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Projectile Motion The Catapult Lab Objective: To apply the laws of Physics for projectile motion to design a catapult

that can accurately launch a marshmallow and hit a designated target. To keep track of all experimental data. Materials and Methods: In this lab you will be building marshmallow catapults. Your catapult will need to be able to launch a marshmallow 5 ! m. Your catapult must be able to launch a marshmallow "large #ariety $ approximately % cm & %cm & % cm' at any angle between ( and )( degrees. *n testing day you will be gi#en the distance to the target and you will then ha#e +( minutes to make adjustments to your catapult and write the data re,uired. Three tests are re,uired minimum. Therefore- your design must be finished by testing day. .ll catapults should be composed of scrap materials. The appearance of the catapult will not be judged- but you should pay careful attention to design elements that affect the ability of your catapult to adjust to new distances. There are se#eral design ideas pro#ided on the attached sheets. You may use one of these designs or adapt one to guide your catapult design. You need turn in only one report per group. You will ha#e / class period to design your catapult "all thumbnail sketches and ideas must be turned in'. Then you will ha#e 0 class periods to design and build the catapult "keep this in mind so that you can work at home if necessary'. The % th day will be test day. The fifth day will be competition day- you will ha#e /( minutes to set up your catapult so that it can fire a marshmallow at the re,uired distance. You will be graded on the following items: Your P1P worksheet Preliminary drawings 2inal drawing with all parts and dimensions labeled Test day data sheet "typed' 3#aluation day data sheet "typed' Your catapult operation .ccuracy 4eport $ with co#er sheet- staple rubric as last page 3ffort

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