Speed Reading

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects READING COMPREHENSION, STUDY METHODS, AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS Subcourse Number PD2201 Edition B United States rmy !rainin" Support Center #ort Eustis$ %ir"inia 2&'0( Edition date) *anuary 1++, Credit hours) (

Subc u!"# O$#!$%#&

Description !his subcourse contains a re-ie. o/ the basic readin" comprehension$ study$ and time mana"ement s0i11s that you must ha-e as a primary noncommissioned o//icer to /unction e//ecti-e1y2 !here are no prere3uisites /or this subcourse2


Gender discl i!er

Un1ess other.ise stated$ the mascu1ine "ender o/ sin"u1ar pronouns is used to re/er to both men and .omen2

Ter!in l le rnin" o#$ecti%e

!he termina1 1earnin" objecti-e 4!LO5 /or this modu1e is) Action Condition St nd rds De-e1op e//ecti-e readin"$ study$ and mana"ement s0i11s 6i-en the materia1s in this subcourse2 Use readin"$ study$ and time mana"ement s0i11s to) 7ncrease readin" rate and comprehension2 De-e1op "ood study habits2 Determine re3uirements and "oa1s$ prioriti8e$ p1an$ schedu1e$ and mana"e e//ecti-e1y2
Continued on next page

Additionally, score 70% or higher on the written exam.

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

Subc u!"# O$#!$%#&, Continued

In t&is su#course !his subcourse contains the /o11o.in" 1essons) +esson 1 2 & Title 9eadin" Comprehension and E//ecti-e Study :ethods !im :ana"ement Primary NCO :ana"ement S0i11s P "e 1;1 2;1 &;1


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects


Section P "e Su#course O%er%ie-22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 O;1 +esson *. Re din" Co!pre&ension nd E//ecti%e Stud' Met&ods O-er-ie.222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;1 Section 7) 7mpro-in" 9eadin" S0i11s O-er-ie.22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;& 7ncreasin" 9eadin" Comprehension 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1;( 7ncreasin" 9eadin" 9ate 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1;, Understandin" daptabi1ity 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;+ Lesson 1$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;11 Lesson 1$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac022222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1;12 Section 77) E//ecti-e Study :ethods O-er-ie.222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;1& De-e1opin" 6ood Study >abits 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;1( Usin" the P?(9 Study :ethod 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1;1' Usin" the :ain 7dea Study :ethod 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;1, Lesson 1$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1;1+ Lesson 1$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1;20 Lesson 1 Summary 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222221;21 +esson ,. Ti!e M n "e!ent O-er-ie. 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;1 Section 7) 6oa1s and 9e3uirements O-er-ie.22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;& Settin" 6oa1s 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;@ Determinin" 9e3uirements2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;A Usin" 6oa1s and 9e3uirements 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;10 Lesson 2$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;11 Lesson 2$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac022222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;12 Section 77) !he Bac0.ard P1annin" Process O-er-ie.222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;1& !he Prioriti8in" Process 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;1( >o. to Prioriti8e 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;1@ !he P1annin" Process 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;1, >o. to Bac0.ard P1an 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;1+ Lesson 2$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;21 Lesson 2$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;22
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

T'b(# ) C *+#*+", Continued

Section 777) Schedu1in" !oo1s O-er-ie.222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;2& Schedu1in" Considerations 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;2( E<amp1es o/ Schedu1es 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;2' >o. to De-e1op a Schedu1e 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2;2, Lesson 2$ Section m$ Practice E<ercise 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;2+ Lesson 2$ Section 777$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;&0 Lesson 2 Summary 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;&1 +esson 0. Pri! r' NCO M n "e!ent S(ills O-er-ie. 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222&;1 rmy Leadership and :ana"ement in !actica1 Units 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222&;@ Usin" :ana"ement S0i11s to 7mpro-e Leadership Potentia1 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &;, :oti-ation !heory 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &;+ Use o/ Po.er 4 uthority5 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &;1& :eetin"s :ana"ement 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222&;1A 6roup Dynamics 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &;21 Lesson & Practice E<ercise 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &;2& Lesson & Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222&;2' Lesson & Summary 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222&;2+


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 1 R#',%*- C ./!#0#*"% * '*, E))#c+%$# S+u,1 M#+0 ,"

Introduction Durin" the past 200 years$ the /1o. o/ in/ormation has "ro.n /rom a tric01e to a /1ood2 de1u"e o/ .ritten materia1 has accompanied scienti/ic and cu1tura1 ad-ances2 !odayBs pro/essiona1 so1dier must continue to 1earn to read more e//ecti-e1y2 7mpro-in" your readin" comprehension .i11) +esson description Enhance your .ritin" abi1ity2 E<pand your -ocabu1ary2 Bui1d the /oundation /or inte11i"ent decision ma0in"2 7ncrease your abi1ity to success/u11y train and be trained2

7n this 1esson$ you .i11 1earn to read more e//ecti-e1y2

Continued on next page

+e din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

O$#!$%#&, Continued
En #lin" le rnin" o#$ecti%e !he enab1in" 1earnin" objecti-e 4ELO5 /or this 1esson is)

Action Condition St nd rds

Use e//ecti-e readin" and study s0i11s2 6i-en materia1 contained in this 1esson2 Use e//ecti-e readin" and study s0i11s$ to inc1ude) 7ncreasin" readin" comprehension2 7ncreasin" readin" rate2 Usin" readin" adaptabi1ity2 De-e1opin" "ood study habits2

Using the PQ4R tudy !ethod and main idea study method.


!his 1esson contains materia1 /rom) 9ead to Lead2 !9 DOC 9e" 2@;&($ 1ternate #ormat /or Preparin" and Pub1ishin" !9 DOC dministrati-e Pub1ications2 Learning to Learn at a Distance 4U2S2 Coast 6uard 9eser-e !rainin" Center52 Command NCO cademy$ %o1ume 2$ Communications Skills 4E<tension Course 7nstitute$ ir Uni-ersity52

In t&is lesson

!his 1esson contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic Section 7) 7mpro-in" 9eadin" S0i11s Section 77) E//ecti-e Study :ethods Lesson 1 Summary See P "e 1;& 1;1& 1;21

1or !ore in/or! tion

/ you need additiona1 he1p in increasin" your readin" comprehension$ "o to the nearest rmy Learnin" Center2 Cou .i11 /ind the 9ead to Lead pro"ram there2 7t consists o/ a test that identi/ies your readin" .ea0nesses$ and speci/ic 1essons to he1p you impro-e your readin" s0i11s2


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#c+% * I I./! $%*- R#',%*- S2%((" O$#!$%#&

Introduction 7mpro-in" readin" s0i11s is a must /or todayBs pro/essiona1 so1dier2 7/ you ha-e ne-er tried to impro-e your readin" s0i11s$ you .i11 be surprised ho. much you can increase your readin" speed and sti11 understand .hat you are readin"2 !o impro-e your readin" s0i11s$ you need to be a.are o/ these three important areas o/ readin" impro-ement) 7ncreasin" readin" comprehension2 7ncreasin" readin" rate2 Understandin" adaptabi1ity2

In t&is section

!his section contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic 7ncreasin" 9eadin" Comprehension 7ncreasin" 9eadin" 9ate Understandin" daptabi1ity Lesson 1$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise Lesson 1$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 See P "e 1;( 1;, 1;+ 1;11 1;12

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

I*c!#'"%*- R#',%*- C ./!#0#*"% *

De/inition. Co!pre&ension I!port nce o/ incre sin" co!pre&ension Comprehension is the abi1ity to understand .hat you see or hear2

7ncreasin" readin" comprehension is the most important /actor in impro-in" readin" s0i11s2 :ost peop1e 1imit their readin" potentia1 because they are care/u1 not to read any /aster than they can understand2 >o.e-er$ the truth is$ most peop1e can understand much /aster than they read2 !o increase your readin" comprehension) 7ncrease your -ocabu1ary2 Scan the materia12

Incre sin" re din" co!pre&ension

Ho- to incre se %oc #ul r'

Un0no.n -ocabu1ary dramatica11y reduces the readerBs abi1ity to understand2 E<pandin" your -ocabu1ary is a must /or anyone .ho .ants to increase readin" comprehension2 One .ay to increase your -ocabu1ary is to use a dictionary to 1oo0 up ne. terms and re/erence o1d terms /or ne. meanin"2 >o.e-er$ the best .ay is to read more and 1earn /rom conte<t2 Dhen 1earnin" the meanin" o/ .ords /rom conte<t$ 1oo0 /or c1ues such as) Bo1d/aced$ ita1ici8ed$ or mar0ed .ords2 Punctuation 4sets o/ dashes$ commas$ or parentheses52 Dords or phrases that an acronym or bre-ity code represents in the /irst p1ace the 1etters appear2
Continued on next page

+e rnin" /ro! conte2t


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

I*c!#'"%*- R#',%*- C ./!#0#*"% *, Continued

E2 !ple o/ le rnin" /ro! conte2t !his e<amp1e sho.s ho. .riters use conte<t c1ues to "i-e the meanin" o/ .ords in their materia12 E:any dea1ers and phi1ate1ists ; stamp co11ectors ; -isited the postmar0 e<hibit at the con-ention 1ast month2E 4E<tracted /rom 9ead to Lead5
"he words #stam$ collectors# are set o%% &y dashes and gi'es the meaning to the word #$hilatelists#.

Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

I*c!#'"%*- R#',%*- C ./!#0#*"% *, Continued

Ho- to sc n -ritten ! teri l Scannin" is a techni3ue that .i11 he1p you identi/y the purpose o/ the .ritten materia1$ .hat the materia1 inc1udes$ and technica1 terms .ith .hich you must become /ami1iar2 !his tab1e identi/ies .hat to scan and the purpose /or it2 5& t to sc n !ab1e o/ Contents Purpose >e1ps you /ind .hat you are 1oo0in" /or2

(denti%ies areas o% the su&)ect you may not ha'e thought a&out.


Contains technica1 data$ such as charts and dia"rams2

Pro'ides a *uic+ re%erence %or %orms or ta&les.

9e/erences or Bib1io"raphy

Pro-ides a 1ist o/ materia1s used in preparin" .hat you are readin"2 Contains an a1phabetica1 1istin" o/ important technica1 terms and their de/initions2

Use%ul %or %urther study o% the material.


ometimes includes a list o% &re'ity codes and acronyms.

7nde< ChapterFSection >eadin"s

Contains an a1phabetica1 1istin" o/ subjects .ith a11 the pa"e numbers .here you .i11 /ind the subject2 7denti/ies the materia1 co-ered2


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

I*c!#'"%*- R#',%*- R'+#

Introduction !he second most important /actor in impro-in" readin" s0i11s is to increase your readin" rate2 !his is e<treme1y -ita1 /or peop1e .ho .or0 in administrati-e and 1eadership positions that re3uire a "reat dea1 o/ readin"2 7t is ob-ious that a person .ho can read /aster can "et throu"h /ar more paper.or0 than a person .ho reads at a s1o. rate2 !o increase your readin" rate you must) De/inition. Sp n o/ reco"nition Incre se sp n o/ reco"nition 7ncrease your span o/ reco"nition2 E1iminate bad readin" habits2 Constant1y stri-e to o-ercome -ocabu1ary di//icu1ties2

Incre sin" re din" r te

!he span o/ reco"nition is the amount o/ materia1 an indi-idua1 can read at a sin"1e /i<ation2 /ast reader can ta0e in three or /our .ords per /i<ation$ .hi1e a s1o. reader may stop on e-ery .ord2 7/ you increase your span o/ reco"nition$ you .i11 ma0e /e.er /i<ations per 1ine and read /aster2 !his .i11 re3uire a 1ot o/ hard .or0 and dai1y practice on your part2 "ood p1ace to start is to practice .ith a ne.spaper$ because they are in narro. co1umns2 #ind out ho. many /i<ations you ha-e per and then practice brin"in" them do.n2 7/ you practice this dai1y$ you .i11 see an increase in your span o/ reco"nition2 printed 1ine

Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

I*c!#'"%*- R#',%*- R'+#, Continued

Eli!in te # d re din" & #its S1o. readin" is a resu1t o/ bad readin" habits2 :any prob1ems that .e e<perience at the adu1t 1e-e1 are ho1do-ers /rom our ear1y e//orts as a chi1d2 !his tab1e identi/ies /our common prob1ems that are deterrents to rapid readin"2 Pro#le! Lip 9eadin" S'!pto! No sound2 Result Limits speed to ora1 readin" speed2 Cure :a0e conscious e//ort to e1iminate2

Sub-oca1; i8ation

Lips mimic .ord /ormation2 %oca1 cords acti-ated to mimic .ord /ormation2

Press %inger o'er li$s.

Limits speed to near;ora1 readin" speed2

:a0e conscious e//ort to e1iminate2

Place thum& and %inger to side o% throat.

uditory 9eadin"

E>earin"E .ords .hi1e readin"2

9etards readin" speed2

:a0e conscious e//ort to repress E-oice2E

Practice s$eed reading without 'ocali,ing.

9e"ressi-e 9eadin"

9eadin" .ords a1ready read2 :ind .anderin"2 9eadin" too s1o.1y2

9etards readin" speed2 Se1dom impro-es comprehension2

7ncrease -ocabu1ary2 Concentrate intent1y2

-ee$ interested in su&)ect.

