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Elective Science: STEM 7-8 Unit 3 Weeks 7-9

a. Introduction to environmental engineering challenges b. What environmental problems have occurred in the last 10 years?

a. Mapping Challenge b. How could this be usable in the future?

a. Model River Challenge b. How could this be usable in the future? c. What can be done to stop bank erosion?

a. Water Filter Challenge b. When would this skill be usable? c. What group had the most effective filter, why?

a. Irrigation System Challenge b. Water shortage around the World

UNIT III: Environmental Challenges & Natures Engineers

Week 7 Week 8 Week 9

a. Oil Spill Challenge or Insect Trap Challenge b. What other environmental challenges will we face in the future?

a. Observing natural structures in the classroom, beehives, bird nests, plants etc b. What do all of natures engineers have in common?

a. Observing natural structures outdoors b. What can we learn?

a. What is Biomimicry? b. What can we learn from natures engineers?

a. National Geographic Article b. What does this tell us about natures engineers?

a. Bird nest observations b. What materials work best for bird nests?

a. Bird nest building b. What materials did you choose and why? c. What do all bird nests have in common?

a. Biomimicry assignment #2 b. What invention will you make?

a. Biomimicry inventors assignment b. Sharing your invention with the classmates c. What did all inventions have in common?

a. Wrap-up of first quarter projects and lessons b. What did we learn this quarter in STEM?

Tharaldson - STEM 7-8

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