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The Building Scene When ?

Who ?

Look(s) at

Whom ?

How ?

Why ? (what do you think ?)

What the characters are thinking to themselves. (use it is as if he were telling him/we can imagine he is saying to himself that )

When he says ! " hear you#re a car$enter % When 'ohn $uts on his gear When the men are raising the facade When 'ohn is working When 'ohn is all the way at the to$ +eginning of the meal, (achel is in front of the ta-le When (achel serves 'ohn

&aniel (achel

'ohn 'ohn *he men


&aniel and the other men (achel turns around and &aniel .li (the grandfather) (achel &aniel

'ohn 'ohn (achel (achel *he men 'ohn

/se the following adver-s to fill in the how column ! mischievously, -itterly, sternly, resentfully,$roudly, lovingly, fondly, admiringly,knowingly disa$$rovingly,coldly, challengingly,defiantly, angrily, a$$rovingly,a$$raisingly, re$roachfully,des$erately BE READY to make two or three sentences about some looks (without looking at anything !)

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