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Look at lines 12-18 and fill in the chart District (= quartier) Type of district ( rich/poor) Paper Type of paper

(easy /difficult)

Look at lines 2 -!2 and put the follo"in# (= sui$ants) %rench "ords ne&t to their 'n#lish equi$alents ( )ourri/ *us de $iande/ s+choir , lin#e/ repasser/ tre-per/ pendre/ +plucher/c.tellette/ slip/ -ettre la ta/le/ passer ( , la passoire)/ chou/ recette/ casserole/ #ru-eau&/ hacher/ salon/ passer l0aspirateur/ faire la $aisselle/ rincer 1acuuLoun#e Peel 2hop up 2a//a#e 4inse saucepan 2hops 4ecipe 6ra$y 5train ("ith a colander) Lu-ps 5et the ta/le 9ash up 3an# 5oak 7nder"ear 2lothes horse %eed 8ron

Look at lines 12-18 and fill in the chart District (= quartier) Type of district ( rich/poor) Paper Type of paper (easy /difficult)

Look at lines 2 -!2 and put the follo"in# (= sui$ants) %rench "ords ne&t to their 'n#lish equi$alents ( )ourri/ *us de $iande/ s+choir , lin#e/ repasser/ tre-per/ pendre/ +plucher/c.tellette/ slip/ -ettre la ta/le/ passer ( , la passoire)/ chou/ recette/ casserole/ #ru-eau&/ hacher/ salon/ passer l0aspirateur/ faire la $aisselle/ rincer 1acuuLoun#e Peel 2hop up 2a//a#e 4inse saucepan 2hops 4ecipe 6ra$y 5train ("ith a colander) Lu-ps 5et the ta/le 9ash up 3an# 5oak 7nder"ear 2lothes horse %eed 8ron

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