A Side-by-Side Comparison: Mosaic Foveon X3

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A Side-by-Side Comparison Foveon X3 technology visibly improves image quality, as these comparisons demonstrate.

In this case, an image taken with a mosaic sensor is compared to an image taken with Foveon X3 technology. Mosaic Capture Foveon X3 Capture

Mosaic Foveon X3

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$s you can see, the camera equipped with Foveon X3 technology takes sharper pictures. %hat&s because it captures twice as much green as mosaic image sensors, and the green wavelengths o' light are critical in de'ining image detail. Color Detail
Mosaic Foveon X3

%hese pictures demonstrate how Foveon X3 technology improves color detail. %he di''erence is that Foveon X3 direct image sensors measure 'ull color at each and every pi(el location, while mosaic sensors capture )*+ o' the green and ,ust -)+ o' the red and blue. Artifacts
Mosaic Foveon X3

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$s shown here, Foveon X3 technology o''ers resistance to unpredictable arti'acts. $ mosaic image sensor is more vulnerable to arti'acts, largely because it must rely on comple( processing to interpolate the colors it missed. .o amount o' processing power can completely take the guesswork out o' color interpolation.

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