O%erco!in" "ood %oc #ul r' di//iculties

7t is important that you continue to .or0 at bui1din" a "ood -ocabu1ary2 -ocabu1ary not on1y increases your readin" comprehension$ but a1so .i11 increase your readin" rate2 9eaders .ith a poor -ocabu1ary must constant1y re"ress to "uess at meanin"s$ and un/ami1iar .ords cause them to ta0e 1on" /i<ations on the te<t2


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U*,#!"+'*,%*- A,'/+'b%(%+1
Introduction Comprehension is the most important /actor in readin"$ but the rea1 0ey to readin" e//ecti-eness is adaptabi1ity2 daptabi1ity is bein" /1e<ib1e in your readin" s0i11s to accommodate the type o/ materia1 you are readin"2 Cou must not a11o. yourse1/ to read a11 types o/ materia1 in the same manner2 !o be an adaptab1e reader$ you must) dapt your speed to the readin" materia12 Discriminate in .hat and ho. you read2

De/inition. Ad pt #ilit'

Ad ptin" speed

Cou shou1d not read a11 materia1 at the same readin" rate2 !he importance and di//icu1ty o/ the materia1 shou1d determine your readin" rate2 Un/ortunate1y some peop1e .i11 read the comics and important materia1 at the same rate2 7t is the si"n o/ an immature reader to read e-erythin" at the same speed2 1.ays chec0 to be sure you are adaptin" your readin" speed to the materia1 and purpose /or readin"2 Discrimination "oes hand in hand .ith adaptabi1ity2 7t is 0no.in" .hat is .orth readin" and ho. to read it /or best resu1ts2 7n some instances$ your job$ schoo1 assi"nments$ importance o/ documents$ etc2$ dictate .hat you read2 >o.e-er$ .hen the choice is yours$ choose care/u11y so you do not .aste time2 !his tab1e identi/ies ho. to discriminate bet.een types o/ materia12 I/ 'ou re re din"999 schoo1 materia1s or job documents$ T&en999 s1o. your readin" rate and read .ith critica1 attention to detai12 "enera1 in/ormation$ increase your readin" rate and sa-e time /or more important acti-ities2 a certain .ritin" sty1e or description s1o. your readin" rate and thin0 about it ; you enjoy$ sa-or it2

Discri!in tin" t'pes o/ re din" ! teri l

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects



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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 1, S#c+% * I, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#

Instructions !he /o11o.in" items test your 0no.1ed"e o/ the materia1 co-ered in this section2 Circ1e the 1etter o/ the correct response /or each item2 Dhen you comp1ete the e<ercise$ chec0 your ans.ers .ith the ans.er 0ey and /eedbac0 sheet that /o11o.s2 7/ you respond to any item incorrect1y$ study the materia1 and try the items a"ain2 Dhat is the most important /actor in impro-in" readin" s0i11sG 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! , Understandin" adaptabi1ity2 7ncreasin" the readin" rate2 7ncreasin" readin" comprehension2 Discriminatin" .hat to read2

Ite! *

Usin" a dictionary is the best .ay to increase your -ocabu1ary2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2

Ite! 0

Dhen scannin" your materia1$ .hat pro-ides a 1ist o/ materia1s used in preparin" .hat you are readin"G 2 ppendi<2 B2 61ossary2 C2 7nde<2 D2 Bib1io"raphy2

Ite! 3

:ind .anderin" is a symptom o/ re"ressi-e readin"2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2

Ite! 4

Dhat must you do to be an adaptab1e readerG 2 9ead a11 materia1 at the same rate2 B2 dapt readin" speed and discriminate in .hat and ho. you read2 C2 Emphasi8e readin" comprehension and read a11 materia1 at the same rate2
.. .iscriminate what you read and consistently read at a %aster $ace.

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 1, S#c+% * I, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2

Ite! * C2 !he most important /actor in impro-in" readin" s0i11s is increasin" readin" comprehension2 4Pa"e 1;(5 B2 #a1se2 One .ay to increase your -ocabu1ary is to use a dictionary to 1oo0 up ne. terms and re/erence o1d terms /or ne. meanin"2 >o.e-er$ the best .ay is to read more and 1earn /rom conte<t2 4Pa"e 1;(5 D2 !he bib1io"raphy pro-ides a 1ist o/ materia1s used in preparin" .hat you are readin"2 4Pa"e 1;'5 2 !rue2 :ind .anderin" is a symptom o/ re"ressi-e readin"2 !hree symptoms o/ re"ressi-e readin" are readin" .ords a1ready readin"$ mind .anderin"$ and readin" too s1o.1y2 4Pa"e 1;A5 B2 !o be an adaptab1e reader you must adapt readin" speed and discriminate in .hat and ho. you read2 4Pa"e 1;+5

Ite! ,

Ite! 0

Ite! 3

Ite! 4


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#c+% * II E))#c+%$# S+u,1 M#+0 ," O$#!$%#&

Introduction E//ecti-e study in-o1-es de-e1opin" an understandin" o/ the main ideas and their re1ationships2 !o accomp1ish this$ you must de-e1op "ood study habits and app1y a "ood study method2 !his section contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic De-e1opin" 6ood Study >abits Usin" the P?(9 Study :ethod Usin" the :ain 7dea Study :ethod Lesson 1$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise Lesson 1$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 See P "e 1;1( 1;1' 1;1, 1;1+ 1;20

In t&is section

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

D#$#( /%*- G

, S+u,1 H'b%+"

6ood study habits pro-ide the structure and discip1ine that a11o. you to concentrate on the tas0 at hand and 1earn the materia1 that .i11 "et you throu"h schoo1 and "et you promoted2

I!port nce

7t is essentia1 that you be moti-ated and or"ani8ed$ and use e//ecti-e and e//icient study methods2 But$ it is e3ua11y important that you use "ood study habits2 Students o/ten sacri/ice study time to meet other demands on their time$ such as their job and /ami1y2 6ood study habits .i11 increase the e//icient use o/ study time2

5&ere to stud'

!o study e//ecti-e1y$ you must /ind a p1ace .here you can concentrate on the 1earnin" materia1$ e1iminatin" as much inter/erence as possib1e2 9esearch has sho.n that you cannot study success/u11y in areas .ith such distractions as noise or -isua1 acti-ities2 7n addition to e1iminatin" distractions$ your study area must ha-e) 6ood 1i"htin"2 de3uate -enti1ation2 de3uate room temperature2

5&en to stud'

7t is hard to p1an and bud"et the time to study2 E//ecti-e 1earnin" re3uires you to p1an a proper ba1ance bet.een .or0$ study$ and recreationa1 acti-ities2 Cou must a11o. yourse1/ enou"h time to study the materia1$ and you must menta11y prepare to study2 P1an your study time /or periods .hen you are /u11y a1ert and .i11 be ab1e to 1earn best /rom the materia12
Continued on next page


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

D#$#( /%*- G
Good stud' & #its !odel

, S+u,1 H'b%+", Continued

!his tab1e sho.s a mode1 /or "ood study habits2 Action Set rea1istic "oa1s2 Description =no. your dead1ines and your job and /ami1y re3uirements2 -oid ha-in" to cram2 Use days$ rather than hours$ to prepare2 Concentrate better2
tay on schedule.

/stimate the time you need to meet your deadlines.

!ry to do a 1itt1e each day2 P1an your time2 -oid distractions in your en-ironment 4noise$ poor 1i"htin" poor -enti1ation52 !a0e notes2

!a+e it easier to $lan your re'iew sessions.

"a+e short &rea+s during long study $eriods.

7denti/y in/ormation on .hich you may be tested or that you may need on the job2

Record the most im$ortant $oints o% the instruction, in your own handwriting, %or re%erence and to rein%orce the PQ4R method 0discussed on the %ollowing $age1.

s0 yourse1/ 3uestions about the materia12

#orce yourse1/ to say or .rite the idea in your o.n .ords2 :a0e sure you understand the main points2

Rein%orce your learning through re$etiti'e *uestioning and res$onding.

P1an a /ina1 study session2

9e-ie. a11 materia12

!aximi,e understanding, retention, com$rehension, and recall o% in%ormation.

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"%*- +0# P45R S+u,1 M#+0 ,

Purpose !he P?(9 study method impro-es a studentBs abi1ity to 1earn and remember materia1 presented in te<tboo0s and other materia12 !his study method ta0es its name /rom the /irst 1etters o/ its si< e1ements2 P H Pre-ie. ? H ?uestion 9 H 9ead 9 9e/1ect 9 H 9ecite 9 H 9e-ie.

Acron'! de/ined

P<3R stud' !et&od

!he P?(9 study method is an or"ani8ed .ay to study$ 1earn$ and remember2 7t is simi1ar to the dri11s and practices used to 1earn and accomp1ish your other duty tas0s2 !his tab1e 1ists the steps in usin" the method2 Step 1 2 & ( P rt Pre-ie. ?uestion 9ead 9e/1ect 1unction S0im the materia1 and read the 1abe1s to identi/y the "enera1 idea$ major topic$ or major theme2 De-e1op a 1ist o/ 3uestions that come to mind durin" the pre-ie. phase2 9ead the materia1 and ans.er the 3uestions2
.e'elo$ new *uestions and answer them.

!hin0 about .hat you ha-e read2 !hin0 o/ supportin" e<amp1es2

Connect the material to your ex$erience.

@ '

9ecite 9e-ie.

Put the 0ey points in your o.n .ords2 9e-ie. your 3uestions and ans.ers2

Re'iew the general idea, ma)or to$ic, or ma)or theme.


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"%*- +0# M'%* I,#' S+u,1 M#+0 ,

Purpose !his method he1ps you to /ind and understand the essentia1 messa"e or main idea in the materia1 you are readin"2 #indin" the essentia1 messa"e or main idea is -ita1 /or you to 1ocate the in/ormation you need and /or you to understand .hat you ha-e read2

I!port nce

Ho- to /ind t&e ! in ide

Each para"raph contains in/ormation that is or"ani8ed around one centra1 thou"ht2 !his main idea is usua11y 1ocated in a topic sentence2 !he topic sentence$ there/ore$ te11s you .hat the para"raph is about2 !he main idea in the para"raph be1o. is that maps need to be secured2 9ead the para"raph and see ho. e-ery sentence re1ates to the main thou"ht2

E2 !ple o/ ! in ide

11 maps$ c1assi/ied or unc1assi/ied$ re3uire specia1 hand1in"2 7/ a map /a11s into unauthori8ed hands$ it cou1d easi1y endan"er a mi1itary operation by /urnishin" an indication o/ our p1ans or areas o/ interest to the enemy2 E-en more important .ou1d be a map upon .hich the mo-ements or positions o/ our troops had been mar0ed2 7t is possib1e$ e-en thou"h mar0in"s on a map may ha-e been erased$ to determine some o/ the in/ormation that pre-ious1y has been mar0ed upon it2 :aps must not /a11 into unauthori8ed hands2

Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"%*- +0# M'%* I,#' S+u,1 M#+0 ,, Continued

E2 !ple o/ ! in ide , continued Each sentence in the passa"e supports the main idea that Emaps need to be secured2E E<amp1es) 12 #irst sentence emphasi8es that maps Ere3uire specia1 hand1in"E or security2 22 Second sentence identi/ies the dan"ers o/ not 0eepin" a map secure2 &2 !hird and /ourth sentences use e<amp1es o/ mar0ed maps and te11 .hy they must be 0ept secure at a11 times$ e-en a/ter the mar0in"s ha-e been Eerased2E (2 !he 1ast sentence rein/orces the main idea that maps must not /a11 into unauthori8ed hands2

Usin" ! in ide stud' !et&od

Once you ha-e identi/ied the main idea o/ one para"raph$ you can be"in to bui1d re1ationships .ith the main ideas o/ other para"raphs2 Estab1ishin" these re1ationships is critica1 to e//ecti-e1y understandin" and 1earnin" the materia1 you are studyin"2


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 1, S#c+% * II, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#

Instructions !he /o11o.in" items test your 0no.1ed"e o/ the materia1 co-ered in this section2 Circ1e the 1etter o/ the correct response /or each item2 Dhen you comp1ete the e<ercise$ chec0 your ans.ers .ith the ans.er 0ey and /eedbac0 sheet that /o11o.s2 7/ you respond to any item incorrect1y$ study the materia1 and try the items a"ain2 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" shou1d you do to /aci1itate e//ecti-e 1earnin"G 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! , Set rea1istic "oa1s2 7denti/y re3uirements2 Ba1ance .or0$ study$ and recreation2 P1an a /ina1 study session2

Ite! *

!he purpose o/ the P?(9 study method is to /ind and understand the main idea2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2

Ite! 0

7n the P?(9 study method$ EDe-e1op ne. 3uestions and ans.er them$E is the /unction o/ .hich o/ the /o11o.in"G 2 B2 C2 D2 9ead2 9e/1ect2 ?uestion2 9e-ie.2

Ite! 3

Dhat is step ( in the P?(9 study methodG 2 B2 C2 D2 9ecite2 9ead2 9e-ie.2 9e/1ect2

Ite! 4

!he topic sentence usua11y contains the main idea o/ a para"raph2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 1, S#c+% * II, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2

Ite! * C2 #or e//ecti-e 1earnin" you shou1d ba1ance .or0$ study$ and recreation2 4Pa"e 1;1(5
2. 3alse. "he PQ4R study method im$ro'es a student4s a&ility to learn and remem&er material $resented in text&oo+s and other material. 0Page 56571

Ite! ,

Ite! 0

2 !he /unction o/ the 9ead step in the P?(9 study method is) 9ead the materia1 and ans.er the 3uestions2 De-e1op ne. 3uestions and ans.er them2 4Pa"e 1;1'5 D2 Step ( o/ the P?(9 study method is 9e/1ect2 4Pa"e 1;1'5 2 !rue2 !he main idea o/ a para"raph is usua11y 1ocated in a topic sentence2 !he topic sentence$ there/ore$ te11s you .hat the para"raph is about2 4Pa"e 1;1,5

Ite! 3 Ite! 4


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * I Su..'!1
= c("round !hrou"hout your mi1itary career$ you .i11 need to read materia1 to per/orm your job e//ecti-e1y and to compete /or promotion2 s in/ormation and ne. e3uipment pro1i/erate$ it is -ita1 that you impro-e your readin" s0i11s to 0eep up2 !his 1esson has been desi"ned to he1p you impro-e your readin" comprehension2 !o impro-e readin" s0i11s) E//ecti%e stud' !et&ods 7ncrease readin" comprehension2 7ncrease readin" rate2 Understand adaptabi1ity2

I!pro%in" re din" s(ills

!o practice e//ecti-e study methods) De-e1op "ood study habits2 Use the P?(9 study method2 Use the main idea study method2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects



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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2 T%.# M'*'-#.#*+

Introduction !ime is a resource$ just 1i0e peop1e$ e3uipment$ and money2 !he time re3uired to p1an and initiate .or0 -aries .ith the si8e o/ the re3uirement2 Cou must schedu1e time to prepare and per/orm tas0s in a particu1ar order2

De/inition. Ti!e ! n "e!ent Ti!e ! n "e!ent s'ste!s

!ime mana"ement is part o/ the p1annin" process2 7t inc1udes the necessary actions to comp1ete a mission2

!he rmy uses -arious time mana"ement systems in its p1annin"2 P1annin" pro-ides the detai1ed scheme or method /or accomp1ishin" missions and tas0s$ and ensures the most e//icient use o/ personne1$ money$ and e3uipment .ithin the a-ai1ab1e time2 !he p1annin" system you are most /ami1iar .ith may be a trainin" schedu1e2 trainin" schedu1e detai1s the .ho$ .hat$ .hen$ and .here /or trainin" essentia1 so1dier$ 1eader$ and sma11;"roup tas0s2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

O$#!$%#&, Continued
+esson description En #lin" le rnin" o#$ecti%e 7n this 1esson$ you .i11 1earn to schedu1e and mana"e your time to accomp1ish your .or02 !he enab1in" 1earnin" objecti-e 4ELO5 /or this 1esson is) Action Condition St nd rd :ana"e your time to accomp1ish your .or02 6i-en the materia1 contained in this 1esson2 :ana"e your time to accomp1ish your .or0 to inc1ude) Settin" "oa1s2 Determinin" re3uirements2 Usin" "oa1s and re3uirements2 Prioriti8in"2 Usin" /or.ard and bac0.ard p1annin"2

Using scheduling tools.


