)ter reload RM"!* you will #et +months ,-%(* to #et another 13months you have to reload another RM !. So total . 2yrs validity a)ter you reload RM"! /deduction0 1 RM ! 2alance. T-C )or EXP1 a d EXP2 . Another RM ! 2alance has to reload within +months time a)ter activated 45P1 6 45P2. 7ust dial 81139* choose My Prepaid.. and ne:t* choose Credit $alidity.. since the menu availa2le at 81139 also* not 811;9 only then no need to chan#e plan.....

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