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Elective Science: STEM 7-8 Unit 6 Weeks 16-18

a. What kinds of engineering takes place in our area? b. How can we use the community as a classroom? c. Preparing for field trips a. Constructing questions to ask for our water treatment/waste water treatment tour. b. Why do we need these services? What happens when we dont? a. Is a STEM career in my future? b. Research career choices a. Water treatment/ waste water treatment visit and tour. b. Finding the answers to your questions a. STEM involved in city services paper b. Writing questions for a manufacturing tour a. Central Boiler manufacturing tour b. Finding the questions to your answers a. STEM involved at a manufacturing plant paper. b. What did all of our tours/visits have in common in regards to STEM?

a. Constructing questions to ask for our farm visit. b. Grain/Beef Cow operations in the area

a. Field trip to Grain/Beef Cow Operation b. Finding the answers to your questions

a. STEM on a grain/beef cow operation paper b. Writing questions for grain elevator visit with STEM focus

a. Grain elevator visit/tour b. Finding the questions to your answers, write paper for homework.

UNIT VI: Engineering in Our Backyard

Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

a. Skills Assessment on Iseek website b. What STEM careers would be a good fit for you?

a. Research career choice b. Write career choice paper

a. Sharing your STEM career choice with the class

a. Class conclusions b. What did this class teach you? c. How can you apply what you learned in this class to your future?

Tharaldson - STEM 7-8

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