!his 1esson contains materia1 /rom) #: 22;100$ Military Leadership$ &1 *u1y 1++02 #: 2@;101$ Battle Focused Training$ &0 September 1++02 #: 101;@$ Sta// Or"ani8ation and Operations$ 2@ :ay 1+A(2

In t&is lesson

!his 1esson contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic Section 7) 6oa1s and 9e3uirements Section 77) !he Bac0.ard P1annin" Process Section 777) Schedu1in" !oo1s Lesson 2 Summary See P "e 2;& 2;1& 2;2& 2;&1


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#c+% * I G '(" '*, R#6u%!#.#*+" O$#!$%#&

Introduction !he /irst thin" you must do to mana"e your time e//ecti-e1y is identi/y your "oa1s and re3uirements2 7/ you 0no. .hat you ha-e to do$ you can then p1an or schedu1e ho. to accomp1ish it2 "oa1 is .hat you .ant to achie-e2 point2 "oa1 directs your e//orts2 7t is your aimin"

De/inition. Go l

De/inition. Require!ent

re3uirement is somethin" that is .anted or needed2 re3uirement a1so directs your e//orts$ since it is an action or tas0 that you must comp1ete2

Di//erences. Go ls nd require!ents

Dhi1e both "oa1s and re3uirements direct your .or0$ they are di//erent2 Norma11y$ you set your o.n "oa1s2 "oa1 is somethin" you .ant to achie-e persona11y2 6enera11y$ someone e1se "i-es or sets a re3uirement /or you2 re3uirement is somethin" you ha-e to do because your super-isor or a po1icy$ re"u1ation$ or 1a. re3uires it2 E<amp1e) n order you recei-e is a re3uirement2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

O$#!$%#&, Continued
In t&is section !his section contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic Settin" 6oa1s Determinin" 9e3uirements Usin" 6oa1s and 9e3uirements Lesson 2$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise Lesson 2$ Section 7$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 See P "e 2;@ 2;A 2;10 2;11 2;12


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#++%*- G '("
Introduction Success/u1 so1diers and 1eaders set "oa1s /or themse1-es2 !hese are persona1 "oa1s because each so1dier decides on their o.n .hat they .ant to accomp1ish2 6oa1s direct or /ocus their actions /or "ettin" somethin" done2 6oa1s he1p a so1dier achie-e more2 !here are t.o types o/ "oa1s) 1on";term and short;term2 !he di//erence bet.een them is ho. 1on" it ta0es to meet them2 Short;term "oa1s o/ten he1p to achie-e a 1on";term "oa12 !hey become the intermediate steps to meetin" your 1on";term "oa12 E<amp1es) Cour 1on";term "oa1 is to "raduate /rom PLDC2 Cour short;term "oa1s shou1d be comp1etin" each o/ the steps that 1ead to "raduatin" /rom PLDC$ inc1udin" studyin" these preresident materia1s and meetin" the re3uirements /or attendin" resident PLDC2

T'pes o/ "o ls


!here are /our 0ey points to remember .hen settin" "oa1s2 6oa1s shou1d) Be rea1istic2 6oa1s shou1d be practica1 and "enuine2 Be attainab1e2 Cou shou1d be ab1e to accomp1ish or achie-e your "oa1s2 !his does not mean that "oa1s must be easy to attain2 7t does mean that .ith hard .or0 and dedication$ you can succeed2 Lead to se1/;impro-ement2 7nc1ude a pro"ram or p1an /or their accomp1ishment2 6oa1s become part o/ your p1annin" /or se1/;impro-ement2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#++%*- G '(", Continued

Ho- to set "o ls #o11o. these steps to set "oa1s /or yourse1/ Step 1 2 & ( E2 !ple. Settin" "o ls Action 7denti/y a speci/ic objecti-e you .ant to achie-e2 Note. !his is your 1on";term "oa12 Di-ide this objecti-e into sma11er steps2 Note. !hese are your short;term "oa1s2 Set speci/ic dead1ines /or comp1etin" each "oa12 Drite do.n your 1on";term and short;term "oa1s2

>ere is an e<amp1e o/ "oa1 settin") Step 1 Action 7denti/y your speci/ic objecti-e) !o "raduate /rom PLDC2 2 !his is your 1on" term "oa12 Di-ide the objecti-e into sma11er steps) Comp1ete each o/ the NCO Primary Leadership Subject Subcourses) Subcourse 7) 9eadin" Comprehension$ Study :ethods$ and !ime :ana"ement2

Subcourse 77) :ath S0i11s Subcourse 777) Dritin" :echanics and Composition2 Comp1etin" each o/ these subcourses are your short;term "oa1s2
Continued on next page


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#++%*- G '(", Continued

E2 !ple. Settin" "o ls, continued Step & Action Set speci/ic dead1ines /or comp1etin" each short;term "oa1 and your 1on";term "oa12 Comp1ete) ( Subcourse PD 2201 durin" the /irst t.o .ee0s2 Subcourse PD 2202 durin" the third and /ourth .ee0s2
u&course P. 8809 during the %i%th and sixth wee+s.

Drite do.n the 1on"; and short;term "oa1s and their dead1ines2 P1ace them .here you can see them to remind you o/ .hat must be done each .ee0 to stay on schedu1e2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

D#+#!.%*%*- R#6u%!#.#*+"
Introduction 9e3uirements may compete .ith the time a-ai1ab1e to accomp1ish your "oa1s2 !he 0ey is to ba1ance your time bet.een "oa1s and re3uirements2 !here are t.o types o/ re3uirements) De/inition. Recurrin" nd speci l require!ents 9ecurrin" re3uirements2 Specia1 re3uirements2

T'pes o/ require!ents

9ecurrin" re3uirements are those routine$ dai1y actions you must per/orm on your job 4or at home52 Specia1 re3uirements are those actions you must per/orm to accomp1ish a one;o/;a;0ind tas02 E2 !ple. Cou ha-e a recurrin" re3uirement to per/orm operator maintenance on your assi"ned -ehic1e2 1so$ you may ha-e a specia1 re3uirement to prepare your uni/orm$ e3uipment$ and .or0 site /or an annua1 "enera1 inspection 4 6752


Dhen determinin" or identi/yin" re3uirements$ remember that) Specia1 re3uirements may arise une<pected1y2 9e3uirements norma11y ha-e a hi"her priority than your "oa1s2 Dead1ines /or comp1etin" re3uirements are norma11y estab1ished /or you2 Cou may ha-e to research or as0 .hat must be done to meet a specia1 re3uirement2

E2 !ple. Prere3uisites /or attendin" a course are specia1 re3uirements2 Cou may ha-e to /ind out .hat they are2
Continued on next page


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

D#+#!.%*%*- R#6u%!#.#*+", Continued

Deter!inin" require!ents #o11o. these steps to determine your recurrin" and specia1 re3uirements2 Step 1 2 &) ( Action 7denti/y .hat actions or tas0s you must comp1ete each day 4recurrin" re3uirements52 7denti/y any specia1 actions or tas0s you must do that are not part o/ your norma1 .or0day schedu1e 4specia1 re3uirements52 Determine the dead1ines /or comp1etin" each re3uirement2 Drite do.n yo. recurrin" and specia1 re3uirements and identi/y .hen you must comp1ete them2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"%*- G '(" '*, R#6u%!#.#*+"

= c("round 7n the o-er-ie.$ .e stated that your "oa1s and re3uirements "uide your actions and .or02 7/ you 0no. .hat you ha-e to do and .hen you must comp1ete it$ you can schedu1e ho. to do it2 Use this tab1e to determine ho. to use the "oa1s and re3uirements you ha-e identi/ied2 I/ 'ou - nt t&e! to #e999 pain1ess T&en999 ba1ance persona1 and pro/essiona1 objecti-es2
reward yoursel% %or achie'ing your deadlines.

Ho- to use

honest current

do not estab1ish "oa1s you do not be1ie-e in or that are a"ainst your persona1 -a1ues2 /re3uent1y re-ie. your "oa1s to ensure they sti11 /it your current needs2 Note. 7/ they do not /it your current situation$ chan"e them2 ma0e "oa1s measurab1e so you .i11 0no. .hen you ha-e achie-ed them2 "i-e yourse1/ /re3uent rein/orcement or con"ratu1ations2 decide ho. you are "oin" to hand1e une<pected e-ents that .i11 de1ay or pre-ent their achie-ement2

he1p/u1 positi-e comp1ete

1or &elp

Support /rom /ami1y and /riends is essentia1 in settin" "oa1s2 !hey must understand the importance o/ your "oa1s2 !hey can he1p you set "oa1s$ too2 Cour super-isor and commander can a1so he1p you set your "oa1s and determine your re3uirements2 !hey are "ood sources /or he1p in ba1ancin" your acti-ities bet.een attainin" your "oa1s and meetin" your job re3uirements2


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2, S#c+% * I, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#

Instructions !he /o11o.in" items test your 0no.1ed"e o/ the materia1 co-ered in this section2 Circ1e the 1etter o/ the correct ans.er /or each item2 Dhen you comp1ete the e<ercise$ chec0 your ans.ers .ith the ans.er 0ey and /eedbac0 sheet that /o11o.s2 7/ you respond to any item incorrect1y$ study the materia1 and try the items a"ain2 Cou estab1ish your o.n "oa1s2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2 Ite! , !here are t.o types o/ "oa1s) recurrin" and specia12 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2 Ite! 0 Dead1ines /or comp1etin" your re3uirements norma11y are a hi"her priority than attainin" your "oa1s2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2 Ite! 3 Dhat is the 1ast step in either settin" "oa1s or determinin" re3uirementsG 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! 4 7denti/y .hat you .ant to achie-e or comp1ete2 Di-ide them into sma11er steps2 Drite them do.n and identi/y dead1ines2 Set speci/ic dead1ines and identi/y .ays to meet them2

Ite! *

Dhat shou1d you do i/ you .ant "oa1s to be he1p/u1G 2 B2 C2 D2 #re3uent1y rein/orce or con"ratu1ate yourse1/ on achie-ement2 :a0e them measurab1e so you 0no. .hen they are achie-ed2 9e.ard yourse1/ .hen you meet your dead1ine2 Ba1ance persona1 and pro/essiona1 objecti-es and re3uirements2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2, S#c+% * I, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2

Ite! * 2 !rue2 Cou estab1ish your o.n "oa1s2 Norma11y$ you set your o.n "oa1s2 is somethin" you .ant to achie-e persona11y2 4Pa"e 2;&5 B2 #a1se2 !he t.o types o/ "oa1s are 1on";term and short;term2 9ecurrin" and specia1 re/er to the t.o types o/ re3uirements2 4Pa"e 2;@5 2 !rue2 Dead1ines /or comp1etin" your re3uirements norma11y are a hi"her priority than attainin" your "oa1s2 Dhen determinin" or identi/yin" re3uirements$ remember that re3uirements norma11y ha-e a hi"her priority than your "oa1s2 4Pa"e 2;A5 C2 !he 1ast steps in settin" "oa1s or determinin" re3uirements is to .rite them do.n and identi/y dead1ines2 4Pa"es 2;, and 2;+5 B2 7/ you .ant "oa1s to be he1p/u1$ ma0e them measurab1e so you 0no. .hen they are achie-ed2 4Pa"e 2;105 "oa1

Ite! ,

Ite! 0

Ite! 3

Ite! 4


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#c+% * II T0# B'c2&'!, P('**%*- P! c#"" O$#!$%#&

Introduction 7n Section 7$ you 1earned ho. to set "oa1s and determine re3uirements2 !his section continues the process o/ time mana"ement$ and co-ers ho. you p1an to accomp1ish the "oa1s and re3uirements that you ha-e identi/ied2 Cou must 1earn to ta0e contro1 o/ your o.n time2 P1annin" the use o/ your time p1aces you in contro12 DonBt a11o. e<terna1 in/1uences to contro1 your time2 7/ you do$ you .i11 end up reactin" or respondin" rather than anticipatin" and contro11in"2 Cou must 1earn to prioriti8e the demands on your time and then p1an to ma0e the best use o/ your time2

T (in" control

In t&is section

!his section contains the /o11o.in" topics2 Topic !he Prioriti8in" Process >o. to Prioriti8e !he P1annin" Process >o. to Bac0.ard P1an Lesson 2$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise 7 Lesson 2$ Section 77$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 See P "e 2;1( 2;1@ 2;1, 2;1+ 2;21 2;22

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

T0# P!% !%+%7%*- P! c#""

Introduction Each o/ your acti-ities p1aces demands on your time2 !he /irst step in p1annin" is to ran0 or prioriti8e each o/ these demands2 !his process identi/ies E/irst thin"s /irstE so that you can a11ocate your time appropriate1y2 Prioriti8in" is 1istin" projects or "oa1s accordin" to their importance2 7t ran0s projects or "oa1s .ith one another2 !he resu1t is a ran0in" o/ projects and "oa1s$ 1isted in order o/ importance2 E2 !ple. Cou ha-e /i-e acti-ities you must accomp1ish by the end o/ the day2 Prioriti8in" them determines .hich one you .i11 do /irst$ second$ third$ etc2

De/inition. Prioriti>in"

I!port nt consider tions

Cou may ha-e to ran0 your persona1 "oa1s be1o. job re3uirements2 Cou may ha-e 1itt1e contro1 o-er settin" their priorities2 1.ays assume that job re3uirements come /irst2 Cou do ha-e contro1 o-er your o.n persona1 time$ ho.e-er2 Cou can set persona1 priorities /or that time2

Decidin" equ l priorities

!here may be cases .hen t.o or more re3uirements or "oa1s seem to ha-e e3ua1 importance2 Use this tab1e to he1p you decide their priority2 I/ t&e require!ents or "o ls999 ha-e di//erent dead1ines ha-e the same dead1ine T&en999 ran0 the one .ith the nearer dead1ine ahead o/ the other4s52 chec0 .ith your commander$ super-isor$ /ami1y$ or /riends to see .hich one4s5 must be done be/ore the other4s52 as0 your commander or super-isor .hich one you shou1d do /irst2 chec0 .ith /ami1y or /riends /or their ad-ice or opinion on .hich one is more important2

are job;re1ated are not job;re1ated


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

H & + P!% !%+%7#

=e/ore 'ou #e"in Be/ore you prioriti8e your acti-ities$ you must /irst identi/y them2 Cou did this by /o11o.in" the procedures in Section 72 No. you must ma0e a combined 1ist o/ a11 o/ your "oa1s and re3uirements2 !his 1ist can co-er .hat you ha-e to do each day$ each .ee0$ or /or an entire month2 #o11o. these steps to prioriti8e your "oa1s and re3uirements) Step 1 2 & ( Action 7denti/y your job re3uirements /or a certain period o/ time 4day$ .ee0$ or month52 Determine the dead1ine /or comp1etin" each re3uirement you identi/ied in Step 12 9an0 the re3uirements by dead1ine 4the c1oser the dead1ine$ the hi"her its priority52 Decide the ran0 o/ re3uirements that ha-e e3ua1 priority2 Note. See EDecidin" e3ua1 prioritiesE on pa"e 2;1( /or in/ormation on ho. to do this2 7denti/y your persona1 "oa1s /or the same period2 Determine the importance o/ each "oa12 9an0 your "oa1s by i!port nce9 Decide the ran0 o/ "oa1s that ha-e e3ua1 priority2 9e1ist your re3uirements and "oa1s in the order o/ their priority2


