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Summary of Membrane Transport Method Osmosis Simple Diffusion Facilitated diffusion Endocytosis or exocytosis Acti e transport Example water

Carbon dioxide, oxygen Amino acids, glucose Fluids, enzymes, hormones Sodium potassium pump Concentration gradient Energy used Passive/active/use of vesicle

Review uestions !" Simple diffusion is defined as the mo ement of a" molecules from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration" b" molecules from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration c" water molecules across a membrane d" gas molecules across a membrane e" gas or water molecules across a membrane #" $hen sugar is mixed with water, e%uilibrium is reached when a" molecules of sugar stop mo ing b" water and sugar molecules are mo ing at the same speed c" the dissol ed sugar molecules are e enly distributed throughout the solution d" there are the same number of water molecules as dissol ed sugar molecules e" two tablespoons of coffee are added &" 'he rate of diffusion is affected by which of the following( a" 'emperature b" Size of molecules c" Steepness of the concentration gradient d" A and ) e" A, ), and C

*" 'he molecules in a solid lump of sugar do not mo e" a" 'rue b" False +" Diffusion is one of the processes whereby materials are exchanged between a cell and its en ironment" a" 'rue b" False ," Facilitated diffusion re%uires a" Enzymes b" Carrier proteins c" -ipid carriers d" Carbohydrate carriers e" -ipid or carbohydrate carriers ." Facilitated diffusion occurs a" /nto the cell only b" Out of the cell only c" /n either direction depending on the temperature d" /n either direction depending on the concentration gradient of the molecule e" /n either direction depending on the size of the molecule 0" Facilitated diffusion is used to transport a" Sugars and amino acids b" $ater and oxygen c" Carbon dioxide and oxygen d" Carbon dioxide and water e" Sugars and water 1" 2nli3e simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion re%uires energy expenditure by the cell" a" 'rue b" False !4" Facilitated diffusion re%uires a specific transporter for a specific molecule" a" 'rue b" False !!" Osmosis is best defined as the mo ement of a" molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration b" molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration c" water molecules across a membrane from an area of low water to an area of higher concentration

d" water molecules across a membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration e" water molecules inside a container !#" $hich of the following will pass through a cell membrane most easily( a" Small polar molecules b" Small nonpolar molecules c" -arge polar molecules d" -arge nonpolar molecules e" -arge neutral molecules !&" A red blood cell placed in a hypertonic medium will a" expand b" burst c" shrin3 d" ha e no change in shape e" become a white blood cell !*" A +5 urea solution is hypotonic to a !45 urea solution" a" 'rue b" False !+" /f a cell is placed in an isotonic medium, there will be no net mo ement of water" a" 'rue b" False !," 'he sodium6potassium pump functions to pump a" sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell b" sodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell c" sodium and potassium ions into the cell d" sodium and potassium ions out of the cell e" sodium and potassium ions in both directions across the membrane !." $hat is the source of energy used to power the sodium6potassium pump( a" )rea3down of A'7 b" Formation of A'7 c" 'ransport of A'7 by the pump d" )rea3down of 8'7 e" 'ransport of 8'7 by the pump !0" During one cycle, the sodium6potassium pump binds and mo es a" ! 9a: and # ;: b" # 9a: and # ;: c" # 9a: and & ;: d" & 9a: and # ;: e" & 9a: and & ;:

!1" 'he sodium6potassium pump is a trans6membrane protein" a" 'rue b" False #4" 'he binding and release of sodium or potassium ions are due to conformational changes in the transport protein" a" 'rue b" False #!" $hich of the following statements about the sodium6potassium pump is 9O' true( a" 'he ions from the intracellular fluid plus an A'7 molecule bind to the carrier protein on the inside of the cell membrane" b" A'7 is bro3en down into AD7 and potassium to supply the energy c" 'he carrier protein changes shape as it transports ions from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid" d" 'he ions from inside the cell are transported across the cell membrane" e" 'he ions are then released into the extracellular fluid" ##" $hich of the following statements about the sodium6potassium pump is 9O' true( a" After releasing ions into the extracellular fluid, the carrier protein exhibits a new conformation" b" $ith this new conformation, the carrier protein can now bind to different ions in the extracellular fluid c" 'he ions in the extracellular fluid bind to the carrier protein, and the potassium attached to the carrier protein is released d" 'he carrier protein then changes shape again e" 'he ions from the extracellular fluid are then transported across the cell membrane to the inside of the cell" #&" 'he sodium6potassium exchange pump is an example of"" a" diffusion b" facilitated diffusion c" acti e transport d" osmosis e" filtration #*" 'he sodium potassium exchange pump mo es three potassium ions out of the cell and two sodium ions into the cell with each cycle" a" 'rue b" False #+" Acti e transport mo es substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration of that substance" a" 'rue

b" False #," Exocytosis is a process by which cells a" pass substances out of the cell in esicles b" pass substances out of the cell through the membrane by osmosis c" release substances directly into the extracellular fluid through a pore d" release substances directly into the extracellular fluid through a pit e" identify substances in the en ironment #." 'hreonine, an amino acid, and arabinose, a sugar, cross the cell membrane down their concentration gradients by< a" diffusion b" endocytosis c" phosphorylation d" facilitated diffusion e" osmosis #0" $hat membrane transport mechanism is used when an amoeba engulfs a bacterial cell( a" Exocytosis b" 7inocytosis c" Facilitated diffusion d" Acti e transport e" 7hagocytosis

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