Ayala Land Vs Ray Burton 29 SCRA 48

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Ayala Land vs Ray Burton 29 SCRA 48 FACTS: On March 20, 984, !

ARAMF"L #ou$ht %ro& A'ALA a ()*c* o% land+ Th* transact)on ,as docu&*nt*d )n a -**d o% Sal* o% *v*n dat*, ,)th c*rta)n s(*c)al cond)t)ons and r*str)ct)ons on th* us* or occu(ancy o% th* land+ Th* sa)d s(*c)al cond)t)ons and r*str)ct)ons ,*r* attach*d as an ann*. to th* d**d o% sal* and )ncor(orat*d )n th* /M*&orandu& o% 0ncu&#ranc*s/ at th* r*v*rs* s)d* o% th* t)tl* o% th* lot+ On F*#ruary 8, 988, !ARAMF"L sold th* lot to 1ALMCR0ST+ Th)s d**d ,as su#&)tt*d to A'ALA %or a((roval+ A'ALA $av* )ts ,r)tt*n con%or&)ty to th* sal* #ut r*%l*ct)n$ )n )ts a((roval th* sa&* s(*c)al cond)t)ons2r*str)ct)ons as )n th* (r*v)ous sal*+ 1ALMCR0ST )n turn sold th* lot to Ray Burton -*v*lo(&*nt Cor(orat)on 3RB-C4, no, r*s(ond*nt, on A(r)l , 988+ So&*t)&* )n 5un* o% 989, RB-C su#&)tt*d to A'ALA %or a((roval a s*t o% arch)t*ctural (lans %or th* construct)on o% a 67stor*y o%%)c* #u)ld)n$ on th* su#8*ct lot+ S)nc* th* #u)ld)n$ ,as ,*ll ,)th)n th* 427&*t*r h*)$ht r*str)ct)on, A'ALA a((rov*d th* arch)t*ctural (lans+ Th* S*(t*&#*r 2 , 990 )ssu* o% th* Bus)n*ss 9orld &a$a:)n* %*atur*d th* /Tra%al$ar 1la:a/ as a &od*rn 2;7stor*y structur* ,h)ch ,)ll soon r)s* )n Salc*do <)lla$*, Ma=at) C)ty+ Stunn*d #y th)s )n%or&at)on, A'ALA, throu$h couns*l, th*n s*nt a l*tt*r to RB-C d*&and)n$ th* latt*r to c*as* th* construct)on o% th* #u)ld)n$ ,h)ch d)&*ns)ons do not con%or& to th* (r*v)ous (lans )t *arl)*r a((rov*d+ A%t*r tr)al on th* &*r)ts, th* tr)al court r*nd*r*d a -*c)s)on on A(r)l 28, 994 )n %avor o% RB-C+ -)ssat)s%)*d, A'ALA a((*al*d to th* Court o% A((*als ,h)ch a%%)r&*d th* 8ud$&*nt o% th* tr)al court "SS>0: 9h*th*r or not th* tr)al court and th* a((*llat* court *rr*d )n r*nd*r)n$ 8ud$*&*nt )n %avor o% RB-C+ ?0L-: Th* *rron*ous annotat)on o% th* 2@7&*t*r h*)$ht r*str)ct)on )n RB-CAs t)tl* ,as *.(la)n*d #y 5os* Cuar*s&a, A'ALAAs Ass)stant Mana$*r %or Mar=*t)n$ and Sal*s+ 5os* Cuar*s&a %urth*r clar)%)*d that th* corr*ct h*)$ht r*str)ct)on )&(os*d #y A'ALA on RB-C ,as 42 &*t*rs+ Th)s h*)$ht c*)l)n$, h* sa)d, )s #as*d on th* d**d o% r*str)ct)ons attach*d as ann*. to th* d**d o% sal*, and th* sa&* has #**n un)%or&ly )&(os*d on th* trans%*r**s #*$)nn)n$ %ro& th* or)$)nal d**d o% sal* #*t,**n A'ALA and !ARAMF"L+ Th)s clar)%)catory stat*&*nt o% 5os* Cuar*s&a should hav* caut)on*d th* Court o% A((*als %ro& &a=)n$ th* un%ound*d and s,**()n$ conclus)on that RB-C can do anyth)n$ )t ,ants on th* su#8*ct (ro(*rty /as )% no r*str)ct)ons and cond)t)ons ,*r* )&(os*d th*r*on,/ 9hat )s cl*ar %ro& th* r*cord, ho,*v*r, )s that RB-C ,as th* (arty $u)lty o% &)sr*(r*s*ntat)on and2or conc*al&*nt ,h*n )t r*sort*d to th* %raudul*nt sch*&* o% su#&)tt)n$ t,o 324 s*ts o% #u)ld)n$ (lans, on* 3 4 s*t con%or&*d to th* -**d R*str)ct)ons, ,h)ch ,as su#&)tt*d to and a((rov*d #y A'ALA, ,h)l* anoth*r s*t v)olat*d th* sa)d r*str)ct)ons, and ,h)ch )t (r*s*nt*d to th* Ma=at) C)ty Bu)ld)n$ O%%)c)al )n ord*r to s*cur* %ro& th* latt*r th* n*c*ssary #u)ld)n$ (*r&)t+ "t )s not*,orthy that a%t*r th* su#&)ss)on o% th* s*cond s*t o% #u)ld)n$ (lans to th* Bu)ld)n$ O%%)c)al, RB-C cont)nu*d to &a=* r*(r*s*ntat)ons to A'ALA that )t ,ould #u)ld th* %)v*7stor*y #u)ld)n$ )n accordanc* ,)th th* %)rst s*t o% (lans a((rov*d #y A'ALA, A'ALA r*l)*d on RB-CAs %als* r*(r*s*ntat)ons and r*l*as*d th* sa)d t)tl*+ ?*nc*, RB-C ,as )n #ad %a)th+ "n th* )nstant cas*, th* st)(ulat)ons )n th* -**d R*str)ct)ons and S(*c)al Cond)t)ons ar* (la)n and una&#)$uous ,h)ch l*av* no roo& %or )nt*r(r*tat)on

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