@ ' , A + Not l- 's per/ect

Prioriti8ation is not a per/ect science2 Cou must consider or"ani8ation or unit po1icies concernin" your job re3uirements2 Cou must a1so as0 your /ami1y and /riends /or their input concernin" your persona1 "oa1s2 Cour prioriti8ation decisions are much better .hen you ha-e in/ormation /rom these job and persona1 sources2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

H & + P!% !%+%7#, Continued

Met&od /or prioriti>in" illustr ted !he /o11o.in" tab1e is a method /or prioriti8in" "oa1s and re3uirements2 93mt Not Used 1 1 1 6oa1 B 0 Not Used 1 0 93mt C 0 0 Not Used 0 6oad D 0 1 1 Not Used 9o. Sum 0 2 & 1 O-era11 9an0 (th 2nd 1st &rd

93mt 6oa1 B 93mt C 6oa1 D Description o/ t&e t #le !et&od

!he tab1e method rates each re3uirement 493mt5 and "oa1 a"ainst e-ery other re3uirement and "oa12 7/ a re3uirement or "oa1 is determined to be more important than the one that is compared .ith$ it recei-es a E12E 7/ it s not$ it "ets a E02E !he scores are tota1ed /or each ro.2 !he hi"her the score$ the hi"her the priority2 7/ t.o or more "oa1s or re3uirements appear to be e3ua1 in priority$ see EDecidin" e3ua1 prioritiesE on pa"e 2;1(2 Usin" the tab1e method as a re/erence$ /o11o. these steps to prioriti8e your re3uirements and "oa1s2 Step 1 2 & Action List your re3uirements and "oa1s across the top o/ a pa"e$ /rom 1e/t to ri"ht2 List the same re3uirements and "oa1s do.n the 1e/t co1umn /rom top to bottom2 9ate the re3uirement or "oa1 in the /irst ro. a"ainst those in the co1umns to the ri"ht2 7n the e<amp1e abo-e) 93mt rated a"ainst 6oa1 B 40 ; 1ess important than 6oa1 B5$ 93mt C 40 ; 1ess important than 93mt C5 and 6oa1 D 40; 1ess important than 6oa1 D5 Continue ratin" each re3uirement or "oa1 unti1 you are done2 dd the scores /or each ro.2 Determine the priority o/ each re3uirement or "oa1 4the hi"hest number is /irst$ ne<t hi"hest number is second$ etc25

Ho- to use t&e t #le !et&od

( @ '


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

T0# P('**%*- P! c#""

Introduction P1annin" is essentia1 to success both on the batt1e/ie1d and in your career as an NCO2 Once you 0no. .hat tas0s you ha-e to do and ha-e prioriti8ed them$ your ne<t step is to p1an ho. you .i11 "et the job done2 p1an is a scheme /or accomp1ishin" an action or a mission2 do.n$ spo0en$ or just 0ept in mind2 p1an may be .ritten

De/inition. Pl n M (in" pl n

!o ma0e a p1an$ you must thorou"h1y e<amine a11 /actors and possibi1ities2 9emember that p1annin" is continuous2 E<istin" p1ans may be modi/ied to re/1ect ne.) in/ormation or chan"es in the situation2

C& r cteristics o/ "ood pl nnin"

6ood p1annin") Pro-ides the basis /or achie-in" your "oa1s and re3uirements2 Considers a11 thin"s that he1p or hurt chances /or success2 7denti/ies .hat you must do$ .hen you .i11 do it$ and ho. you .i11 do it2 7s simp1e and easy to /o11o.2 7s /1e<ib1e enou"h to be chan"ed i/ your situation chan"es2 P1aces you in contro1 o/ your time2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

T0# P('**%*- P! c#"", Continued

T-o pl nnin" !et&ods P1annin" he1ps you ma0e the most e//icient use o/ your time2 !here are t.o common methods used /or p1annin"2 #or.ard p1annin"2 Bac0.ard p1annin"2

Both pro-ide the .hat$ .hen$ and ho. o/ accomp1ishin" tas0s2

De/inition. 1or- rd pl nnin"

s its name imp1ies$ /or.ard p1annin" 1oo0s /or.ard to .here you .ant to be in the /uture2 7t be"ins .ith .here you are no. in time2 Cou determine .hat steps or actions are needed to comp1ete your "oa1s and re3uirements by a certain date2 >o.e-er$ you must choose the correct startin" point and then proceed to a 1o"ica1 conc1usion2 Bac0.ard p1annin" be"ins .ith .here you .ant to be in the /uture2 7t .or0s bac0.ard /rom that point in time2 Cou determine .hat steps or actions are needed$ and ho. 1on" it .i11 ta0e to do them2 s you -isua1i8e mo-in" /rom that /uture point to the present$ you .i11 be"in to identi/y other thin"s that you must do and .hen you must comp1ete them2 Dhen you /inish this$ you .i11 0no. the correct startin" point2

De/inition = c(- rd pl nnin"


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

H & + B'c2&'!, P('*

= c("round :ost mi1itary p1annin" uses bac0.ard p1annin" to identi/y .hen you must be"in preparin" /or an operation2 !he /irst step is to 1ist your tas0s and prioriti8e them2 !his prioriti8ed 1ist is the basis /or de-e1opin" your p1an2 Cou must report /or a /ie1d trainin" e<ercise 4#!I5 at 0A00 hours2 7denti/y those actions you must ta0e /rom the time you .a0e up$ and ho. 1on" it .i11 ta0e to accomp1ish them2 Cou then mo-e bac0.ard /rom that time to the present) Be"in the #!I at 0A00 hours2 !a0e 1@ minutes to assemb1e and inspect your section at the trainin" area$ another 1@ minutes to app1y indi-idua1 camou/1a"e$ and /i-e minutes to .a10 to the trainin" area2 t this point$ you .ou1d ha-e to 1ea-e at 0,20 hours to be ready by 0A002 Cou need to pic0 up your persona1 .eapon and "as mas0 /rom the arms room2 P1an on about (@ minutes to si"n out your .eapon and mas0 4remember$ e-eryone e1se in your unit .i11 a1so be dra.in" their .eapons and mas0s52 No. you must 1ea-e by 0'&@ hours2 Cou .i11 need to eat brea0/ast 41@ minutes5$ .a10 to and /rom mess ha11 4@ minutes each .ay5$ sha-e and sho.er 420 minutes5$ and dress 4@ minutes52 7n order to be ready /or the #!I at 0A00 hours$ you must "et up no 1ater than 0@(@2 7/ re3uired$ you can continue the bac0.ard p1annin" process to determine .hat needs to be done the ni"ht be/ore in preparin" your uni/orm and persona1 "ear$ and brie/in" your section on the #!I2
Continued on next page

=e/ore 'ou #e"in E2 !ple. # c(- rd pl nnin"

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

H & + B'c2&'!, P('*, Continued

Procedure #o11o. these steps to accomp1ish bac0.ard p1annin") Step 1 2 & Action Se1ect a "oa1 or re3uirement and its dead1ine2 7denti/y the action re3uired to meet the "oa1 or re3uirement just be/ore reachin" the dead1ine and the time needed to comp1ete it2 Ca1cu1ate .hen you must start that action2 9esu1t) !his then .i11 become the dead1ine /or comp1etin" a precedin" action2 9epeat Steps 2 and & unti1 you ha-e identi/ied the startin" and endin" times /or a11 actions2 Stop the process .hen you ha-e ca1cu1ated the time to be"in the /irst action re3uired to accomp1ish the tas02 9esu1t) !his .i11 be the start time o/ the 1ast action you identi/y2

( @


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2, S#c+% * II, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#

Instructions !he /o11o.in" items test your 0no.1ed"e o/ the materia1 co-ered in this section2 Circ1e the 1etter o/ the correct response /or each item2 Dhen you comp1ete the e<ercise$ chec0 your ans.ers .ith the ans.er 0ey and /eedbac0 sheet that /o11o.s2 7/ you respond to any item incorrect1y$ study the materia1 and try the items a"ain2 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" best describes prioriti8in"G 2 per/ect science /or ran0in" priorities2 B2 9an0in" persona1 "oa1s abo-e .or0 or job re3uirements2 C2 9atin" a11 projects$ "oa1s$ and re3uirements e3ua12 D2 Listin" projects or "oa1s in the order o/ their importance2 Ite! , >o. do you decide the priority o/ t.o job; or .or0;re1ated re3uirements that appear to be e3ua11y importantG 2 s0 your commander or super-isor2 B2 Chec0 .ith /ami1y or /riends2 C2 Chose the one .ith the c1oser dead1ine2 D2 9ate them a11 e3ua1 priority2 Ite! 0 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" characteri8es "ood p1annin"G 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! 3 Uses on1y bac0.ard p1annin"2 7s comp1e< and di//icu1t to /o11o.2 P1aces you in contro1 o/ your time2 7s a one;time process2

Ite! *

Dhat is the 1ast step in bac0.ard p1annin"G 2 B2 C2 D2 Determine actions re3uired be/ore reachin" the dead1ine2 Determine .hen you must be"in2 Determine .here you .ant to be in the /uture2 Determine the priorities o/ .hat you .ant to do2

Ite! 4

Dhat is the /irst step in /or.ard p1annin"G 2 B2 C2 D2 Determine the dead1ine2 9ate a11 priorities2 Determine .here you .ant to be in the /uture2 Determine .here you are in time2 ,),*

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2, S#c+% * II, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2

Ite! * D2 Prioriti8in" is 1istin" projects or "oa1s in the order o/ their importance2 7t ran0s projects or "oa1s .ith one another2 4Pa"e 2;1(5 2 !o determine the priority o/ t.o job or .or0;re1ated re3uirements that appear e3ua11y important as0 you commander2 4Pa"e 2;1(5 C2 6ood p1annin" p1aces you in contro1 o/ your time2 4Pa"e 2;1,5 B2 !he 1ast step in bac0.ard p1annin" is to determine .hen you must be"in2 4Pa"e 2;205 D2 !he /irst step in /or.ard p1annin" is to determine .here you are in time2 4Pa"e 2;1A5

Ite! ,

Ite! 0 Ite! 3

Ite! 4


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

S#c+% * III Sc0#,u(%*- T O$#!$%#&

Introduction Once you 0no. ho. 1on" it .i11 ta0e to accomp1ish the tas0$ ma0e a schedu1e2 schedu1e .i11 he1p you ma0e the best use o/ your time2 7t is the too1 you use to imp1ement your time mana"ement p1an2 schedu1e is a timetab1e that 1ists the time and acti-ity se3uence /or .hat you must do2 Schedu1es a11ocate time /or accomp1ishin" recurrin" and one;time actions2 Schedu1es are on1y as e//ecti-e as the p1annin" that "oes into their preparation2


De/inition. Sc&edule

=e/ore 'ou #e"in

Be/ore you de-e1op a schedu1e$ /ind out ho. you spend your time2 :a0e a 1o" o/ .hat you do each day2 E-en the busiest peop1e ha-e re"u1ar Eho1esE in their dai1y or .ee01y schedu1es2 Doin" an honest persona1 time;study .i11 identi/y your time ho1es2 !his section contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic Schedu1in" Considerations E<amp1es o/ Schedu1es >o. to De-e1op a Schedu1e Lesson 2$ Section 777$ Practice E<ercise Lesson 2$ Section 777$ Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 See P "e 2;2( 2;2' 2;2, 2;2+ 2;&0

In t&is section

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

Sc0#,u(%*- C *"%,#!'+% *"

= c("round 7n the pre-ious sections$ you 1earned ho. to identi/y your persona1 "oa1s and job re3uirements$ ho. to prioriti8e these "oa1s and re3uirements$ and ho. to p1an ho. 1on" it ta0es to accomp1ish them2 !he /ina1 step in time mana"ement is to a11ocate time2 11 schedu1es are based on ca1endars o/ some sort2 Some o/ the more common types are) 6raphs that sho. .hen projects be"in and end$ and other important e-ents or mi1estones in bet.een these t.o points2 Da11 or des0 ca1endars .here you .rite this in/ormation in /or each day2 Specia1 .ee01y schedu1es that 1ist .hat you must do each day and the time /or doin" it2 Poc0et noteboo0s$ &<@ cards$ or sma11 ca1cu1ators that 1ist times /or actions$ meetin"s$ or appointments /or each day2

T'pes o/ sc&edules

Cou shou1d de-e1op the one that best meets your needs2

Illustr tion o/ sc&edules

>ere are some i11ustrations o/ the abo-e schedu1e types2

Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

Sc0#,u(%*- C *"%,#!'+% *", Continued

T&in"s to consider >ere is a 1ist o/ thin"s you shou1d consider$ no matter .hat type o/ schedu1e you use) DonBt be too hard on yourse1/2 Pro-ide time /or recreation durin" the day or .ee02 Estab1ish a dai1y and .ee01y schedu1e that b1oc0s out time on1y /or speci/ic Schedu1e e<tra time durin" the day /or une<pected tas0s or tas0s that cou1d ta0e 1on"er to comp1ete than p1anned2 Use a dai1y or .ee01y 1ist o/ desired accomp1ishments or "oa1s2 Protect your schedu1e /rom un.anted additions or de1etions2 -oid "i-in" up your unschedu1ed time i/ you can2

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

E3'./(#" ) Sc0#,u(#"
Introduction Cou must de-e1op a schedu1e that is best /or you2 !he t.o e<amp1es on this pa"e sho. a .ee01y schedu1e and one co-erin" se-era1 months2 !his is a .ee01y study schedu1e2 7t desi"nates the time re3uired each day /or studyin" and 1ists the pa"es to be studied2 Sun Ti!e P "es E2 !ple ,. Mont&l'
1,00;1A00 1;22

E2 !ple *. 5ee(l'

1A00;2000 2&;(@

1'&0;1A&0 (';'A

1+00;2000 '+;A@

1+00;20&0 9e-ie.

