Situational Approach

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Situational Approach

1. Management is entirely situational. The management has to use the measures/techniques as per the situation from time to time. 2. Management should match its approach as per the requirements of the situation. The policies and practices used should be suitable to environmental changes. 3. The success of management depends on its ability to cope up with its environment. Naturally it has to ma!e special efforts to anticipate and comprehend the possible environmental changes. Managers should reali"e that there is no one best way to manage. They have to use management techniques as per the situation which they face.

#ccording to contingency approach management principles and concepts of different schools have no universal/general applicability under all situations. This means these schools have not suggested one best method of doing things under all situations and at all times. The contingency approach has provided a solution to this situation. #s per the contingency approach the tas! of managers is to try to identify which technique or method will be most suitable for achieving the management ob$ectives under the available situation. Managers have to develop a sort of situational sensitivity and practical selectivity in order to deal with their managerial problems as they develop from time to time. %ontingency approach views are applicable in designing organi"ational structure and in deciding the degree of decentrali"ation in establishing communication and control systems and also in deciding motivational and leadership approaches. &n brief the contingency approach is applicable to different areas of organisation and management it is an attempt to integrate various viewpoints and to synthesi"e various fragmented approaches to management. The contingency approach is the outcome of the research studies conducted by Tom 'urns and (. ). *tal!er +ames Thompson and others.

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