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Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu Iasi TESTARE LA LIMBA ENGLEZA Septembrie !

!"# I$ %ut the &erbs in brac'ets into the correct tense( (. 2e be late. a. 3ot b. no will c. won4t

1.Last week they(write) a lot. 2.(You, use to) play much when you(be) younger? 3. hat time (usually, she, start) work? !." (come)late last e#ening an$ "(not to sleep) too well. %.&he o'ten(go) to the cinema. (.)ike always($o)his homework when he(be)a stu$ent. *. e (go) to the sta$ium last &atur$ay. +."(not to tra#el) too much. ,.-he boy (break) the #ase an$ then he(lea#e) the room. 1..-hey(en/oy) the last show they(see) together. II$ Circle the correct ans)er$

*. .. get up early e#ery morning? a. 0o she ha#e to b. 0oes she ha#e to c. 0oes she has to +. a lot o' money with you5 a. 0on4t take c. 0on4t taking b. 0on4t to take

,. "taly? a. "s she b. "s she 'rom she 'rom c. 6omes

1.. -here aren4t cinemas here. a. &ome b. the c. any

11." 777777777 the book, now. a) rea$ b) am rea$ing c)rea$ing

1. .. you like a $rink? a. 0i$ 2. a. b. oul$ c. 1re

12. You 77777777777 'ootball, e#ery$ay. a) play b) are playing c) playe$

here you last night? as b. are c. were

13. 2e 777777777777 Lon$on, now. a) #isit b) #isite$ c) is #isiting 1!. -om 7777777777 the break'ast, at * o4clock. a) is ha#ing b) has c) ha$

3. she en/oy the party? a. !. as b. "s c. 0i$

hich is ri#er in the worl$? b. the longest c.

1%. -hey 77777777777 8nglish, at the moment. a) learne$ b) are learning c) learn

a. -he longer the #ery long

%. )y sister . Late 'or school. a. "s usually has b. usually is c. usually


*rite a letter about +oursel, a--resse- to a pen ,rien-. ,ollo)ing the plan(

9ara 1:greetings an$ intro$uction about yoursel' 9ara 2:past li'estyle 9ara 3:present li'estyle 9ara !:closing remarks(reason why you must en$ the letter, greetings to the 'rien$4s 'amily, wishes, an in#itation, a re;uest to the person to reply soon)

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