1'00;1,00 A';+@

S t
1'00;1A00 +';121

!his is a samp1e schedu1e /or comp1etin" the NCO Primary Leadership Subjects in three months2 7t schedu1es 1essons to be co-ered each .ee02
*st Mont& Subcourse 7$ Lesson 1 Lesson 2 9e-ie. and Subcourse 7 E<am Subcourse 77$ Lesson 7 ,nd Mont& Lesson 2 Lesson & 9e-ie. and Subcourse 77 E<am Subcourse 777$ Lesson 7 0rd Mont& Lesson 2 Lesson & Lesson ( 9e-ie. and Subcourse 777 E<am

*st 5ee( ,nd 5ee( 0rd 5ee( 3t& 5ee(

I!port nt points

#o11o. your schedu1e2 7tBs the best .ay to mana"e your time2 7tBs he1p/u1 to .rite your "oa1s on &<@ cards and re-ie. them dai1y2 Cou can e<tract your dai1y "oa1s /rom your o-era11 schedu1e2


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

H & + D#$#( / ' Sc0#,u(#

=e/ore 'ou #e"in Be/ore you de-e1op your schedu1e) Set your persona1 "oa1s and determine your job re3uirements2 Prioriti8e your "oa1s and re3uirements2 De-e1op a p1an /or .hen and ho. 1on" it .i11 ta0e to accomp1ish your tas0s2


#o11o. these steps to de-e1op a schedu1e) Step 1 2 & ( @ ' , A + Action Determine ho. you spend your time each day2 #ind your time ho1es2 Schedu1e your job re3uirements 4day$ .ee0$ or month52 7denti/y your persona1 pa1 that has the hi"hest priority2 Schedu1e the time to attain that "oa12 9epeat Steps & and ( /or accomp1ishin" each o/ your other "oa1s2 Schedu1e e<tra time to hand1e une<pected tas0s2 Schedu1e recreation time2 9e-ie. the schedu1e dai1y to identi/y pro"ress and ne. re3uirements2 #o11o. your schedu1e2 6ain contro1 o/ your time by /o11o.in" your schedu1e2

Get support

6et support /rom your commander$ super-isor$ /ami1y$ and /riends2 !hey can assist you in accomp1ishin" both your job re3uirements and your persona1 "oa1s2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects



Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2, S#c+% * III, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#

Instructions !he /o11o.in" items test your 0no.1ed"e o/ the materia1 co-ered in this section2 Circ1e the 1etter o/ the correct response /or each item2 Dhen you comp1ete the e<ercise$ chec0 your ans.ers .ith the ans.er 0ey and /eedbac0 sheet that /o11o.s2 7/ you respond to any item incorrect1y$ study the materia1 and try the items a"ain2 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" best describes your schedu1eG 2 Persona1 time;study that identi/ies open times2 B2 !he too1 you use to imp1ement your time mana"ement p1an2 C2 11ocates time on1y /or job re3uirements2 D2 ssi"ns periods o/ /ree time durin" the day2 Ite! , 11 schedu1es are based on .hich o/ the /o11o.in"G 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! 0 Persona1 "oa1s2 *ob re3uirements2 Ca1endars2 Poc0et noteboo0s2

Ite! *

Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" is a schedu1in" considerationG 2 B2 C2 D2 Pro-idin" time /or recreation2 Pro-idin" no time /or une<pected tas0s2 Pro-idin" unschedu1ed time you can 1ose2 Pro-idin" room /or un.anted additions2

Ite! 3

Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" is an important point concernin" schedu1esG 2 B2 C2 D2 One type o/ schedu1e meets e-eryoneBs needs2 Dee01y and month1y schedu1es meet e-eryoneBs needs Copy dai1y "oa1s /rom cards to your schedu1e2 Cou must /o11o. your schedu1e2

Ite! 4

Dhat is the 1ast step in de-e1opin" schedu1esG 2 B2 C2 D2 6ettin" support /rom super-isor and /ami1y2 6ainin" contro1 o/ your time by /o11o.in" your schedu1e2 9e-ie.in" the schedu1e dai1y /or any chan"es2 Prioriti8in" your "oa1s and re3uirements2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2, S#c+% * III, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2

Ite! * B2 Cour schedu1e is the too1 you use to imp1ement your time mana"ement p1an2 schedu1e .i11 he1p you ma0e the best use o/ your time2 4Pa"e 2;2&5 C2 11 schedu1es are based on ca1endars o/ some sort2 Some o/ the more common types are "raphs$ .a11 or des0 ca1endars$ .ee01y schedu1es$ poc0et noteboo0s$ &<@ cards$ and sma11 ca1cu1ators that 1ist times /or actions$ meetin"s$ or appointments2 4Pa"e 2;2(5 2 Pro-idin" time /or recreation is a schedu1in" consideration2 4Pa"e 2;2@5 D2 Cou must /o11o. your schedu1e2 7tBs he1p/u1 to .rite your dai1y "oa1s on &<@ cards2 Cou can e<tract your dai1y "oa1s /rom your schedu1e2 4Pa"e 2;2,5 B2 !he 1ast step in de-e1opin" schedu1es is to "ain contro1 o/ your time by /o11o.in" your schedu1e2 4Pa"e 2;2,5

Ite! ,

Ite! 0 Ite! 3

Ite! 4


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2 Su..'!1
= c("round !ime mana"ement p1annin" a11ocates time to accomp1ish a11 necessary tas0s2 7t is based on prioriti8ed "oa1s and re3uirements and the time re3uired to accomp1ish these actions2 Schedu1es are too1s you use to imp1ement time mana"ement p1ans2 !o be e//ecti-e$ /o11o. your schedu1e and contro1 your time2 Set persona1 1on";term and short;term "oa1s to achie-e .hat you .ant out o/ your 1i/e or career2 Set short;term "oa1s to achie-e 1on";term ones2 6oa1s shou1d be measurab1e to be e//ecti-e2 Norma11y$ others set job re3uirements /or you2 !hey can be recurrin" or specia1 and are usua11y re1ated to your job2 9e3uirements are norma11y hi"her in priority than your persona1 "oa1s2 P1annin" the use o/ your time p1aces you in contro12 7t he1ps o-ercome con/1icts bet.een job and /ami1y2 Prioriti8in" "oa1s and re3uirements p1aces them in their order o/ importance2 Cou estab1ish priorities /or your persona1 "oa1sJ your super-isor or commander estab1ishes your .or0 priorities2 Prioriti8ation is not a per/ect science2 Cou must consider or"ani8ation or unit po1icies and input /rom your /ami1y and /riends2 Cou use prioriti8ed "oa1s and re3uirements in your p1annin"2 = c(- rd pl nnin" :i1itary p1annin" usua11y uses bac0.ard p1annin"2 7t pro-ides the startin" time to be"in an acti-ity2
Continued on next page

Settin" "o ls

?o# require!ents

Pl nnin" 'our ti!e Prioriti>in" "o ls nd require!ents

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 2 Su..'!1, Continued

De%elopin" sc&edule schedu1e he1ps you ma0e the best use o/ your a-ai1ab1e time2 7t is your too1 /or imp1ementin" your time mana"ement p1an2 Schedu1es shou1d pro-ide time /or une<pected e-ents and your recreation2 !here is no one best schedu1e /or e-eryone2 Be/ore you de-e1op your schedu1e$ /ind out ho. you spend your time2 Procedures !his tab1e pro-ides a re-ie. o/ the steps you /o11o. to mana"e your time2 9e/er to the 1isted pa"e /or more in/ormation on ho. to per/orm the step2 Step 1 Action 7denti/y ho. to achie-e a 1on";term "oa1 by) Di-idin" the objecti-e into sma11er steps 4short;term "oa1s52 See P "e 2;' ; 2;,

2 & ( @ ' , A +

Dritin" do.n your 1on"; and short;term "oa1s2 Determine your recurrin" and specia1 re3uirements and their dead1ines2 9e-ie. ho. you .i11 use your "oa1s and re3uirements2 Decide ho. you .i11 hand1e "oa1s and re3uirements .ith e3ua1 priorities2 Prioriti8e your "oa1s and re3uirements2 Prepare a p1an that te11s you .hen and ho. 1on" it .i11 ta0e to achie-e your "oa1s and re3uirements Usin" bac0.ard p1annin"$ determine .hen you must be"in .or0 to comp1ete the "oa1 or re3uirement2 De-e1op a schedu1e that a11ocates time /or accomp1ishin" your re3uirements and attainin" "oa1s$ and inc1ude time /or your recreation2 #o11o. your schedu1e to "ain contro1 o/ your time2

2;A 2;10 2;1( 2;1@ ; 2;1' 2;1A ; 2;20 2;20 2;2, 2;2,


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8 P!%.'!1 NCO M'*'-#.#*+ S2%(("

Introduction Primary NCO mana"ement s0i11s in-o1-e p1annin" and contro11in" the use o/ time$ personne1$ e3uipment$ trainin"$ and /aci1ities to accomp1ish mission re3uirements2 !he purpose o/ this 1esson is to /ami1iari8e you .ith -arious mana"ement princip1es and concepts used in pri-ate industry$ "o-ernmenta1 a"encies$ and mi1itary or"ani8ations at -arious 1e-e1s to impro-e .or0 /orce e//iciency and e//ecti-eness2 !he materia1 presented in this 1esson .as adapted /rom the se1ection o/ academic materia1s sho.n as re/erences2 !his materia1 is not a11 inc1usi-e$ it represents a sma11 samp1e o/ .hat is a-ai1ab1e in US rmy post 1ibraries or throu"h the rmy Correspondence Course Pro"ram2
Continued on next page

+esson description

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

O$#!$%#&, Continued
En #lin" le rnin" o#$ecti%e !he enab1in" 1earnin" objecti-e 4ELO5 /or this 1esson is)

Action Condition St nd rd

pp1y mana"eria1 s0i11s in 1eadin" sma11 "roups2 6i-en the materia1 in this 1esson2 pp1y mana"eria1 s0i11s to inc1ude) :oti-atin" subordinates2 Usin" po.er 4authority52 :ana"in" meetin"s2 Understandin" "roup dynamics2 dditiona11y$ score ,0K or hi"her on the .ritten e<am2


!his 1esson contains materia1 adapted /rom the rmy 7nstitute /or Pro/essiona1 De-e1opment ; Army Correspondence Course Program: Fundamentals, Procedures and Techni ues o! Personnel Management, Su"course 6 0010$ Edition 2 #ndi$idual and %roup Communication, Subcourse 7S 1,0($ Edition @2 &rgani'ational Beha$ior and Change$ Subcourse 7S 12'2$ Edition A2 Personnel Management, Subcourse 7S 1202$ Edition +2 The (ole o! the )C& in Leadership, Subcourse 7S ,0&($ Edition B2
Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

O$#!$%#&, Continued
Re/erences, continued Lesson materia1 .as a1so deri-ed /rom the /o11o.in" sources) D2 *ac0 Duncan$ %reat #deas in Management * Lessons !rom the Founders and Foundations o! Managerial Practice, San #rancisco) *ossey;Bass Pub1ishers$ 1++02 Lester 92 Bitte1 and *ac0son E2 9amsey$ +and"ook !or Pro!essional Managers, Ne. Cor0) :c6ra.;>i11 Boo0 Company$ 1+A@2 >aro1d =oont8$ Cyri1 OBDonne11$ and >ein8 Deihrich$ Management * Se$enth ,dition, Ne. Cor0) :c6ra.;>i11 Boo0 Company$ 1+A02 Peter #2 Druc0er$ Management Tasks * (esponsi"ilities * Practices, Ne. Cor0) >arper and 9o.$ Pub1ishers$ 1+,(2 Phi1ip 92 >arris$ )e- .orld, )e- .ays, )e- Management$ Ne. Cor0) merican :ana"ement ssociation$ 1+A&2 >enry :int8ber"$ Po-er #n and Around &rgani'ations$ En"1e.ood C1i//s$ N*$) Prentice;>a11$ 7nc2$ 1+A&2 uren Uris$ The ,/ecuti$e +and"ook * Third ,dition$ Ne. Cor0) %an Nostrand 9einho1d Company$ 1+AA2 9ichard L2 Dea-er 77 ; Bo.1in" 6reen Uni-ersity$ 0nderstanding #nterpersonal Communication, Fourth ,dition, 61en-ie.$ 711inois) Scott$ #oresman and Company2 *2 92 P2 #rench and B2 >2 9a-en$ The Basis o! Social Po-er1 7n D2 Cart.ri"ht 4ed25 Studies in Social Po-er$ nn rbor) Uni-ersity o/ :ichi"an 7nstitute o/ Socia1 9esearch$ 1+@+2
Continued on next page

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

O$#!$%#&, Continued
In t&is lesson !his 1esson contains the /o11o.in" topics) Topic rmy Leadership and :ana"ement in !actica1 Units Usin" :ana"ement S0i11s to 7mpro-e Leadership Potentia1 :oti-ation !heory Use o/ Po.er 4 uthority5 :eetin"s :ana"ement 6roup Dynamics Lesson & Practice E<ercise Lesson & Practice E<ercise ns.er =ey and #eedbac0 Lesson & Summary See P "e &;@ &;, &;+ &;1& &;1A &;21 &;2& &;2' &;2+


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

A!.1 L#',#!"0%/ '*, M'*'-#.#*+ %* T'c+%c'( U*%+"

Introduction Leaders in success/u1 rmy units do t.o thin"s .e11) they pro-ide "ood 1eadership /or their subordinates$ and they mana"e their resources proper1y2 !he rmy de/ines 1eadership as$ E222 the process o! in!luencing others to accomplish the mission "y pro$iding purpose, direction, and moti$ation1 2 Purpose "i-es so1diers a reason .hy they shou1d do di//icu1t thin"s under dan"erous$ stress/u1 circumstances2 Direction "i-es so1diers an orientation o/ tas0s to be accomp1ished based on the priorities set by 1eaders2 Moti% tion "i-es so1diers the .i11 to do e-ery thin" they are capab1e o/ doin" to accomp1ish a missionJ it causes so1diers to use their initiati-e .hen they see the need /or action2

+e ders&ip

M n "e!ent

!he merican >erita"e Dictionary de/ines mana"ement as$ E!he act$ manner$ or practice o/ mana"in"$ super-isin"$ or contro11in"2E 7n this conte<t$ the mana"er is$ essentia11y$ the person in char"e o/ an enterprise or e//ort to "et thin"s done throu"h the use o/ a-ai1ab1e resources$ to inc1ude personne12 !o mana"e is to) Direct or contro1 the use o/2 E<ert contro1 o-er2 !o ma0e submissi-e to oneBs authority$ discip1ine$ or persuasion2

