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"inding a #e$centage of %ny Numbe$ by &sing the '(ubb e )ethod*

The follo#ing $ethod has no for$al na$e% although it has &een nickna$ed the
'(u&&le )ethod*. +t #as devised &y a tutor #ho found an alternative #ay for her students to #ork out one nu$&er as a percentage of another.
= 0% = 00%

= %


To find a /e$centage of any numbe$! Fill in the value of each circle% &eginning #ith the $ain nu$&er in the shaded area. ,ork your #ay through all - circles &y follo#ing the actions on each arro#.





Next, to find 30% of 800 =25%


Find percentage values that add up to the total you are looking for e.g. 25% + 5% = 30% Then add up the values of those circles e.g. 200 + 40 = 240 This means that 30% of 800 = 240

You can check this by using a conventiona method! 30 ! "00 = 30 x 8 = 240 00

+imi a$ y, 38% of 800 = 304, -e kno. this because , , , , , 25% + 0% + % + % + % = 38% 200 + "0 + " + " + " = 304 +o to check! 3" ! "00 = 38 x 8 = 304 00

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