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Submitted to: Prof.


y The process of managing waste materials. It involves the

collection, transport, processing and/or disposal of waste materials.

y The aim of waste management has been to prevent

or reduce the impact of waste materials on human health or local amenity and reducing the impact of waste on the environment and recovering resources from waste materials.

Waste can be classified in as

y UNAVOIDABLE WASTE (or natural waste), in which

the investment necessary to its reduction is higher than the economy produced.
y AVOIDABLE WASTE:- when the cost of waste is

significantly higher than the cost to prevent it.

can be degraded (paper, wood, fruits and others)

cannot be degraded (plastics, bottles, old machines, cans, containers and others)

y Hazardous wastes(HW):-The number of industries that

generate HW are maximum in Maharashtra (30.38%) followed by Gujarat (22.93%). Minimum HW is reported in Chandigarh (0.0069%).
y Non-hazardous wastes:- Waste management for non-

hazardous residential and institutional waste streams in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities. And for commercial and industrial wastes is usually the responsibility of the generator.

y Overproduction. y Substitution. y Waiting time. y Transportation. y Inventories. y Movement. y Production of defective products.

Concept of Integrated Waste Management

Presents waste minimization conce

y Waste Control y Scrap Control y Spoilage Control y Control of Defectives

y Quantity Control:- It involves maintenance of

detailed records of quantities with an object to detect shrinkage, breakage, loss etc
y Quality Control:- Wastage may also occur from

loss of control on process or poor quality of material.

Residue material that has a recovery value

 Legitimate Scrap:-

Predetermined or anticipated in advance due to experience in manufacturing operations. Administrative Scrap:Results from administrative decision e.g. change in design or withdrawal from saleable lots or for some other reasons. Defective Scrap:Resulting from poor quality of raw material, negligent handling of material etc.

 Material specification at the product design

stage.  Selection of right material and equipment.  Selection of right type of personnel with proper training and experience.  Determination of acceptable limits of scrap.  Reporting the source of waste, quantum of waste.  Specific areas of responsibility.

Production that fails to meet quality or dimensional requirements

 Control through predetermined standards.  Control through fixation of individual

responsibility.  Prompt & systematic reporting of spoilage.

Part of production that does not meet dimensional or quality specifications of a product but which can be reworked by additional application of material , labour and processing
 Control of defective requires a basis for evaluation

of performance.  Standards may be fixed for occurrence of defective work

 Poor quality of material  Lack of skill or training  Inadequate supervision  Damage in material handling  Defective or improper tooling and equipment  Deficiencies in product design  Inadequate inspection


wastage is regarded as part of the production cost and distributed over good units.  Cost of abnormal wastage is excluded from total cost and charged to costing profit & loss account.  Any value realised from the waste is credited to process account.

Process P

Process Q

Process R





















If value of scrap is negligible, the good units should bear the cost of scrap and any income realised will be treated as other income.
 Value of scrap will be credited to the job or process

account and any unrecovered balance in the scrap account will be transferred to costing profit & loss account.  If the scrap value is significant and it cannot be identified with particular job or process, then the net sales realisation after deducting the selling cost is transferred to either material or factory overhead account. This will have an effect in reducing the factory cost.

 If the cost of spoilage is normal then the cost is

charged to the specific order or treated as production overheads.  Cost of abnormal spoilage is charged to costing P&L a/c .  If spoilt units are reused as raw materials in the same process, no separate accounting is required. If spoilage is used for any other process or job, a proper credit should be given to relevant process account or job account.

 Cost of rectification of normal defectives is charged

to good units.  If the defect is not identifiable to the particular department, the rework costs are treated as general overheads.  If normal defectives are easily identifiable with specific jobs, the rework costs are charged to that job.  Abnormal defectives costs are charged to the costing P&L a/c.

 Risk may be shared between authorities.  Focuses on cost benefits from a holistic point of


 Operational efficiencies.  Economies of scale and reduced overheads.

 Loss of proximity principle.  Time and costs to secure funding and for procurement

process.  Requires authorities to take on some risks impacting other partners.  External risks impacting on individual authorities may not be shared.  Few economies of scale.

 Authorities can change contractors/services more

easily and frequently.  The scope of contracts may be tailored to encourage greater market appetite from smaller specialist or locally based companies.  Shared Targets.  Greater market appetite for larger contracts, more competition.

 Individual authorities constrained from influencing

services beyond its boundaries.  Likely to require more frequent tendering with less long term stability.  Short term focus may lead to higher costs in the long term.  Potential loss of community involvement and interest.

y Name of companies: Formoso,Isatto,Hirota. y Brazilian companies. y Formoso : Developers & Builders y Isatto : Developers & Builders y Hirota: Contractor for private clients. y Small organization y Sites are managed by a Civil engineer & Forman y Under graduate: Responsible for data collection

y Environment damage. y Results in reducing the future availability

Scare resources.
y Identif y and controlling waste for future availability of

material and energy.

Any inefficiency that results in the use of y y y y y y

1. Equipment, 2. Materials, 3. Labour 4. Capital in larger quantities than those considered as necessary in the production of a building.

Incidence of Material Losses

Execution of unnecessary work

Additional Costs

Not add value to the product. Waste should be defined as any losses produced by activities that generate direct or indirect costs but do not add any value to the product.

y Unavoidable waste : In which the investment

necessary to its reduction is higher than the economy produced.

y Avoidable waste : When the cost of waste is

significantly higher than the cost to prevent it.

y Overproduction y Substitution y Waiting time y Transportation y Processing y Inventories y Production of defective product

y The waste of building materials is far higher than the

nominal figures assumed by the companies in their cost estimates. y There is a very high variability of waste indices from site to site. y Company do not seem to be concerned about material waste, since they do not apply relatively simple procedures to avoid waste on site. y None of them had a well-defined material management policy.

y Most building firms did not know the amount of waste

they had before the development of the study. y Problem in flow in the management system, and have very little to do with the lack of qualification and motivation of workers. y waste is usually the result of a combination of factors, rather than originated by an isolated incident. y Inadequate design, lack of planning, flaws in the material supply system.

y Data collection was very expensive, involving a large

team of researchers, including people who are heavily involved in monitoring the work on site. y The results of data collection take a long time to implement. This limits the impact of those studies in terms of corrective action. y The results of such surveys take a long time to be produced, usually after the work being monitored has finished. This limits the impact of those studies in terms of corrective action. y Little involvement of people from the company in both data collection and analysis. Because of that the learning process tend to be very limited.

y A protocol was developed for data collection, involving

the application of quantitative and qualitative techniques. y Feedback from the site must be as much transparent as possible and the people directly involved in the process. y Those people could learn from their own experiences and commit themselves to the reduction of waste in the process.

y After identif ying causes method used has to be pro-

active, allowing the processes to be controlled during the life span of the production process. y Post method emphasizes on learning how to learn from process control in order to encourage the learning process to happen in the whole system.

Preliminary meeting to present the objective of study

Gets information about the output of each activities.

Data: usage of material and manhours spent, Periodical inventory

Protocol used to define and monitor the production process

Collecting productivity data of workers and usage of materials

Weekly data, converted into monthly and then analyzed data

Direction given to in charge of data collection

Related to definition of control cycle


No waste is best. Waste has to be separated as directed to use it. Find Resources in Waste.


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