:ana"ement te<tboo0s -isua1i8e mana"ement as a pro/ession$ a /unction$ a discip1ine$ a tas0 to be doneJ and 1oo0 to mana"ers as the pro/essiona1s .ho practice this discip1ine$ carry out the /unctions$ and dischar"e the tas0s2
Continued on next page

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

A!.1 L#',#!"0%/ '*, M'*'-#.#*+ %* T'c+%c'( U*%+", Continued

T&e dile!! !he meanin" o/ the t.o terms$ leading and managing$ are simi1ar$ but not synonymous2 !he di1emma is to understand ho. and .hen to p1ace emphasis on each in the trainin" process2 >o. simi1ar or ho. di//erent are theyG Dhen are they separate and distinct$ and .here are they mutua11y supporti-eG Leadership is the process o/ "ettin" thin"s done in tactica1 units$ and predominates at the s3uad$ p1atoon and company 1e-e1s2 Leaders .ith /orma1 authority and responsibi1ity /or outcomes order subordinates to per/orm indi-idua1 and co11ecti-e tas0s$ /unctions$ and missions2 Leadership at the company 1e-e1 and be1o. is .here the meanin" and re1e-ance o/ the command E#o11o. :eE is most app1icab1e2 Leadership actions are those beha-iors that pro-ide the purpose$ direction$ and moti$ation needed /or mission accomp1ishment2 t s3uad 1e-e1 the di//erence bet.een E1eadin"E and Emana"in"E is not a1.ays apparent2 1thou"h s3uad 1eaders "et thin"s done throu"h and .ith subordinates$ it is at this 1e-e1 the rmy concentrates on leadership de-e1opment rather than management de-e1opment2 Management is the 0no.1ed"e and s0i11s to bui1d and operate e//icient sta// or"ani8ations2 :ana"ement inc1udes the /o11o.in" /unctions) p1annin"$ or"ani8in"$ recruitin"$ se1ectin"$ ac3uirin"$ communicatin"$ re1atin"$ directin"$ decision ma0in"$ inte"ratin"$ and a11ocatin" resources to accomp1ish tas0s and "oa1s2 t senior rmy 1e-e1s 4di-ision and abo-e5$ there is a c1ear di//erence bet.een mana"ement and 1eadership s0i11s2 Un1i0e junior 1eaders$ senior 1eaders di-ide their attention bet.een managing 1ar"er or"ani8ationa1 concerns and persona11y leading peop1e .ho ta0e direct action in their beha1/2 Leadership and command at senior 1e-e1s is de/ined as 2the art o! direct and indirect in!luence and the skill o! creating the conditions !or sustained organi'ational success to achie$e the desired result12


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"%*- M'*'-#.#*+ S2%((" + I./! $# L#',#!"0%/ P +#*+%'(

Introduction !he mana"ement or Emana"in"E s0i11s used at s3uad 1eader 1e-e1 are typica11y oriented to.ards the success/u1 operations at s3uad 1e-e12 !hey impact the personne1$ e3uipment$ and missions o/ the s3uad2 !his tab1e sho.s the nine 1eadership competencies success/u1 sma11;unit 1eaders at s3uad 1e-e1 emp1oy .hi1e per/ormin" their duties2 Bo1ded .ords are typica1 mana"in" s0i11s2 Co!petenc' Communications Discussion !he e<chan"e o/ in/ormation and ideas /rom one person to another2 Cou communicate to direct$ in/luence, coordin te, encour "e, super%ise, tr in, te c&, co c&, and counsel2 Cou must contro1$ direct$ e% lu te$ coordin te$ and pl n the e//orts o/ your subordinates to ensure the tas0 is accomp1ished Cou teach and counse1 to impro-e indi-idua1 and unit per/ormance by o-ercomin" prob1ems$ increase 0no.1ed"e$ and "ain ne. perspecti-es and s0i11s2 Cou .or0 to create stron" bonds bet.een you and your so1diers so that your unit /unctions as a team2 Cou must understand your duties and ho. to per/orm them so that you can 1ead by e<amp1e and teach your so1diers2 Cou need s0i11s and 0no.1ed"e to ma0e the ri"ht choices and so1-e prob1ems2 Cour pl nnin" e//orts in-o1-e /orec stin", settin" "o ls nd o#$ecti%es, de%elopin" str te"ies, settin" priorities, and dele" tin"2 Cou must be /ami1iar .ith techni3ues$ methods$ and too1s that .i11 pro-ide you and your so1diers the ed"e2 !his 1eadership competency re1ates to your responsibi1ity to beha-e in a manner consistent .ith the pro/essiona1 rmy ethic and to set the e<amp1e /or your subordinates2
Continued on next page

+e ders&ip co!petencies


!eachin" and counse1in" So1dier;team de-e1opment !echnica1 and tactica1 pro/iciency Decision ma0in" P1annin"

Use o/ a-ai1ab1e too1s Pro/essiona1 ethics

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"%*- M'*'-#.#*+ S2%((" + I./! $# L#',#!"0%/ P +#*+%'(,

M n "e!ent tec&niques !he number o/ techni3ues$ procedures$ theories$ and approaches to impro-in" 1eadership e//iciency$ e//ecti-eness$ and producti-ity in or"ani8ations is substantia12 !hey can be /ound in rmy and mana"ement pub1ications$ and are the subject matter o/ numerous pro/essiona1 de-e1opment courses2 !he /o11o.in" subjects are discussed in this 1esson to pro-ide you .ith an appreciation /or the content and app1ication o/ -arious approaches to impro-in" 1eadership s0i11s2 :oti-ation theory2 Use o/ po.er 4authority52 :eetin"s mana"ement2 6roup dynamics2


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M +%$'+% * T0# !1
Introduction !he rmy de/inition o/ 1eadership co-ers the pro-isions o/ purpose$ direction$ and !oti% tion2 Leaders pro-ide the E1edE .ith the purpose o/ the mission$ the directions on ho. it .i11 be accomp1ished$ and the moti-ation to e<pend the ener"y and spirit to "et it done2

De/inition. Moti% tion

!he merican >erita"e Dictionary de/ines the .ord moti-ate as /o11o.s) To pro$ide -ith an incenti$e or moti$e3 impel1 !he .ord moti-ation is de/ined as) The act or process o! moti$ating1 Something that moti$ates1 Not much in/ormation is in the dictionary about this critica1 e1ement o/ 1eadership responsibi1ity2 President Eisenho.er de/ined 1eadership as$ 2the a"ility to get people to do -hat you -ant "ecause they -ant to do it12 1thou"h the statement de/ines 1eadership$ it inc1udes t&e concept o/ !oti% tion. t&e - 's nd !e ns o/ "ettin" people to do -& te%er is to #e done9 Numerous mana"ement te<tboo0s discuss the subject o/ moti-ation2 7t is one o/ those issues .ith an un0no.n be"innin" and .i11 probab1y ne-er satis/actori1y terminate because ne. insi"hts into .hat ma0es peop1e per/orm are a1.ays bein" /ound2 Dhat is 0no.n can be he1p/u1 to persons in 1eadership positions .hen their main cha11en"e is to "et thin"s done throu"h the e//orts o/ others2 De a11 /ind it di//icu1t to be moti-ated a11 the time in a11 that .e do2 #or e<amp1e$ .hat ma0es a so1dier "et out o/ a com/ortab1e bed to bra-e the prob1ems and ordea1s o/ a day o/ repairin" -ehic1es he did not brea0G Dhat ma0es an e<ecuti-e o//icer o/ a company app1y herse1/ to a tas0$ .or0 o-ertime to comp1ete a particu1ar1y cha11en"in" projectG 7n "enera1$ peop1e are mo-ed to act by three types o/ moti-es) E2tern l !oti% tion2 :any peop1e do .hat they do because theyBre to1d to do it2 commandin" o//icer o/ a company conducts a third practice /or an upcomin" parade because his batta1ion commander te11s him to do so2 so1dier conducts a po1ice ca11 because his p1atoon ser"eant orders him to do so2 .arrant o//icer "oes to ni"ht schoo1 to "et a co11e"e de"ree because his EBranchE te11s him itBs essentia1 /or his /uture2 On the job$ and emp1oyee Eobeys the boss2E
Continued on next page

Moti% tion in or" ni> tions

T'pes o/ !oti% tion

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M +%$'+% * T0# !1, Continued

T'pes o/ !oti% tion, continued Soci l pressure2 :any peop1e are moti-ated by socia1 or "roup pressures2 #or e<amp1e$ +0 out o/ 100 peop1e .or0 because our society e<pects them to2 Simi1ar1y$ many peop1e "et married .hen they do because society e<pects them to2 Or$ on the job$ indi-idua1s see0 ad-ancement because itBs e<pected by their emp1oyers or co11ea"ues2 Sel/)!oti% tion2 Sometimes$ .e /ind peop1e .ho ta0e action on their o.n2 !hey do somethin" because they .ant to do it2 :any pro/essiona1 so1diers /a11 into this cate"ory2 Dhat se1/;moti-ation comes do.n to is subordinatesB con-iction that they desire the /ruits o/ success$ .ant them so bad1y that they are .i11in" to stri-e /or them .ith both heart and mind2

7t is important to understand these three basic types o/ moti-ation2 !he most e//ecti-e sma11;unit 1eaders are the ones .ho are most e//ecti-e in moti-atin" subordinates to act not because they are commanded to by a superior$ not because they are pressured by the e<pectations o/ those around them$ but because they are a.are o/ the desirabi1ity o/ attainin" the purpose o/ their e//orts as de/ined by their superiors2

5&' people -or( dili"entl'

!he /o11o.in" tab1e pro-ides a 1ist o/ reasons /or peop1eBs dedication at .or02 Chances are$ you and your subordinates .ant the same thin"s2 Moti% tors /or Dedic ted 5or(ers 9eco"nition as persons and treatment as indi-idua1s$ not Eco"s in the .hee12E #air treatment$ a s3uare dea12 *ob security2 Suitab1e .or0in" conditions$ reasonab1e schedu1e$ com/ortab1e /aci1ities2 chance to be heard2 Pride in their .or0$ and a /ee1in" that they are use/u12 =no.1ed"e in the meanin" o/ the job$ c1ear instructions2 !he he1p o/ 1eadership$ .ith "uidance 4as needed52 Cha11en"e and a chance to pro-e abi1ity2 !he sense o/ be1on"in" and acceptance by others in the or"ani8ation2
Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M +%$'+% * T0# !1, Continued

De!oti% tors Ob-ious1y$ not e-ery case o/ 1ac0 o/ moti-ation 4demoti-ation5 amon" your subordinates is your /au1t2 But$ .ithout bein" a.are o/ it$ you$ as a 1eader$ can be contributin" to a subordinateBs apathy or 1ac0 o/ apparent moti-ation2 Datch these areas) Ei"&t Co!!on De!oti% tors Subordinates .ho donBt ha-e su//icient contact .ith you .i11 be"in to /ee1 that you do not care about them2 :a0e sure criticism is reasonab1e and accomp1ished by constructi-e su""estions /or impro-ement2 DonBt 1et subordinates stru""1e aim1ess1y .ith .hat you e<pect o/ them2 Dhen you donBt communicate c1ear standards$ they may decide Eanythin" "oes2E Dhen you donBt en/orce ru1es and standards consistent1y$ you are depri-in" subordinates o/ the 1eadership they need2 Dhen "oa1s are set too hi"h$ so1diers "i-e up$ sayin" EDhy shou1d 7 0noc0 myse1/ out i/ 7 canBt "et there any.ay2E 7/ subordinates are not cha11en"ed$ do not ha-e a chance to use their /u11 potentia1$ they become bored2 7n/erior too1s or materia1s .i11 Eturn o//E the so1dier .ho is tryin" to do a "ood job2 #ai1ure o/ a 1eader to re"ister a.areness o/ an indi-idua1$ either on a day;to;day basis or in appreciation /or notab1e per/ormance$ may 1ead to demora1i8ation2 !he ritua1 E6ood mornin"E and E6ood ni"ht$E may ha-e 1itt1e -a1ue in todayBs .or0in" re1ationships$ but theyBre better than no reco"nition at a112 Subordinates .ho /ee1 their accomp1ishments "o unnoticed$ re"ard1ess o/ stron" inner moti-ation$ .i11 1ose steam2
Continued on next page

#ree8in" them out2 Che.in" them out2 Lettin" them /1ounder2 9u1in" by .him2 imin" too hi"h2 imin" too 1o.2 S0impin" on e3uipment2 7nsu//icient reco"nition2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M +%$'+% * T0# !1, Continued

@e' principle !hese demoti-atin" /actors su""est a 0ey princip1e) hi"h 1e-e1s o/ per/ormance /rom subordinates are /orthcomin" not on1y as a resu1t o/ positi-e moti-ation$ but a1so in the absence o/ actions that demoti-ate2 :oti-ation theory identi/ies three needs .hich ha-e specia1 re1e-ance /or mana"ement) need /or po.er$ need /or a//i1iation$ and need /or achie-ement2 !hese needs must be reco"ni8ed to ma0e or"ani8ed e//orts .or0 .e112

Moti% tion needs


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"# ) P &#! (Au+0 !%+1)

Introduction n on"oin" contro-ersy amon" modem mana"ement theorists is the distinction bet.een po.er and authority2 !he contro-ersy concerns the source o/ a mana"erBs authority2 7s it the /orma1 ri"hts that /1o. do.n in an or"ani8ationG Or is it the .i11in"ness o/ subordinates to accept the commands o/ the mana"erG uthority is the po.er to command or in/1uence thou"ht$ opinion$ or beha-ior2 Po.er is the possession o/ contro1$ authority$ or in/1uence o-er others2 !raditiona11y$ authority is considered to be a ri"&t that is inherent in the position he1d in an or"ani8ation2 7t is impersona1 and has nothin" to do .ith the 3ua1ities or characteristics o/ the indi-idua1 that ho1ds the position2 >o.e-er$ the incumbent in the position dominates subordinates and prescribes the appropriate path to e//iciency2 !he modem -ie. o/ po.er$ on the other hand$ concerns an indi-idua1Bs #ilit' to "et thin"s done by in/1uencin" others2 7t resu1ts direct1y /rom the persona1ity o/ the indi-idua1 .ie1din" in/1uence2 !he modem mana"er is -ie.ed as usin" beha-iora1 science s0i11s to e<ert a positi-e in/1uence o-er subordinates .hi1e re/rainin" /rom dra.in" on the 1e"itimate authority o/ the position2 Po-er A in/luence Dhi1e e<perts debate end1ess1y o-er de/initions o/ po.er and ho. it di//ers /rom authority$ most peop1e in an or"ani8ation 0no. .hat it means to ha-e po.er and can jud"e .ho has it2 7n most cases it resides .ith those .ho e<ert the "reatest in/1uence o-er the or"ani8ation and the actions o/ others2 7n a /amous paper on the subject o/ socia1 po.er$ *ohn 9P2 #rench$ *r2 and B2>2 9a-en 41+@+5 cate"ori8ed the in/1uences e<ercised in an or"ani8ation into /i-e types o/ po.er2 7n some cases$ ho.e-er$ the po.er may resu1t /rom 1e"itimate authority2 Usin" the criteria /or distin"uishin" bet.een ri"hts and abi1ities$ discussed abo-e$ the /o11o.in" tab1e 1ists the /i-e types o/ po.er and identi/ies those that are based on authority2
Continued on next page

