Motion For Hearing

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Winston Shrout c/o Box 123 Anywhere, Utah FIFTH DISTRI T !URT A"#WH$R$, UTAH %$TITI!

" I" TH$ "ATUR$ !F A &!TI!" F!R INSTANT HEARING In re' R$STRAI"T !F (IB$RT# B# )!H" S&ITH WI"ST!" SHR!UT, %etitioner c/o Box 123, Anywhere, Utah *s+ )!H" S&ITH, Res,on-ent 123 &ain Str+, Anywhere, Utah )u-.e' ///////////////////////// ase "u01er' ////////////////// Hearin.' Date /////////////////// Ti0e' ///////////////////// su10itte- 1y' Winston Shrout, 2aw3u2 0an, Rea2 %arty in Interest -o0ici2e' Washin.ton county, Utah state o0es now Winston Shrout, %etitioner, a 2aw3u2 0an, %etitioner in this instant action 3or Writ 3or Ha1eas or,us to re4uest an immediate hearing on the Petition for Writ for Habeas Corpus, in re' Restraint o3 (i1erty 1y )ohn S0ith+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 6+ )ohn S0ith is a continuous tort 3easor+ To a22ow the tortuous action o3 )ohn S0ith to continue in restraint o3 the 2i1erty o3 Winston Shrout wi22 cause irre,ara12e in5ury to Winston Shrout+ To issue the writ o3 ha1eas cor,us an- ha*e a hearin. on the return o3 the writ i00e-iate2y wi22 ,ose no or in5ury to the ,u12ic+ This court to issue the writ o3 ha1eas cor,us i00e-iate2y to -eter0ine the nature an- cause o3 action o3 )ohn S0ith+

I, Winston Shrout, 2aw3u2 0an, %etitioner, -o a33ir0 that I ha*e rea- the a1o*e %etition an- -o 7now the contents to 1e true, correct, an- co0,2ete, an- not 0is2ea-in., the truth, the who2e truth, an- nothin. 1ut the truth+ ///////////////////////////// Winston Shrout, 2aw3u2 0an //////// -ate

I, ////////////////////////////// , a notary ,u12ic resi-in. in Washin.ton county, Utah, -o a33ir0 that a 0an 7nown to 0e as Winston Shrout -i- a,,ear 1e3ore 0e in his true character an- -i- swear to the truth3u2ness o3 the a1o*e -ocu0ent an- a33ix his auto.ra,h on the sa0e, the /////// -ay o3 ///////// 0onth, 2886+ /////////////////////////////// "!TAR# %UB(I /////// -ate

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