De/initions. Aut&orit' nd Po-er Ri"&ts %s9 #ilit'

1i%e t'pes o/ po-er

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"# ) P &#! (Au+0 !%+1), Continued

1i%e t'pes o/ po-er, continued

T'pe o/ po-er Le"itimate

I/999 one person has the ri"ht to ru1e o-er another because o/ their re1ati-e positions in the or"ani8ation$ an indi-idua1 distributes or .ithho1ds re.ards$ such as sa1aries or promotions$ under the or"ani8ationBs authority the 1eader in/orma11y accepts a person into the "roup

T&en999 it is a de/inite source o/ positiona1 authority


it is a source o/ positiona1 authority2

it is a type o/ po.er2 it is a source o/ positiona1 authority2




o//icia11y contro11in" the amount and type o/ punishment administered /or -io1atin" or"an; i8ationa1 ru1es and re"u1ations$ the 1eader app1ies a socia1 punishment$ such as e<c1usion /rom the "roup$ in/1uence is e<erted by a person percei-ed to possess a uni3ue and -a1uab1e s0i11$ 0no.1ed"e$ or in/ormation$ in/1uence is based on one personBs identi/ication$ or re1ationship .ith another personBs position in the or"ani8ationa1 hierarchy 4i2e2$ po1itica1 in/1uence5

it is a type o/ po.er2 it is more c1ose1y re1ated to po.er than authority2

it is c1ear1y a type o/ po.er2

Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"# ) P &#! (Au+0 !%+1), Continued

I!plic tions o/ po-er !o understand ho. po.er in/1uences an or"ani8ation$ it is important to understand the imp1ications o/ the types o/ po.er2 Le"itimate po.er) !he 1eader has broad;s.eepin" /orma1 po.ers "ranted by the or"ani8ation2 7n the mi1itary$ the source o/ authority is !he Constitution o/ the United States .hich "rants the Con"ress the po.er to raise a mi1itary /orce$ and the E<ecuti-e Branch the authority to contro1 it throu"h appropriate re"u1ations and the Uni/orm Code o/ :i1itary *ustice 4UC:*52 9e.ard po.er) 7nc1udes the po.er to set sa1aries$ estab1ish promotion po1icies$ and "rant other bene/its2 Coerci-e po.er) 7nc1udes the po.er to impose sanctions in the /orm o/ criticism$ dismissa1$ unattracti-e assi"nments$ and ho1d bac0 re.ards2 E<pert po.er) Stems /rom the possession o/ specia1i8ed 0no.1ed"e or s0i11s percei-ed by others to be -a1uab1e to them in their or"ani8ationa1 acti-ities2 :ost o/ten /ound at the midd1e;man"er and 1ine;mana"er 1e-e1s .here s0i11s and 0no.1ed"e concernin" the or"ani8ationBs operations are most critica12 9e/erent po.er 4a1so po1itica1 s0i115) 7nc1udes access to pri-i1e"ed in/ormationJ s0i11 at persuasion$ ne"otiation$ and manipu1ationJ a sense o/ ho. po.er /1o.s .ithin the or"ani8ationJ a.areness o/ /riendships and ri-a1riesJ 0no.1ed"e o/ imp1icit and e<p1icit ru1es o/ the or"ani8ation .hich can be bro0en or i"nored$ and those .hich can be e-o0ed to .in an issue2

Need /or po-er

s discussed ear1ier under :oti-ationa1 !heory$ peop1e need to a//i1iate .ith the "roup and ha-e a sense o/ achie-ement2 !hey a1so ha-e a need /or po.er2 !his need is re/1ected in an indi-idua1Bs concern /or e<ercisin" in/1uence and contro1 o-er others2 7t 1eads many indi-idua1s to see0 positions o/ 1eadership2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"# ) P &#! (Au+0 !%+1), Continued

+e der tr its !hose .ho see0 positions o/ po.er or 1eadership o/ten possess some combination o/ the /o11o.in" traits) +e der st'les #orce/u12 Outspo0en2 >ard;headed and demandin"2 Enjoy teachin" and pub1ic spea0in"2

Leader sty1es re/1ect the .ay the 1eader uses the authority o/ the position2 +e der St'le utocratic Description 6i-es commands and e<pects comp1iance2 Do"matic and directi-e2 Consu1ts .ith subordinates on proposed actions and decisions2 Encoura"es subordinates participation in decision;ma0in"2

:eads &y the a&ility to withhold or gi'e rewards and $unishment.

Democratic or participati-e

Ranges %rom one who doesn4t ta+e action without su&ordinates4 concurrence to those who will ma+e decisions, &ut consult with su&ordinates &e%orehand.


DoesnBt use or rare1y uses 1e"itimate po.er2 6i-es subordinates /ree rein2 Lets subordinates set their o.n "oa1s and the means to achie-e them2 Percei-es the 1eaderBs ro1e as /aci1itatin" operations and pro-idin" in/ormation2

Acts as the $oint6o%6contact with the external en'ironment. Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

U"# ) P &#! (Au+0 !%+1), Continued

+e der st'le nd t&e situ tion !he sty1e used by a 1eader may -ary dependin" on the situation2 E2 !ples. 1eader .ho norma11y uses the democratic or /aci1itator sty1e may use the autocratic sty1e .hen en/orcin" sa/ety re3uirements or in an emer"ency situation2

+e ders&ip ppro c&es

!he 1eadership approach used to "et the job done may re1y on the po.er o/ the position$ or it may be a tas0;structured approach2 Appro c& Position po.er !as0 structure Description !he 1eader uses or"ani8ationa1 authority represented by 1e"itimate$ coerci-e$ and re.ard po.ers to "et "roup members to comp1y .ith directi-es2 !he 1eader spe11s out c1ear tas0s and ho1ds "roup members responsib1e /or carryin" them out2
Clearly de%ined tas+s ena&le the leader to exercise greater control o% *uality and hold grou$ mem&ers more res$onsi&le %or $er%ormance than when tas+s are ill6de%ined or am&iguous.

+e derB!e!#er rel tions

7n a sma11 "roup situation$ the re1ation bet.een the 1eader and the "roup members is important in determinin" the 1eaderBs in/1uence on the "roup2 #rom the 1eaderBs perspecti-e it is important because the position po.er and tas0 structure are estab1ished and contro11ed by the parent or"ani8ation2 #rom the "roup membersB perspecti-e it is important since it re/1ects the e<tent to .hich they 1i0e$ trust$ and are .i11in" to /o11o. the 1eader2

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M##+%*-" M'*'-#.#*+
Introduction meetin"$ accordin" to DebsterBs Dictionary$ means Ea comin" to"ether$ a "atherin" o/ peop1e$ especia11y to discuss or decide matters2E E-ery or"ani8ation$ the mi1itary inc1uded$ spends a 1ot o/ time in meetin"s2 Some o/ these are producti-e$ some are not2 :ost cou1d be more producti-e2 :eetin"s are part o/ the business o/ communicatin" in mi1itary or"ani8ations2 Despite the roars and .himpers about meetin"s bein" a E.aste o/ time$E many 1eaders be1ie-e them essentia12

5&' !eetin"sC

T&e deter) !inin" / ctor /or -ell)run !eetin"s Meetin" t'pes

!he e//ecti-eness o/ a "roup meetin" depends on the 1eaderBs s0i112

Leaders o/ e//ecti-e meetin"s estab1ish their "oa1s$ and in/orm their subordinates in ad-ance2 !hey narro.1y /ocus the meetin" on one objecti-e2 !he /o11o.in" tab1e 1ists a ran"e o/ objecti-es /or separate meetin"s) I/ !eetin" t'pe is999 Prob1em so1-in" Po1icy; ma0in" /ter;action re-ie. P1annin" 7n/ormation Decision :a0in" !eam Bui1din" !rainin" Shapin" ttitudes t&en t&e o#$ecti%e is to999 De-e1op a so1ution to an interpersona1 di//icu1ty$ .or0 bott1enec0$ po1icy muss up$ or anythin" e1se2 #ormu1ate a standin" operatin" procedure 4SOP5 or to ana1y8e a prob1em that re3uires one2 9e-ie. or e-a1uate an action$ acti-ity or situation2 De-e1op a road map /or the /uture2 E<amp1es) ta0in" an in-entory$ or de-e1opin" a .or0 schedu1e or annua1 trainin" p1an Disseminate in/ormation2 De-e1op$ discuss$ and choose amon" a1ternati-es2 Bui1d mora1e and "roup cohesion2 Use re"u1ar1y schedu1ed .or0 discussions to stimu1ate team spirit and commitment2 11o. participants to stimu1ate and moti-ate each other2 6roup dynamics /oster /aster 1earnin" and more 1earnin"2 De-e1op common -ie.points to support /uture actions2 Consensus bui1din"2
Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M##+%*-" M'*'-#.#*+, Continued

De/ine t&e !eetin" purpose :any unit 1eaders meet .ith members o/ their or"ani8ations on a routine$ re"u1ar1y schedu1ed basis$ /or e<amp1e$ e-ery !hursday at 1(00 hours2 Sometimes these re"u1ar1y schedu1ed meetin"s are he1d .ith no rea1 propose other than to satis/y the schedu1e2 7n such instances it is easy to spot the dissatis/action amon" participants .ho must attend meetin"s .ithout de/inite purpose or payo//2 E:eetin"s .aste my time$E "roans a s3uad ser"eant as he sits do.n /or a &0 minute meetin" that .i11 1ast t.o hoursL 7/ you are the 1eader ca11in" the meetin"$ you can a-oid some o/ the pit/a11s o/ poor meetin"s i/ you a-oid meetin"s 1i0e the /o11o.in")

So!e t'pes o/ counter) producti%e !eetin"s

:ystery a"enda

:isidenti/ied prob1em

-oidin" accountabi1ity

Dron" attenders

Passin" the b1ame

Sno. job

Meetin"s t& t 5 ste Ti!e Cou are to1d to "o to the batta1ion to attend a meetin" but are not "i-en the s1i"htest hint o/ .hat is "oin" to be discussed2 Cou mi11 around /or a .hi1e and /ind other NCOs in the same boat !his resu1ts in e-eryone sho.in" up unprepared2 !he batta1ion commander te11s the S;& to host a meetin" to Eimpro-e cooperation amon" trainin" NCOs2E !here is a cooperation prob1em$ but nobody 0no.s .hat it is$ and no one rea11y .ants to /ind out because it mi"ht put somebody on the spot2 !he prob1em may rea11y be one o/ poor command discip1ine or care1essness about passin" in/ormation to the trainin" NCO throu"h sta// channe1s2 /e. so1diers are -io1atin" proper uni/orm .ear po1icy$ so the p1atoon ser"eant ca11s a11 p1atoon members to a meetin" to discuss the ru1es2 !his "i-es the p1atoon ser"eant the i11usion that he has done somethin" about the prob1em .ithout su//erin" the embarrassment o/ spea0in" to o//enders direct1y2 ctua11y$ a11 it does is insu1t those .ho are not brea0in" the ru1es2 Cou are a p1atoon ser"eant in an a-iation maintenance company and a prob1em has risen in your area2 Cou .anted to ha-e a meetin" .ith your peop1e and your commander$ but instead$ your commander ca11ed a meetin" /or a11 p1atoon ser"eants to .or0 on the prob1em2 9ather than ha-e the peop1e in-o1-ed in the prob1em you ha-e a preponderance o/ peop1e .ho do not understand the issues but /ee1 no re1uctance to "i-e /ree ad-ice2 Cou 1ea-e the meetin" .ith a 1ot o/ cheap ad-ice on matters that do not re1ate to the prob1emL meetin" is set up by the p1atoon ser"eant to discuss the need to .or0 better .ith the other p1atoons2 !he .ay it .or0s out is e-erybody spends time b1amin" the other p1atoons /or the prob1ems2 !he meetin" rein/orces the E.e are ri"ht$ and they are .ron" syndrome2E !he unit 1eader ca11s e-erybody to"ether to te11 them .hat a "reat job they did$ that they are the "reatest unit he has e-er commanded or been in$ .hen e-erybody 0no.s o/ prob1ems not bein" discussed2
Continued on next page

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

M##+%*-" M'*'-#.#*+, Continued

Meetin" e% lu tion Cou may .ant to e-a1uate the e//ecti-eness o/ your meetin"s .ith the idea o/ impro-in" them2 !he points in this tab1e co-er 0ey aspects o/ meetin" e<ce11ence2

Meetin" E% lu tion Criteri >o. e//ecti-e .as the meetin"G n :ost e//ecti-e possib1e2 e//ecti-e meetin" de-e1ops .hen ?uite e//ecti-e2 e-ery member pushes /or the most :oderate1y e//ecti-e2 pro/icient reso1utions$ .hen each :oderate1y ine//ecti-e2 member responsib1y contributes to ?uite ine//ecti-e2 the achie-ement o/ "roup "oa1s2 Dorst possib1e2 >o. c1ear .ere the meetin" "oa1sG Comp1ete1y c1ear2 1most comp1ete1y c1ear2 :oderate1y c1ear2 1most comp1ete1y unc1ear2 Comp1ete1y unc1ear2 E-eryone .as ma0in" assumptions about e-eryone e1seBs intentions and .e didnBt 0no. .hether .e .ere .or0in" to.ard the same "oa1 or not2 !o .hat e<tent did .e dea1 honest1y Comp1ete1y on tar"et2 .ith the meetin"Bs purposes and Pretty much on tar"et2 a-oid outside$ e<traneous issuesG :ore on tar"et than o// tar"et2 Some.hat e<traneous and o// tar"et2 ?uite e<traneous and o// tar"et2 Comp1ete1y e<traneous and o// tar"et2 !o .hat de"ree .ere my -ie.s !hey .ere comp1ete1y considered2 considered /or obtainin" 1most comp1ete1y considered2 understandin" bet.een me and the Considered 3uite a 1ot2 rest o/ the "roupG Considered and disre"arded e3ua11y2 Lar"e1y disre"arded2 1most comp1ete1y disre"arded2 Das 7 1e-e1in" 4strai"ht5 .ith the Comp1ete1y /ree to e<press any or a11 ideas2 "roupG !hat is$ did 1 say .hat 7 1most comp1ete1y open2 rea11y thou"ht or did 7 /ind it di//icu1t Some.hat open2 to e<press ideas and /ee1in"sG S1i"ht1y more open than c1osed2 Some.hat c1osed2 1most comp1ete1y c1osed2 Comp1ete1y under .raps$ c1osed and hidden2 !o .hat de"ree ha-e my E<pectations ha-e been comp1ete1y achie-ed or satis/ied2 e<pectations been achie-ed in this E<pectations on1y partia11y met2 meetin"G E<pectations comp1ete1y ne"1ected2 6roup tmosphere2 Producti-e2 -oided issues 9e.ardin"2 !ac01ed prob1em Opinionated2 Contentious2 7ne//ecti-e2 !ense2 Competiti-e2 Enjoyab1e2


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

G! u/ D1*'.%c"
Introduction 1most a11 accomp1ishments in rmy tas0s and missions are accomp1ished throu"h the e//orts o/ sma11 "roups2 De ca11 them /ire;teams$ s3uads$ sections$ and other sma11;unit desi"nations2 Leaders .ho understand the dynamics o/ sma11 "roups$ that is the interaction o/ "roup members in positi-e and ne"ati-e .ays$ ha-e the inside trac0 in achie-in" hi"h per/ormance .hen it is important to do so2


Dhen t.o or more or"ani8ation members interact$ /orma11y or in/orma11y$ /or a dynamicsFcu1ture purpose$ their beha-ior or per/ormance in/1uences one another and others in the "roup2 !he process o/ their interaction$ such as in a s3uad or /ire;team$ can be studied in terms o/ communications$ interre1ationships$ cohesi-eness$ and e//ecti-eness$ and re1ationships .ith other /ire;teams or s3uads2 6roup cohesi-eness re/ers to the attracti-eness o/ the "roup to its members2 6roup e//ecti-eness re/ers to the optima1 re1ationships that contribute to the unitBs producti-ity$ e//iciency$ satis/action$ adapti-eness$ and de-e1opment2 6roup cu1ture is the uni3ue customs$ traditions$ norms$ -a1ues$ and habits that are created in the course o/ the membersB history to"ether2


6roups di//er in the de"ree to .hich the members -a1ue their indi-idua1 membership and the membership o/ others in the "roup2 !his 3ua1ity is 0no.n as "roup cohesi-eness2 rmy units stri-e to bui1d "roup cohesion2 7t is a po.er/u1 /orce in sustainin" co11ecti-e e//ort to.ard desired "oa1s2 unit .ith "ood cohesion is much easier to 1ead to.ards unit "oa1s as compared to a unit .ith poor cohesion2 Cohesion represents the commitment o/ so1diers o/ a11 ran0s to each other and stren"thens their .i11in"ness to /i"ht and sacri/ice persona1 sa/ety /or mission success and the .e1/are o/ /e11o. so1diers2

Continued on next page

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

G! u/ D1*'.%c", Continued
=uildin" co&esion t&rou"& "roup ppro c&es 9eco"ni8in" that cohesion bui1ds so1diersB con/idence$ mora1e$ coura"e$ and the .i11 to /i"ht$ sma11;unit 1eaders can /oster the de-e1opment o/ cohesion throu"h attenti-e 1eadership and use opportunities /or the de-e1opment o/ positi-e sma11;"roup dynamics2 Some 1eadership approaches to bui1d and sustain cohesion at s3uad p1atoon 1e-e1 inc1ude) t p1atoon 1e-e1) -oid continua1 reassi"nment o/ subordinate 1eaders and so1diers to di//erent duties and s3uads simp1y because one s3uad temporari1y has /e.er members than other s3uads2 -oid rotatin" more e<perienced peop1e into Eso/terE jobs as a re.ard /or "ood ser-ice2 !here are other .ays to reco"ni8e and re.ard2 ssi"n s3uads$ not co11ections o/ indi-idua1s$ to accomp1ish tas0s2 Put s3uads and their so1diers throu"h rou"h and rea1istic trainin" that re3uires them to do thin"s they do not be1ie-e they can accomp1ish as indi-idua1s or as a unit2 s they "o throu"h the trainin"$ they must he1p each other 1earn and de-e1op2 t s3uad 1e-e1) 9eso1-e interpersona1 con/1icts to restore respect$ con/idence$ and candid communications bet.een so1diers2 :a0e "arrison trainin" as interestin" and rea1istic as possib1e so that it does not become monotonous and destroy mora1e2 =eep s3uad members .or0in" as a team to.ard a common purpose that supports missions2 !his princip1e app1ies to a11 trainin"$ detai1s$ maintenance$ and administration2


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#

Instructions !he /o11o.in" items test your 0no.1ed"e o/ the materia1 co-ered in this 1esson2 Circ1e the 1etter o/ the correct response2 Dhen you comp1ete the e<ercise$ chec0 your ans.ers .ith the ans.er 0ey and /eedbac0 sheet that /o11o.s2 7/ you respond to any item incorrect1y$ study the materia1 and try the item a"ain2 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" is not inc1uded in the rmy de/inition o/ 1eadershipG 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! , Purpose2 :oti-ation2 Persuasion2 Direction2

Ite! *

t .hat 1e-e1 does the rmy concentrate on the 1eadership aspects o/ 1eader de-e1opment rather than mana"ement s0i11sG 2 B2 C2 D2 t the midd1e mana"er 1e-e12 t the s3uad 1e-e12 t the senior sta// 1e-e12 t the bri"ade 1e-e12

Ite! 0

!o .hich 1eadership competency do the terms /orecastin"$ de-e1opin" strate"ies$ and settin" priorities app1yG 2 B2 C2 D2 P1annin"2 Communicatin"2 Super-ision2 Decision ma0in"2

Ite! 3

Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" is a type o/ moti-ationG 2 *ob security2 B2 Socia1 pressure2 C2 s3uare dea12 D2 Suitab1e .or0in" conditions2
Continued on next page

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#, Continued

Ite! 4 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" is not a need .hich has specia1 re1e-ance /or mana"ementG 2 uthority2 B2 //i1iation2 C2 Po.er2 D2 chie-ement2 Ite! 6 Po.er is the possession o/ contro1 to command or in/1uence thou"ht$ opinion$ or beha-ior2 2 !rue2 B2 #a1se2 Ite! 7 Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" types o/ po.er is actua11y a source o/ authorityG 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! 8 E<pert po.er2 !he in/orma1 acceptance o/ a person not a "roup2 !he .ithho1din" o/ a raise in sa1ary2 Le"itimate po.er2

Dhat is the source o/ authority in the rmed #orces2 2 B2 C2 D2 !he UC:*2 !he US Constitution2 !he President o/ the United States2 !he >ouse o/ 9epresentati-es2

Ite! :

Dhich type o/ po.er inc1udes 0no.1ed"e o/ or"ani8ationa1 ru1es .hich can be e-o0ed to .in an issueG 2 B2 C2 D2 9e/erent po.er2 Coerci-e po.er2 E<pert po.er2 9e.ard po.er2
Continued on next page


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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"#, Continued

Ite! *; Dhy are 1eaderFmember re1ations importantG 2 B2 C2 D2 Ite! ** Because peop1e .onBt .or0 /or a person they donBt 1i0e2 Because the parent or"ani8ation estab1ishes the po.er o/ a position2 Because they a//ect the 1eaderBs in/1uence on the "roup2 Because c1ear1y de/ined tas0s enab1e the 1eader to e<ert contro1 o-er the "roup2

Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" are not common types o/ meetin"sG 2 B2 C2 D2 !eam bui1din"2 Decision;ma0in"2 Po1icy;ma0in"2 None o/ the abo-e2

Ite! *,

Dhich o/ the /o11o.in" are .ays to determine ho. the members o/ a "roup interactG 2 Communications and interre1ationships2 B2 6roup cohesi-eness and e//ecti-eness2 C2 !he "roupBs customs and traditions2 D2 and B2

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2

Ite! * Ite! , C2 Persuasion is not inc1uded in the rmy de/inition o/ 1eadership2 4Pa"e &;@5 B2 !he rmy concentrates on the 1eadership aspects o/ 1eader de-e1opment rather than mana"ement s0i11s at the s3uad 1e-e12 4Pa"e &;'5 2 !he terms !orecasting, de$eloping strategies, and setting priorities app1y to the p1annin" 1eadership competency2 4Pa"e &;,5 B2 Socia1 pressure is a type o/ moti-ation2 4Pa"e &;105 2 uthority is not a need .hich has specia1 re1e-ance /or mana"ement2 4Pa"e &;125 B2 !he statement that po.er is the possession o/ contro1 to in/1uence or command thou"ht$ opinion$ or beha-ior is /a1se2 4Pa"e &;1&5 D2 Le"itimate po.er is actua11y a source o/ authority2 4Pa"e &;1(5 B2 !he US Constitution is the source o/ authority in the rmed #orces2 4&;1@5 2 9e/erent po.er inc1udes 0no.1ed"e o/ or"ani8ationa1 ru1es .hich can be e-o0ed to .in an issue2 4Pa"e &;1@5 C2 LeaderFmember re1ations are important because they a//ect the 1eaderBs in/1uence on the "roup2 4Pa"e &;1,5
Continued on next page

Ite! 0

Ite! 3 Ite! 4

Ite! 6

Ite! 7 Ite! 8 Ite! :

Ite! *;


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8, P!'c+%c# E3#!c%"# A*"&#! K#1 '*, F##,b'c2, Continued

Ite! ** D2 !eam bui1din"$ decision;ma0in"$ and po1icy;ma0in" are a11 common types o/ meetin"s2 4Pa"e &;1A5 D2 Communications$ interre1ationships$ "roup cohesi-eness$ and e//ecti-eness are .ays to determine ho. the members o/ a "roup interact2 4Pa"e &;1A5

Ite! *,

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NCO Primary Leadership Subjects



Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8 P!%.'!1 NCO M'*'-#.#*+ S2%((" L#"" * 8 Su..'!1

+esson purpose !his 1esson 7ntroduced you to -arious mana"ement princip1es and concepts used 7n 7ndustry$ "o-ernment$ and the mi1itary to impro-e .or0 /orce e//iciency and e//ecti-eness2 @e' PointDsE !he process o/ in/1uencin" others to accomp1ish the mission by pro-idin" purpose$ direction$ and moti-ation2 !he act$ manner$ or practice o/ mana"in"$ super-isin"$ or contro11in"2 !he di1emma is .here to p1ace emphasis 7n the trainin" process2 >o. much emphasis shou1d be p1aced on de-e1opin" 1eadership -ersus mana"ement s0i11sG :ost s0i11s at hi"her 1e-e1s are mana"in" s0i11s2 :ost s0i11s at 1o.er 1e-e1s are 1eadership s0i11s2 9e-ie. o/ the nine 1eadership competencies sho.s many mana"in" s0i11s are re3uired2 !he dictionary) 2To pro$ide -ith an incenti$e or moti$e3 impel12 2The a"ility to get people to do -hat you -ant "ecause they -ant to do it4 ; President Eisenho.er2 E<terna12 Socia1 pressure2 Se1/;moti-ation2 !he most e//ecti-e 1eaders are the ones .ho are most e//ecti-e in moti-atin" subordinates to act not because they are commanded to by a superior$ not because they are pressured by e<pectations o/ those around them$ but because they are a.are o/ the desirabi1ity o/ attainin" the purpose o/ their e//orts as de/ined by their superiors2 Cou and your subordinates probab1y .or0 di1i"ent1y /or reasons such as) reco"nition$ /air treatment$ pride$ cha11en"e2 P "e &;@ &;@ &;@

Ite! Leadership :ana"ement !he di1emma

Leadership competencies De/inition o/ moti-ation !ypes o/ moti-ation

&;' &;A &;A$ &;+

Dhy peop1e .or0 di1i"ent1y


Continued on next page

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8 Su..'!1, Continued

Ite! Demoti-ators De/initions) authority and po.er @e' PointDsE Ei"ht common demoti-ators can come into p1ay .hen 1eaders are not attenti-e to the impact o/ their actions2 uthority is the po.er to command or in/1uence thou"ht$ opinion$ or beha-ior2 Po.er is the possession o/ contro1$ authority$ or in/1uence o-er others2 !raditiona11y$ authority is considered to be a ri"ht that is inherent in the position he1d in an or"ani8ation2 Po.er concerns an indi-idua1Bs abi1ity to "et thin"s done by in/1uencin" others2 Le"itimate2 9e.ard2 Coerci-e E<pert2 9e/erent2 utocratic2 Democratic or participati-e2 #aci1itator2 Situationa1 ; uses sty1e appropriate to the situation2 !he 1eaderBs in/1uence on the "roup is a combination o/ position po.er and tas0 structureJ but is a1so a//ected by the trust and .i11in"ness o/ /o11o.ers to support and comp1y2 P "e &;10 &;1&

9i"hts -s2 abi1ity


#i-e types o/ po.er


Leader sty1es


LeaderFmember re1ations


Continued on next page


Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

NCO Primary Leadership Subjects

L#"" * 8 Su..'!1, Continued

Ite! !ypes o/ meetin"s @e' PointDsE :eetin"s are essentia1 in e-ery or"ani8ation2 !hey are used /or in/ormation sharin"$ po1icy;ma0in"$ a/ter;action re-ie.s$ trainin"$ and /or a host o/ other important re3uirements2 9un .e11 they accomp1ish the mission2 Poor1y run meetin"s .aste timeJ and contribute to mission /ai1ure2 !he a"enda can be a surprise to the attendersJ the prob1ems discussed can be di//erent /rom the intended subjectJ the .ron" peop1e can be attendin"J meetin" can be /orums /or Eb1amin"E or Esno. jobs2E n e//ecti-e meetin"G C1ear "oa1sG Stic0 to the purposeG Das 7 in-o1-edG >onest ta10G :eet e<pectationsG 6roup in-o1-ementG 6roup cohesi-eness2 6roup e//ecti-eness2 6roup cu1ture2 !he de"ree to .hich the members -a1ue their indi-idua1 membership and the membership o/ others in the "roup2 Sma11;unit 1eaders can /oster the de-e1opment o/ cohesion throu"h attenti-e 1eadership and opportunities /or the de-e1opment o/ positi-e sma11;"roup dynamics2 P "e &;1A

Counter;producti-e meetin"s


:eetin" e-a1uation 4criteria5


6roup dynamics


6roup cohesion Bui1din" cohesion throu"h "roup approaches

&;21 &;22

Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills


NCO Primary Leadership Subjects



Re din" Co!pre&ension, Stud' Met&ods, nd M n "e!ent S(ills

U2S2 6o-ernment Printin" O//ice) 200&;@2A;0,@FA0(2(

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